Only Four (4) Presidents In The Last Century Have Won 50% of The Vote Twice

Wow, I didn't know that. Far out. Obama is in good company except for that asshole Reagan.
Wow, I didn't know that. Far out. Obama is in good company except for that asshole Reagan.
My sentiments exactly.

No matter WHAT these Republicans say...Obama has secured his place in history as one of THEE best Presidents and Politicians in US history. Bar-none. Period. Full stop.

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:
Wow, I didn't know that. Far out. Obama is in good company except for that asshole Reagan.
My sentiments exactly.

No matter WHAT these Republicans say...Obama has secured his place in history as one of THEE best Presidents and Politicians in US history. Bar-none. Period. Full stop.

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

Amen! Time for Obama to be on Mt. Rushmore.

Wow, I didn't know that. Far out. Obama is in good company except for that asshole Reagan.
My sentiments exactly.

No matter WHAT these Republicans say...Obama has secured his place in history as one of THEE best Presidents and Politicians in US history. Bar-none. Period. Full stop.

:eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap: :eusa_clap:

Amen! Time for Obama to be on Mt. Rushmore.

I would be happy if they end up naming as many things for Obama as they have for Reagan. Maybe change LAX to Obama International Airport. Better yet, rename Reagan International Airport, in D.C. :)'re gonna cause some right wingers to commit suicide haha! Just sayin'.
Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan and Obama.

Think about that, doesn't it warm your heart? :)

And to top it off guys...this little nugget was given by Neo-Con Billy Kristol today on FOXNEWS Sunday. Here's the rest of his quote...

It pains me to say that, to put him in with those other three, but it's a fact.
Source: Bill Kristol

I mean, the news just keeps getting better, and better, and better.
What we have here is a couple of slime balls celebrating the fact that the dream of one great man was trashed by wall street marketing and the flashy smile of another, who couldn't wash the feet of the first. The content of character has proven to be of little value to a majority of American voters and specifically to the minorities that supposendly revered the philosophy of the first. Race was the only factor that caused the reelection of Maobama, and histroy will record it that way.
What we have here is a couple of slime balls celebrating the fact that the dream of one great man was trashed by wall street marketing and the flashy smile of another, who couldn't wash the feet of the first. The content of character has proven to be of little value to a majority of American voters and specifically to the minorities that supposendly revered the philosophy of the first. Race was the only factor that caused the reelection of Maobama, and histroy will record it that way.
Keep it up TEXX-A$$...the Democrats of your state are hard at work to turn it into a blue state. And thanks to your rhetoric, and others like you, it will be a reality sooner than we expect.

Keep them coming!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
What we have here is a couple of slime balls celebrating the fact that the dream of one great man was trashed by wall street marketing and the flashy smile of another, who couldn't wash the feet of the first. The content of character has proven to be of little value to a majority of American voters and specifically to the minorities that supposendly revered the philosophy of the first. Race was the only factor that caused the reelection of Maobama, and histroy will record it that way.
Keep it up TEXX-A$$...the Democrats of your state are hard at work to turn it into a blue state. And thanks to your rhetoric, and others like you, it will be a reality sooner than we expect.

Keep them coming!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Really, tell me where I went wrong. How many of Maobamas legions have any idea of his background. All they know is he looks like them and promises to give them shit he can never deliver.
Obama is the only president that got fewer votes for his second term than his first term.
Mint Raw Money got less votes than McCain as well.

Moreover, he didn't even convince his fellow MORMONS to vote for him. He got LESS of the Mormon vote than Bush.
No Mormon spike for Romney on Election Day | The Salt Lake Tribune

No matter how you try to twist, turn and spin and dance, you can't escape the FAIL that is Mitt Romney and today's GOP.


Obama is the only president that got fewer votes for his second term than his first term.
Mint Raw Money got less votes than McCain as well.

Moreover, he didn't even convince his fellow MORMONS to vote for him. He got LESS of the Mormon vote than Bush.
No Mormon spike for Romney on Election Day | The Salt Lake Tribune

No matter how you try to twist, turn and spin and dance, you can't escape the FAIL that is Mitt Romney and today's GOP.



Funny, I thought this thread was about your dear leader Maobama.
Obama is the only president that got fewer votes for his second term than his first term.
Mint Raw Money got less votes than McCain as well.

Moreover, he didn't even convince his fellow MORMONS to vote for him. He got LESS of the Mormon vote than Bush.
No Mormon spike for Romney on Election Day | The Salt Lake Tribune

No matter how you try to twist, turn and spin and dance, you can't escape the FAIL that is Mitt Romney and today's GOP.



Funny, I thought this thread was about your dear leader Maobama.
Yeah, it's about how MAXIMUMLY SUCCESSFUL he is...don't come to me w/no BS RW nonsense.

Obama's a born winner. Period. End-of-story.

Obama took the popular vote by 2.7%. As incumbents Wilson took 3.1 and Bush 2.4 They both had catastrophic second terms as lame ducks with no mandate. While Wilson and Bush carried more of the vote in their re-election than in their first term, Obama did not. One can only imagine the four years we have coming.

"In the popular vote, Wilson's lead was larger, albeit rather narrowly. Wilson's popular vote margin of 3.1% was the smallest attained by a victorious sitting president until 2004. It was also a smaller percentage than any victorious candidate had in the Fourth Party System except for Wilson's own minority victory in 1912. Both of Wilson's popular vote percentages were the only ones which were less than 51% during the period."
What we have here is a couple of slime balls celebrating the fact that the dream of one great man was trashed by wall street marketing and the flashy smile of another, who couldn't wash the feet of the first. The content of character has proven to be of little value to a majority of American voters and specifically to the minorities that supposendly revered the philosophy of the first. Race was the only factor that caused the reelection of Maobama, and histroy will record it that way.
Keep it up TEXX-A$$...the Democrats of your state are hard at work to turn it into a blue state. And thanks to your rhetoric, and others like you, it will be a reality sooner than we expect.

Keep them coming!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

Really, tell me where I went wrong. How many of Maobamas legions have any idea of his background. All they know is he looks like them and promises to give them shit he can never deliver.

Obama looks like a Latino, an Asian, a Women and age 18-29? Because these folks voted overwhelmingly for Obama. They helped get him elected too you know.

Really, go preach your racist crap to the conservative white men who will continue making the GOP look like a bunch of fools. Keep it up... and your next President will be a Latina Lesbian. I would love it. Your head would explode.
Obama took the popular vote by 2.7%. As incumbents Wilson took 3.1 and Bush 2.4 They both had catastrophic second terms as lame ducks with no mandate. While Wilson and Bush carried more of the vote in their re-election than in their first term, Obama did not. One can only imagine the four years we have coming.

"In the popular vote, Wilson's lead was larger, albeit rather narrowly. Wilson's popular vote margin of 3.1% was the smallest attained by a victorious sitting president until 2004. It was also a smaller percentage than any victorious candidate had in the Fourth Party System except for Wilson's own minority victory in 1912. Both of Wilson's popular vote percentages were the only ones which were less than 51% during the period."

Something tells me that you and your ilk are going to work overtime to make that doomsday scenario a reality.

However, Obama's going to be more successful than Clinton, mark my words.
Mint Raw Money got less votes than McCain as well.

Moreover, he didn't even convince his fellow MORMONS to vote for him. He got LESS of the Mormon vote than Bush.
No Mormon spike for Romney on Election Day | The Salt Lake Tribune

No matter how you try to twist, turn and spin and dance, you can't escape the FAIL that is Mitt Romney and today's GOP.



Funny, I thought this thread was about your dear leader Maobama.
Yeah, it's about how MAXIMUMLY SUCCESSFUL he is...don't come to me w/no BS RW nonsense.

Obama's a born winner. Period. End-of-story.


Yep, he's such a freaking winner you can't even come up with a decent arguement to defend his slimey gutter rat commie ass, Martin Luther King Jr. would spiit in his face. King and Maobama have nothing in common and if you had one micron of intellectual honesty you would admit it. King never took the attitude of victory at any cost, he won because he was right, not because he was popular or deceived people.
MLK would embrace with open arms, hug and weep with Obama.

How DARE you invoke MLK for your nefarious RW purposes!?!?
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