Only 3% Believe Trump Won

If Trump looses this election, so be it.
Four years Ive been watching Trump beat the Dems at their own political games at almost every turn. Four years Ive watched him play the media like a cheap violin - remember that last episode of 60 minutes ? - He seems to be good at leading the media down the primrose path.
My point is, I would be very surprised if he didnt anticipate this outcome to an extent, and is sitting back waiting.
I dont know how long it takes for computer forensics experts to find any possible election voter fraud, but Im sure that its being looked at, as well as paper ballots.
Like I said, if Trump looses so be it, but if there is one thing we've learned over these past fours years, is dont count Trump out just yet.
Let the system work as intended. Its called a "race", so lets make sure it was won fairly. No one should object to that, right ?

Trump never won anything. He called people names. That's pretty much all you got out of his administration. All of his EO's will be gone in a few weeks.

And the ruining of our country would be on. Who in their right mind can support the boneheaded policies of the Democrats? I will answer that for you...boneheaded people.

I didn't vote for the Democrats but your answer does nothing to dispute what I said. 4 years and Trump supporters got nothing because Trump could not grow up.

That's only in your head.
71,000,000 people turned out to re-elect the greatest President in our lifetimes.
Could he have accomplished more if the Democrats had just grown up and not resisted everything
Yeah Prolly.
Did their childishness cost them the blue wave - Yeah
Did the Democrats lose house seat due to this? - Yeas
Are they worried that they will get further destroyed in 2 years- Yeah, they are screaming at each other about that right now.

To the brain-dead right, a one-term president who will leave office with fewer jobs than when he started and 1% growth of real GDP, is the greatest in our lifetimes.


And apparently those 3% are all here on this board

Time to give it up

Reuters? LOL.

The media is normalizing Joe winning. They are trying to make it seem like has happened. They are censoring the lawsuit information and evidence of voter fraud because they don’t want the people to know.

You lemmings are something else.
Trump lost and there was no voter fraud, dumbo.


No voter fraud? LOL
All your side has are lies.

All lies. You mean like the fake dossier, Comey, McCabe? Those kind of lies?
We talking about the voter fraud lie.

You actually don’t believe there was any voter fraud? You think the confirmed computer “glitches” were just by chance? You don’t believe any of the sworn affidavits? You don’t believe the video (and audio) they have of postal workers talking about getting handful of ballots they can fix?
You're right, we really can't contest a sworn affidavit.

Postal worker recanted allegations of ballot tampering, officials say

And apparently those 3% are all here on this board

Time to give it up

Reuters? LOL.

The media is normalizing Joe winning. They are trying to make it seem like has happened. They are censoring the lawsuit information and evidence of voter fraud because they don’t want the people to know.

You lemmings are something else.
Trump lost and there was no voter fraud, dumbo.


No voter fraud? LOL
All your side has are lies.

All lies. You mean like the fake dossier, Comey, McCabe? Those kind of lies?
We talking about the voter fraud lie.

You actually don’t believe there was any voter fraud? You think the confirmed computer “glitches” were just by chance? You don’t believe any of the sworn affidavits? You don’t believe the video (and audio) they have of postal workers talking about getting handful of ballots they can fix?
You're right, we really can't contest a sworn affidavit.

Postal worker recanted allegations of ballot tampering, officials say

This lie of yours was PROVEN to be a lie, you fucking clod.

And apparently those 3% are all here on this board

Time to give it up
More polls? Jesus Christ.....what's the margin of error on this steamer? Plus or minus 340%?

Sounds like you're begging. Fucking idiot.
While the outcome of this election appears strongly to be in Biden's favor, elections are not determined by the news Media, politicians' statements to the news media, the President's declarations, or the opinions of the Masses on who seems to have won.

There is a process. There are claims and lawsuits pending. There are audits and re-counts of various kinds pending - which ALMOST ALWAYS result in surprisingly large "adjustments" to vote tallies.

It is - if you will pardon my overreaction - INFURIATING that anyone is even polling this question. FUCK POLLS! They DON'T MEAN SHIT! If EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY thinks that Biden won, IT DON'T MEAN SHIT!

Specifically, FUCK THIS POLL! Even reading beyond the headline is a logical abomination.
In UK?

Here the number is about 30%. But that does not mean 70% think Biden won.
You're right, in America, 70% don't think Biden won.

Nearly 80% of Americans think that.

Wow, 1400 out of 345 million. That is such a huuuuuge sampling of the population.

You fucking clod.....

You poor thing, bless your heart. :itsok:

Scientific polling is 95% accurate within a small margin of error.

But thanks for letting me know how much it bothers you that a vast majority of Americans believe Biden won the election while only a tiny fringe segment of wackadoos believe Führer Trump won it.


And apparently those 3% are all here on this board

Time to give it up

Reuters? LOL.

The media is normalizing Joe winning. They are trying to make it seem like has happened. They are censoring the lawsuit information and evidence of voter fraud because they don’t want the people to know.

You lemmings are something else.
Trump lost and there was no voter fraud, dumbo.


No voter fraud? LOL
All your side has are lies.

All lies. You mean like the fake dossier, Comey, McCabe? Those kind of lies?
We talking about the voter fraud lie.

You actually don’t believe there was any voter fraud? You think the confirmed computer “glitches” were just by chance? You don’t believe any of the sworn affidavits? You don’t believe the video (and audio) they have of postal workers talking about getting handful of ballots they can fix?
You're right, we really can't contest a sworn affidavit.

Postal worker recanted allegations of ballot tampering, officials say

This lie of yours was PROVEN to be a lie, you fucking clod.
Plenty of merit, few law abiding judges who aren’t activist, especially Democrats.

Actually, there's no merit to them at all-

No Election Fraud. Say the election officials in EVERY STATE IN THE UNION.

The Times’s Nick Corasaniti, Reid J. Epstein, and Jim Rutenberg contacted election officials in every state, both Democrats and Republicans, and of the 45 who responded directly, none reported any major issues with voting. For four other states, the Times “spoke to other statewide officials or found public comments from secretaries of state; none reported any major voting issues.” Texas was the only state not to respond to the Times’s inquiries, but the paper spoke with an election official in the state’s largest county: Harris County, which includes the city of Houston and has a population larger than many states.

And apparently those 3% are all here on this board

Time to give it up

Reuters? LOL.

The media is normalizing Joe winning. They are trying to make it seem like has happened. They are censoring the lawsuit information and evidence of voter fraud because they don’t want the people to know.

You lemmings are something else.

I have no clue how people still trust the mainstream media. And how they don't see it is controlling there minds and telling them what to think and believe. Total cognitive dissonance.
You actually don’t believe there was any voter fraud?

Not any signifigant amount, no.

We aren't talking about a few votes here or there... We are talking about tens of thousands of votes across five states that Biden flipped.

Even if you took one or two states out of that column, Biden would STILL have enough to win easily.

Total BS......


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