Only have 2 bad choices for my lower back

Lots of mouthy Jews in Beverly Hills. Best look for a surgeon in Alabama

I destroyed my disk from 2 things !
Years of practicing bad tennis serves and doing too many martial arts kicks in the air
I used to do a ton of kicks in the back of my ups store after I closed down
Laughing !! You creep
I did not deserve this
Once upon a time a couple had a baby. They loved him very much despite the fact that he was born without a body, and was just a head. He was a happy baby and rolled about singing and laughing and the whole family delighted in having such a fine boy. As the years passed he grew, although he was still just a head. When he reach his teen years he started to notice girls, especially one cute little girl that lived just down the street. One day he gathered his courage and rolled up to her door and banged against it. When she answered the door , he looked up at her and declared her to be the prettiest girl in the world and asked her out on a date. She looked down at him and said,"I can't date you, you are nothing more than a head!" Then slammed the door in his face.
Well, our boy was beside himself. He rolled up and down the sidewalk crying and screaming. All of the sudden his fairy godmother appeared in a flash of light. She promised to grant him one wish. Well the boy blurted out, "I want to be be big and shiney, a real beautiful thing to behold!"
Poof......he suddenly was turned into a huge shiney purple grape, a beautiful grape the size of a basketball. His fairy godmother held out a mirror and seeing how beautiful he now was, his confidence was bolstered.
He rolled back to the girls house, knocked against the door, and when she answered and looked down he said, "look at me now darling, look how beautiful I have become!"
The girl picked up her foot, and stomped him flat without saying anything.
The moral of the story of course......quit while you are a head.
God has forsaken you


Arlette hates God, and that's why she feels confident to speak for Him like this. Because she hates God, she hates people. Even people she doesn't know.

Pay no mind. Pray for her if you're inclined. Me, I've turned her over--coals heaped on her own head

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