Only Fascists Assail Free Speech

Only Fascists Assail Free Speech

Socialists do it a lot too.

Socialists are merely fascists who hide behind claims that "the people own everything" as they force them to do one thing after another against their will.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - See more at: First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw
Tell us, in your own words, are there any valid restriction on Free Speech?

Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.
Nor do you give the credit due.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.

PoliticalChic in her ignorantgirl costume from planet Stupid strikes again.

I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks.

When did NYTimes, MSNBC, and DNC start issuing orders? That's pure right-wing loony bird talk.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech

Socialists do it a lot too.

Based on my observations, right-wing loony birds are waging a self-serving war on "political correctness" in order to assail the criticism (speech) directed at their intolerance of minorities.
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech

Socialists do it a lot too.

Socialists are merely fascists who hide behind claims that "the people own everything" as they force them to do one thing after another against their will.

Your imagination is working overtime.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - See more at: First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw
Tell us, in your own words, are there any valid restriction on Free Speech?

Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.
Nor do you give the credit due.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.

PoliticalChic in her ignorantgirl costume from planet Stupid strikes again.

I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks.

When did NYTimes, MSNBC, and DNC start issuing orders? That's pure right-wing loony bird talk.

"I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks."

No post #?

No copy of same?

Get back to work.
Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.
Those are not "your" words... And, answer the question? It's one I'd ask a junior high school kid in civics class, and I'd expect an answer...

I've studied them, I own them.

Why are you so afraid of my posts....
....because I expose your lies?

You studied someone else's words, so now you own them? Really? Do you also own a magic wand that transforms plagiarism into the intellectual property of the plagiarizer? If so, that magic wand must come attached to your IgnorantGirl costume from the Planet Stupid. No one is afraid of your posts. They are not "magical weapons of fear". ROFL
Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.
Those are not "your" words... And, answer the question? It's one I'd ask a junior high school kid in civics class, and I'd expect an answer...

I've studied them, I own them.

Why are you so afraid of my posts....
....because I expose your lies?

You studied someone else's words, so now you own them? Really? Do you also own a magic wand that transforms plagiarism into the intellectual property of the plagiarizer? If so, that magic wand must come attached to your IgnorantGirl costume from the Planet Stupid. No one is afraid of your posts. They are not "magical weapons of fear". ROFL

It's known as study and research.

Yeah...that makes me eligible to use them.

They're mine.

Did you mull over why you're afraid to contemplate post #21?
It's time to actually read the first amendment, don't you think?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Can anyone point out precisely when and where congress passed a law abridging the right to free speech?

Does anyone understand all the colors of the political spectrum and understand the stark differences between the terms "Fascist" and "Liberal"?

If the OP is correct in the least, these definitions and examples of Congress abridging speech should be readily apparent, But, the OP has a grasp exceeding her feeble reach.
Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.
Those are not "your" words... And, answer the question? It's one I'd ask a junior high school kid in civics class, and I'd expect an answer...

I've studied them, I own them.

Why are you so afraid of my posts....
....because I expose your lies?

You studied someone else's words, so now you own them? Really? Do you also own a magic wand that transforms plagiarism into the intellectual property of the plagiarizer? If so, that magic wand must come attached to your IgnorantGirl costume from the Planet Stupid. No one is afraid of your posts. They are not "magical weapons of fear". ROFL

My wife and I loved that characterization of the "... IgnorantGirl costume from the Planet Stupid." My wife had to sit down to keep from falling down laughing!
It's time to actually read the first amendment, don't you think?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Can anyone point out precisely when and where congress passed a law abridging the right to free speech?

Does anyone understand all the colors of the political spectrum and understand the stark differences between the terms "Fascist" and "Liberal"?

If the OP is correct in the least, these definitions and examples of Congress abridging speech should be readily apparent, But, the OP has a grasp exceeding her feeble reach.

I recognize that you are late to the party....but, take a moment, and peruse post #21.....

Note carefully the bottom budget note.
It's time to actually read the first amendment, don't you think?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Can anyone point out precisely when and where congress passed a law abridging the right to free speech?

Does anyone understand all the colors of the political spectrum and understand the stark differences between the terms "Fascist" and "Liberal"?

If the OP is correct in the least, these definitions and examples of Congress abridging speech should be readily apparent, But, the OP has a grasp exceeding her feeble reach.

There have been a few. Here's one...
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - See more at: First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw
Tell us, in your own words, are there any valid restriction on Free Speech?

Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.
Nor do you give the credit due.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.

PoliticalChic in her ignorantgirl costume from planet Stupid strikes again.

I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks.

When did NYTimes, MSNBC, and DNC start issuing orders? That's pure right-wing loony bird talk.

"I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks."

No post #?

No copy of same?

Get back to work.

IgnorantGirl ... pay attention ... your opening post ... post number 1 ... the link you provided to survey results on the First Amendment Center website ...

Remember that post? you know, the one where you borrowed your source's words and portrayed them as you own? somebody else's words, that you allegedly studied and now claim to own? do you remember from one second to the next what is going on?
Only Fascists Assail Free Speech

Socialists do it a lot too.

Based on my observations, right-wing loony birds are waging a self-serving war on "political correctness" in order to assail the criticism (speech) directed at their intolerance of minorities.

"right-wing loony birds'

Yet you claim to be a "moderate'?


And you voted for whom?

Nor do you have a problem with university restrictions on free speech.....

...restrictions in various forms, such as the following:

9. Cleverly, Liberal institutions can restrict free speech without actually denying same.....with 'red tape.'

" Campuses should be encouraging students to speak and hold events on campus, however too many campuses require long approval periods, complex application procedures and other hurdles that can deter student leaders from holding events and all but prohibit events and speech that respond quickly to current events that spark student interest.

For example, Norfolk State University (pdf) requires students apply to hold an event two weeks before it is set to occur.
"Registered student organizations, faculty, and staff desirous of using campus facilities for university meetings and/or activities are required to complete a General Activity Requisition Form (GARF)…The GARF should be submitted ten (10) working days prior to the activity date to allow processing for approval by the student organization’s advisor(s) and University department officials."

At James Madison University (pdf), even petitioning requires advance approval. “Students or student organizations must obtain written approval from the coordinator of clubs and organizations, before petitioning or surveying students.”

At the University of Central Florida (pdf), “If the organization desiring to schedule an event does not complete a SAFE form fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the date of the scheduled event, the organization may be denied use of university facilities and may not be able to conduct the event.” Further, “Any student organization sponsoring a fundraising campaign, contest, competition or petition must register with the Office of Student Involvement.”
Speech Zones | Center for Campus Free Speech

The above would certainly seem reasonable..... a fascist.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. - See more at: First Amendment - U.S. Constitution - FindLaw
Tell us, in your own words, are there any valid restriction on Free Speech?

Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.
Nor do you give the credit due.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.

PoliticalChic in her ignorantgirl costume from planet Stupid strikes again.

I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks.

When did NYTimes, MSNBC, and DNC start issuing orders? That's pure right-wing loony bird talk.

"I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks."

No post #?

No copy of same?

Get back to work.

IgnorantGirl ... pay attention ... your opening post ... post number 1 ... the link you provided to survey results on the First Amendment Center website ...

Remember that post? you know, the one where you borrowed your source's words and portrayed them as you own? somebody else's words, that you allegedly studied and now claim to own? do you remember from one second to the next what is going on?

No such thing happened.....

Post 'em.
PC is almost right: the fascists that want to limit speech in America are far right wing progressives that don't want any opposition from their opponents.

Some of the far left liberals who act that way take aim at religious expression.

I agree with your first statement. Based on my observations ... including postings on this board by people who identify themselves as "conservatives" ... the war on "political correctness" is waged by right-wing loony birds who demand the "freedom" to disseminate hate and to abuse the power of the government to feed their bigotry and to discriminate against minorities ... and to do so without criticism or challenge.

I'm not sure what you mean by your second statement, "Some of the far left liberals who act that way take aim at religious expression." Are you talking about their mere criticism of religious expression ... or did some "far left liberals" propose state or federal legislation that would outlaw or punish religious expression?
Don't try to reason with politicalchic, she has no interest in a genuine debate. She wants to rant about all liberals being fascists, while failing to understand fascism.

but can I mock her?

she deserves mocking ...

in my opinion ...

and free speech and all ...

and for all the space she wastes, I feel it is my "First Amendment" right to mock her ...

just saying ...:rofl:

You've made a charge....twice now....and each time I've asked for proof.

Since you are both a liar and a fraud, you couldn't provide any.
PC is failing right through the thread.

She has failed to define American Nazi left and has failed to defend against right wing Christian crazies trying to stop free speech.
I feel guilty for helping keep her thread going all day long yesterday by pushing her liar buttons. It was a great platform for promoting FDR's manipulation of Stalin in bringing religious freedom to Americans in the USSR during the 1930's and so I couldn't help myself.

I haven't been here long, but it is easy to see that the author of the opening post is an uneducated person who wouldn't know a valid or sound argument if it slapped her in the face. She has an agenda to place conservatives (and particularly right-winger loony birds) on a pedestal (in her opinion, they can't do anything wrong) and to vilify all others, e.g., "liberals" (whom she labels as "Fascists") because, in her opinion, they can't do anything right.

She's not even entertaining ... just a font of misinformation ... and sometimes we should take the time to point that out.

Yet, I put you in your place, huh?

You also have the power of self-delusion. I'm impressed.
PC is failing right through the thread.

She has failed to define American Nazi left and has failed to defend against right wing Christian crazies trying to stop free speech.
I feel guilty for helping keep her thread going all day long yesterday by pushing her liar buttons. It was a great platform for promoting FDR's manipulation of Stalin in bringing religious freedom to Americans in the USSR during the 1930's and so I couldn't help myself.

I haven't been here long, but it is easy to see that the author of the opening post is an uneducated person who wouldn't know a valid or sound argument if it slapped her in the face. She has an agenda to place conservatives (and particularly right-winger loony birds) on a pedestal (in her opinion, they can't do anything wrong) and to vilify all others, e.g., "liberals" (whom she labels as "Fascists") because, in her opinion, they can't do anything right.

She's not even entertaining ... just a font of misinformation ... and sometimes we should take the time to point that out.

Yet, I put you in your place, huh?

You also have the power of self-delusion. I'm impressed.

You've made a charge....twice now....and each time I've asked for proof.

Since you are both a liar and a fraud, you couldn't provide any.
Every word I use is 'my own."

That's called free speech.

When I quote, I state the source, and provide quotation marks.

You, as a Liberal, never veer from the orders issued by NYTimes, MSNBC, the DNC, etc.
Nor do you give the credit due.

That's Liberal Plagiarism.

PoliticalChic in her ignorantgirl costume from planet Stupid strikes again.

I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks.

When did NYTimes, MSNBC, and DNC start issuing orders? That's pure right-wing loony bird talk.

"I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks."

No post #?

No copy of same?

Get back to work.

IgnorantGirl ... pay attention ... your opening post ... post number 1 ... the link you provided to survey results on the First Amendment Center website ...

Remember that post? you know, the one where you borrowed your source's words and portrayed them as you own? somebody else's words, that you allegedly studied and now claim to own? do you remember from one second to the next what is going on?

No such thing happened.....

Post 'em.

The power of self-imposed amnesia too! you are a most delightful creature from Planet Stupid. :wink_2:


why do left-wing losers think smugness and arrogance pass for facts and logic?
PC is almost right: the fascists that want to limit speech in America are far right wing progressives that don't want any opposition from their opponents.

Some of the far left liberals who act that way take aim at religious expression.

I agree with your first statement. Based on my observations ... including postings on this board by people who identify themselves as "conservatives" ... the war on "political correctness" is waged by right-wing loony birds who demand the "freedom" to disseminate hate and to abuse the power of the government to feed their bigotry and to discriminate against minorities ... and to do so without criticism or challenge.

I'm not sure what you mean by your second statement, "Some of the far left liberals who act that way take aim at religious expression." Are you talking about their mere criticism of religious expression ... or did some "far left liberals" propose state or federal legislation that would outlaw or punish religious expression?
Don't try to reason with politicalchic, she has no interest in a genuine debate. She wants to rant about all liberals being fascists, while failing to understand fascism.

but can I mock her?

she deserves mocking ...

in my opinion ...

and free speech and all ...

and for all the space she wastes, I feel it is my "First Amendment" right to mock her ...

just saying ...:rofl:

You've made a charge....twice now....and each time I've asked for proof.

Since you are both a liar and a fraud, you couldn't provide any.

Go back to your source and copy and paste some "proof", put it in your pocket and claim it as your own, then try to substantiate your conclusion. I'm still waiting for that ....
PoliticalChic in her ignorantgirl costume from planet Stupid strikes again.

I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks.

When did NYTimes, MSNBC, and DNC start issuing orders? That's pure right-wing loony bird talk.

"I clicked on the link you provided and clearly saw that you borrowed the words from your link ... they were not your words and you did not provide quotation marks."

No post #?

No copy of same?

Get back to work.

IgnorantGirl ... pay attention ... your opening post ... post number 1 ... the link you provided to survey results on the First Amendment Center website ...

Remember that post? you know, the one where you borrowed your source's words and portrayed them as you own? somebody else's words, that you allegedly studied and now claim to own? do you remember from one second to the next what is going on?

No such thing happened.....

Post 'em.

The power of self-imposed amnesia too! you are a most delightful creature from Planet Stupid. :wink_2:


why do left-wing losers think smugness and arrogance pass for facts and logic?

Where are IgnorantGirl's facts and logic? She must have used her super powers to make them invisible because they're no where to be found on this thread (or on this planet).

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