Only In America:

what is the Left saying exactly? that rich are rich BECAUSE the poor are poor? these left-wing memes are just idiotic straw man arguments that dont hold water. All the Left's talking points are designed to keep people angry, ignorant, and focusing on anything but PROGRESSIVE FAILURE, the kind that led THE RICHEST TO GET RICHER AND THE POOREST TO GET POORER ON THE Progressive's watch. Both got richer and poorer AT A FASTER PACE UNDER OBAMA/DEMOCRATS than was happening under Bush and Republicans
Read Carefully:

Of the 1%, by the 1%, for the 1%

If you draw a trend line for the top 1 percent, we see during economic crashes their income returns to that line. This suggest the top 1 percent's income is in another ginormous bubble.

Horse shit!! In the 1940's, 1950's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 1970's that had grown to 100 times as much. In 2012 a typical CEO made over 500 times what the average worker earned.

As far as the chart. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms just before George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy not once but twice, 2001 and 2003. If he had been paying attention to the CIA and FBI 9/11 might have been avoided but Oh No......more money for his rich Buds was much more important.

I notice several of the Republican candidates are already harping on a flat tax.....Grover Norquist will come on himself if they can get that. They can fire all their tax accountants if they can get it set up that way. The rich people used to pay their way in America but they haven't in a long time....specifically, since Reagan's first years....or as I like to call it......the end of my 30 years as a Republican. I'm 80 years old and I used to hang yard sign in local elections and make phone calls for any Republican. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times and even the spoiler one time. Following Reagan I didn't even show up at the polls for twenty years. Now....I've voted Democrat in a national election three times but of one thing I'm sure.....I'll not vote Republican again if I live to 100.

BWAHAHA!!! Dick Cheney!!! Halliburton!!! Iraq! Bush lied, people died! Florida hanging chads! Republicans rich!
Geezus Campbell you are the dimmest bulb on here. It is not shocking that in an economy that doesnt resemble the 1950s relationships in income wont resemble the 1950s either. Successful people are successful. Then there are people like you. In a global economy with many more opportunities to make money the most talented people will seize those opportunities and make more money. And note all these things happened with Republicans presidents, Democratic presidents, Republican Congresses and Democratic Congresses.

Horse shit!! It's the massive tax cuts for the rich by Reagan and the Bushes which skewed the chart. I've been around a long time and during the Kennedy/Johnson years the rich paid at a 65%-70% rate. That's how the nation was able to send men to the moon and return them safely to the earth. The goddam Republicans won't even fix our roads and dams. Middle eastern wars is the only thing they get thrilled about.....I think they're living in some kind of Dirty Harry dream. They believe their gun is longer than the other guns...or as Sigmund Freud might put it.....preoccupied with penis size.

Kennedy drastically cut the rates for the top income brackets you dullard
If you draw a trend line for the top 1 percent, we see during economic crashes their income returns to that line. This suggest the top 1 percent's income is in another ginormous bubble.

Horse shit!! In the 1940's, 1950's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 1970's that had grown to 100 times as much. In 2012 a typical CEO made over 500 times what the average worker earned.

As far as the chart. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms just before George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy not once but twice, 2001 and 2003. If he had been paying attention to the CIA and FBI 9/11 might have been avoided but Oh No......more money for his rich Buds was much more important.

I notice several of the Republican candidates are already harping on a flat tax.....Grover Norquist will come on himself if they can get that. They can fire all their tax accountants if they can get it set up that way. The rich people used to pay their way in America but they haven't in a long time....specifically, since Reagan's first years....or as I like to call it......the end of my 30 years as a Republican. I'm 80 years old and I used to hang yard sign in local elections and make phone calls for any Republican. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times and even the spoiler one time. Following Reagan I didn't even show up at the polls for twenty years. Now....I've voted Democrat in a national election three times but of one thing I'm sure.....I'll not vote Republican again if I live to 100.

The left complains that Romney pays under 15% tax as most of the .1% does yet a flat tax would lower their rate?? Ya, sure. That figure, by the way, only assess a small portion of what someone in the .1% actually makes as the rest is stocked up in corporations that you will never see or be able to accurately assess.

The rich take advantage of tax shelters that the rest of America cannot ever dream to attain - the ONLY way to access that is a flat tax.

The flat tax is a Right Wing dream. The top earners would get an automatic 10%-15% cut in the actual amount they're paying. Tax cuts for the wealthy caused the massive growth at the top. All the tax cuts in the modern era have been engineered and implemented by guess who? That's right sport's fans....the Republican party......leader of the wealthy and corporations. That's pretty good duty but you'll never control the white house again. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, the poor, the young people, most women etc. will vote Democrat by a large majority so it won't happen. If it wasn't for gerrymandering they couldn't win congressional races either....that and making it hard or impossible for those at the bottom of the ladder to vote.
Blah blah blah. Republicans are doomed obviously as they cannot win elections at all. It is not as though they control the senate or the majority of governorship or the majority of state legislators.

Also, it is obvious that when people like Mitt Romney pay less than 15% taxes that a flat tax would lower his taxes by 15%.

I don't think you even read the bullshit that you spew.

The obvious problem for you is that I produce charts and actual figures to support my arguments. You get your facts from Fox News.......facts, LMAO!!

Like I said.....the rich paid their fair share when we sent men to the moon and returned them safely to the earth. The goddam modern Republican party wouldn't even support a high speed train.
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If you draw a trend line for the top 1 percent, we see during economic crashes their income returns to that line. This suggest the top 1 percent's income is in another ginormous bubble.

Horse shit!! In the 1940's, 1950's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 1970's that had grown to 100 times as much. In 2012 a typical CEO made over 500 times what the average worker earned.

As far as the chart. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms just before George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy not once but twice, 2001 and 2003. If he had been paying attention to the CIA and FBI 9/11 might have been avoided but Oh No......more money for his rich Buds was much more important.

I notice several of the Republican candidates are already harping on a flat tax.....Grover Norquist will come on himself if they can get that. They can fire all their tax accountants if they can get it set up that way. The rich people used to pay their way in America but they haven't in a long time....specifically, since Reagan's first years....or as I like to call it......the end of my 30 years as a Republican. I'm 80 years old and I used to hang yard sign in local elections and make phone calls for any Republican. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times and even the spoiler one time. Following Reagan I didn't even show up at the polls for twenty years. Now....I've voted Democrat in a national election three times but of one thing I'm sure.....I'll not vote Republican again if I live to 100.

BWAHAHA!!! Dick Cheney!!! Halliburton!!! Iraq! Bush lied, people died! Florida hanging chads! Republicans rich!
Geezus Campbell you are the dimmest bulb on here. It is not shocking that in an economy that doesnt resemble the 1950s relationships in income wont resemble the 1950s either. Successful people are successful. Then there are people like you. In a global economy with many more opportunities to make money the most talented people will seize those opportunities and make more money. And note all these things happened with Republicans presidents, Democratic presidents, Republican Congresses and Democratic Congresses.

Horse shit!! It's the massive tax cuts for the rich by Reagan and the Bushes which skewed the chart. I've been around a long time and during the Kennedy/Johnson years the rich paid at a 65%-70% rate. That's how the nation was able to send men to the moon and return them safely to the earth. The goddam Republicans won't even fix our roads and dams. Middle eastern wars is the only thing they get thrilled about.....I think they're living in some kind of Dirty Harry dream. They believe their gun is longer than the other guns...or as Sigmund Freud might put it.....preoccupied with penis size.
Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich. So did Obama. So why do we have the results we do?
You are a moron.
If you draw a trend line for the top 1 percent, we see during economic crashes their income returns to that line. This suggest the top 1 percent's income is in another ginormous bubble.

Horse shit!! In the 1940's, 1950's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 1970's that had grown to 100 times as much. In 2012 a typical CEO made over 500 times what the average worker earned.

As far as the chart. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms just before George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy not once but twice, 2001 and 2003. If he had been paying attention to the CIA and FBI 9/11 might have been avoided but Oh No......more money for his rich Buds was much more important.

I notice several of the Republican candidates are already harping on a flat tax.....Grover Norquist will come on himself if they can get that. They can fire all their tax accountants if they can get it set up that way. The rich people used to pay their way in America but they haven't in a long time....specifically, since Reagan's first years....or as I like to call it......the end of my 30 years as a Republican. I'm 80 years old and I used to hang yard sign in local elections and make phone calls for any Republican. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times and even the spoiler one time. Following Reagan I didn't even show up at the polls for twenty years. Now....I've voted Democrat in a national election three times but of one thing I'm sure.....I'll not vote Republican again if I live to 100.

The left complains that Romney pays under 15% tax as most of the .1% does yet a flat tax would lower their rate?? Ya, sure. That figure, by the way, only assess a small portion of what someone in the .1% actually makes as the rest is stocked up in corporations that you will never see or be able to accurately assess.

The rich take advantage of tax shelters that the rest of America cannot ever dream to attain - the ONLY way to access that is a flat tax.

The flat tax is a Right Wing dream. The top earners would get an automatic 10%-15% cut in the actual amount they're paying. Tax cuts for the wealthy caused the massive growth at the top. All the tax cuts in the modern era have been engineered and implemented by guess who? That's right sport's fans....the Republican party......leader of the wealthy and corporations. That's pretty good duty but you'll never control the white house again. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, the poor, the young people, most women etc. will vote Democrat by a large majority so it won't happen. If it wasn't for gerrymandering they couldn't win congressional races either....that and making it hard or impossible for those at the bottom of the ladder to vote.
Blah blah blah. Republicans are doomed obviously as they cannot win elections at all. It is not as though they control the senate or the majority of governorship or the majority of state legislators.

Also, it is obvious that when people like Mitt Romney pay less than 15% taxes that a flat tax would lower his taxes by 15%.

I don't think you even read the bullshit that you spew.

The obvious problem for you is that I produce charts and actual figures to support my arguments. You get your facts from Fox News.......facts, LMAO!!

Like I said.....the rich paid their fair share when we sent men to the moon and returned them safely to the earth. The goddam Republican party wouldn't even support a high speed train.
You are an ill informed idiot. No one paid 70% in income taxes. The loopholes were enormous. Which is why Reagan closed them.
If you draw a trend line for the top 1 percent, we see during economic crashes their income returns to that line. This suggest the top 1 percent's income is in another ginormous bubble.

Horse shit!! In the 1940's, 1950's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 1970's that had grown to 100 times as much. In 2012 a typical CEO made over 500 times what the average worker earned.

As far as the chart. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms just before George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy not once but twice, 2001 and 2003. If he had been paying attention to the CIA and FBI 9/11 might have been avoided but Oh No......more money for his rich Buds was much more important.

I notice several of the Republican candidates are already harping on a flat tax.....Grover Norquist will come on himself if they can get that. They can fire all their tax accountants if they can get it set up that way. The rich people used to pay their way in America but they haven't in a long time....specifically, since Reagan's first years....or as I like to call it......the end of my 30 years as a Republican. I'm 80 years old and I used to hang yard sign in local elections and make phone calls for any Republican. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times and even the spoiler one time. Following Reagan I didn't even show up at the polls for twenty years. Now....I've voted Democrat in a national election three times but of one thing I'm sure.....I'll not vote Republican again if I live to 100.

The left complains that Romney pays under 15% tax as most of the .1% does yet a flat tax would lower their rate?? Ya, sure. That figure, by the way, only assess a small portion of what someone in the .1% actually makes as the rest is stocked up in corporations that you will never see or be able to accurately assess.

The rich take advantage of tax shelters that the rest of America cannot ever dream to attain - the ONLY way to access that is a flat tax.

The flat tax is a Right Wing dream. The top earners would get an automatic 10%-15% cut in the actual amount they're paying. Tax cuts for the wealthy caused the massive growth at the top. All the tax cuts in the modern era have been engineered and implemented by guess who? That's right sport's fans....the Republican party......leader of the wealthy and corporations. That's pretty good duty but you'll never control the white house again. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, the poor, the young people, most women etc. will vote Democrat by a large majority so it won't happen. If it wasn't for gerrymandering they couldn't win congressional races either....that and making it hard or impossible for those at the bottom of the ladder to vote.
Blah blah blah. Republicans are doomed obviously as they cannot win elections at all. It is not as though they control the senate or the majority of governorship or the majority of state legislators.

Also, it is obvious that when people like Mitt Romney pay less than 15% taxes that a flat tax would lower his taxes by 15%.

I don't think you even read the bullshit that you spew.

The obvious problem for you is that I produce charts and actual figures to support my arguments. You get your facts from Fox News.......facts, LMAO!!

Like I said.....the rich paid their fair share when we sent men to the moon and returned them safely to the earth. The goddam Republican party wouldn't even support a high speed train.

Like I SAID IDIOT; Kennedy thought the top tax rates needed to be lower and LOWERED THEM. that isnt a Fox News talking point leftard, it's reality
Horse shit!! In the 1940's, 1950's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 1970's that had grown to 100 times as much. In 2012 a typical CEO made over 500 times what the average worker earned.

As far as the chart. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms just before George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy not once but twice, 2001 and 2003. If he had been paying attention to the CIA and FBI 9/11 might have been avoided but Oh No......more money for his rich Buds was much more important.

I notice several of the Republican candidates are already harping on a flat tax.....Grover Norquist will come on himself if they can get that. They can fire all their tax accountants if they can get it set up that way. The rich people used to pay their way in America but they haven't in a long time....specifically, since Reagan's first years....or as I like to call it......the end of my 30 years as a Republican. I'm 80 years old and I used to hang yard sign in local elections and make phone calls for any Republican. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times and even the spoiler one time. Following Reagan I didn't even show up at the polls for twenty years. Now....I've voted Democrat in a national election three times but of one thing I'm sure.....I'll not vote Republican again if I live to 100.

The left complains that Romney pays under 15% tax as most of the .1% does yet a flat tax would lower their rate?? Ya, sure. That figure, by the way, only assess a small portion of what someone in the .1% actually makes as the rest is stocked up in corporations that you will never see or be able to accurately assess.

The rich take advantage of tax shelters that the rest of America cannot ever dream to attain - the ONLY way to access that is a flat tax.

The flat tax is a Right Wing dream. The top earners would get an automatic 10%-15% cut in the actual amount they're paying. Tax cuts for the wealthy caused the massive growth at the top. All the tax cuts in the modern era have been engineered and implemented by guess who? That's right sport's fans....the Republican party......leader of the wealthy and corporations. That's pretty good duty but you'll never control the white house again. Blacks, Asians, Latinos, Gays, Lesbians, Transgenders, the poor, the young people, most women etc. will vote Democrat by a large majority so it won't happen. If it wasn't for gerrymandering they couldn't win congressional races either....that and making it hard or impossible for those at the bottom of the ladder to vote.
Blah blah blah. Republicans are doomed obviously as they cannot win elections at all. It is not as though they control the senate or the majority of governorship or the majority of state legislators.

Also, it is obvious that when people like Mitt Romney pay less than 15% taxes that a flat tax would lower his taxes by 15%.

I don't think you even read the bullshit that you spew.

The obvious problem for you is that I produce charts and actual figures to support my arguments. You get your facts from Fox News.......facts, LMAO!!

Like I said.....the rich paid their fair share when we sent men to the moon and returned them safely to the earth. The goddam Republican party wouldn't even support a high speed train.

Like I SAID IDIOT; Kennedy thought the top tax rates needed to be lower and LOWERED THEM. that isnt a Fox News talking point leftard, it's reality
Anything that Campbell agrees with is "fact". Anything Campbell disagrees with is "Fox news spin."
Clinton also LOWERED capital gains taxes, which is how the very richest (that 1% you cry about idiot) make their money.
If you draw a trend line for the top 1 percent, we see during economic crashes their income returns to that line. This suggest the top 1 percent's income is in another ginormous bubble.

Horse shit!! In the 1940's, 1950's a corporate executive earned about 12-15 times what a plumber or electrician earned. By the 1970's that had grown to 100 times as much. In 2012 a typical CEO made over 500 times what the average worker earned.

As far as the chart. Look closely at the top 1% line at the end of Clinton's two terms just before George W. Bush cut taxes for the wealthy not once but twice, 2001 and 2003. If he had been paying attention to the CIA and FBI 9/11 might have been avoided but Oh No......more money for his rich Buds was much more important.

I notice several of the Republican candidates are already harping on a flat tax.....Grover Norquist will come on himself if they can get that. They can fire all their tax accountants if they can get it set up that way. The rich people used to pay their way in America but they haven't in a long time....specifically, since Reagan's first years....or as I like to call it......the end of my 30 years as a Republican. I'm 80 years old and I used to hang yard sign in local elections and make phone calls for any Republican. I voted for Eisenhower, Goldwater, Nixon three times and even the spoiler one time. Following Reagan I didn't even show up at the polls for twenty years. Now....I've voted Democrat in a national election three times but of one thing I'm sure.....I'll not vote Republican again if I live to 100.

BWAHAHA!!! Dick Cheney!!! Halliburton!!! Iraq! Bush lied, people died! Florida hanging chads! Republicans rich!
Geezus Campbell you are the dimmest bulb on here. It is not shocking that in an economy that doesnt resemble the 1950s relationships in income wont resemble the 1950s either. Successful people are successful. Then there are people like you. In a global economy with many more opportunities to make money the most talented people will seize those opportunities and make more money. And note all these things happened with Republicans presidents, Democratic presidents, Republican Congresses and Democratic Congresses.

Horse shit!! It's the massive tax cuts for the rich by Reagan and the Bushes which skewed the chart. I've been around a long time and during the Kennedy/Johnson years the rich paid at a 65%-70% rate. That's how the nation was able to send men to the moon and return them safely to the earth. The goddam Republicans won't even fix our roads and dams. Middle eastern wars is the only thing they get thrilled about.....I think they're living in some kind of Dirty Harry dream. They believe their gun is longer than the other guns...or as Sigmund Freud might put it.....preoccupied with penis size.
Bill Clinton raised taxes on the rich. So did Obama. So why do we have the results we do?
You are a moron.

Whatever happened it worked:

Can't beat education:


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if you dont agree obama raised taxes on the top brackets you idiot; then your whole argument about only the right being "of the 1%, by the 1%, and for the 1%" falls apart doesnt it?
What's wrong with that??

By the way, that Robin Hood sh!t has and will never work.

Hashtag envy is for the petty

I'll tell you what won't work.....a bunch of goddamned self righteous Republicans. They expect their lawns to be mowed, their children to be cared for, well educated and spoiled rotten while those who do the work starve and see their kids go off to fight Republican wars. Get this through your thick skulls.....if you really want things to be more fair raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour with time and a half for anything over forty hours a week. No working man or woman in the United States of America should be expected to work 40-50 hours a week and live below the poverty line. That's when Republicans are happiest.....when they are surrounded by poor people taking care of them.
What's wrong with that??

By the way, that Robin Hood sh!t has and will never work.

Hashtag envy is for the petty

I'll tell you what won't work.....a bunch of goddamned self righteous Republicans. They expect their lawns to be mowed, their children to be cared for, well educated and spoiled rotten while those who do the work starve and see their kids go off to fight Republican wars. Get this through your thick skulls.....if you really want things to be more fair raise the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour with time and a half for anything over forty hours a week. No working man or woman in the United States of America should be expected to work 40-50 hours a week and live below the poverty line. That's when Republicans are happiest.....when they are surrounded by poor people taking care of them.

your Party is a bunch of millionaires (hillary for example) ranting about millionaires.

but you have the gall to cry about being self-righteous??

that's why you idiots get laughed at
you should come to Connecticut left-wing idiot. in the NYC bedroom communities of Fairfield County where Wall Street executives live gazillionaire limosine liberals attend galas and fundraisers, illegals from Mexico and central American are all over their lawns, cutting the grass, cleaning the pool, and making those cute rock walls. but let a Black man be seen walking down the tree-lined streets of their towns and the cops are there in a New York minute

liberals are laughable idiots and hypocrites who lie to themselves
They expect their lawns to be mowed, their children to be cared for, well educated and spoiled rotten while those who do the work starve and see their kids go off to fight Republican wars.

What else are you going to do exactly? Sit on your ass and collect welfare for not working?

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