Only one thing to blame for the Ferguson travesty

I'm amused that so many USMB nutters are assigning blame for something that hasn't happened yet.
I'm amused so many libs are so stuck on stupid the obvious escapes them only to be followed by delusion

Isn't this fun? A partisan mud slinging match.
Works for me.

It's been in the news for days, Rev Al has been calling for riots and organizing nation wide. How anyone missed it is mind boggling

Nobody called for riots. You could look at the sun and exclaim that you see black.
We all know, don't we? Left wing media agenda. Period.

In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning.

Yeah, seeing as there's no problem for black people feeling like they're second class citizens, not with 25% poverty rates compared to 7% for white people, and it's not like slavery existed, nor segregation, and it's not like racist people still exist and still cause problems either.
Time to fuckin' get over the past.

And raise kids to act right in public.

Fucker got killed because he was punk ass wannabe thug.

How long before Fergusonites start bitching because they have no stores?
I'm amused that so many USMB nutters are assigning blame for something that hasn't happened yet.
I'm amused so many libs are so stuck on stupid the obvious escapes them only to be followed by delusion

Isn't this fun? A partisan mud slinging match.
Works for me.

It's been in the news for days, Rev Al has been calling for riots and organizing nation wide. How anyone missed it is mind boggling

I don't think what you're talking about has much to do with the news at all. It's just a mud slinging match. No doubt you'll try and justify your mud, but it doesn't change the fact that mud slinging is never helpful or intelligent.
we conservatives are slinging mud while you deranged liberfucks are slinging SHIT, we have our shit guards up so sling all you want, none of it will stick.., think.., ducks back :up:

"you are too much of a pussy to shoot me" said the dead nig-ger", :lmao:
OP- BS. Left wing media. my arse. IT'S CORPORATE MEDIA, who are only interested in ratings and controversy. Librul media ended years ago.
Time to fuckin' get over the past.

And raise kids to act right in public.

Fucker got killed because he was punk ass wannabe thug.

How long before Fergusonites start bitching because they have no stores?

And there are ways to get over the past, and ways not to get over the past.

Here's one great Republican Capitalist way of not getting over the past, for example:

Louisiana is the world s prison capital

"Louisiana is the world's prison capital. The state imprisons more of its people, per head, than any of its U.S. counterparts. First among Americans means first in the world. Louisiana's incarceration rate is nearly five times Iran's, 13 times China's and 20 times Germany's."

Other ways are generally aiming to keep people down "where they belong" so the rich can remain rich. Laws often don't work for the people, they work against the people, the same can be said for government.

The whole idea that "everyone can make it in America" should also be used alongside "not everyone can make it in America at the same time, so many of you are just going to have to lump it at the bottom, and we're not going to even try to improve things for you, so get lost"

Who needs to make laws improving education when those making the laws don't put their kids through state education?
we conservatives are slinging mud while you deranged liberfucks are slinging SHIT, we have our shit guards up so sling all you want, none of it will stick.., think.., ducks back :up:

"you are too much of a pussy to shoot me" said the dead nig-ger", :lmao:

Thanks for another example, but really, I don't need more, I understand what you are already.
The media is to blame? Not a cop shooting an unarmed citizen? Not the notion that a Black life is expendable? Not that the Missouri cops came down like storm troopers?

But that damn media! There's your problem!

Any hole into which you may place your head is a safe hole.
The media is to blame? Not a cop shooting an unarmed citizen? Not the notion that a Black life is expendable? Not that the Missouri cops came down like storm troopers?

But that damn media! There's your problem!

Any hole into which you may place your head is a safe hole.

Based on the Iraq war and post war period, I'd say any poor person's life is expendable.
The media is to blame? Not a cop shooting an unarmed citizen? Not the notion that a Black life is expendable? Not that the Missouri cops came down like storm troopers?

But that damn media! There's your problem!

Any hole into which you may place your head is a safe hole.

Based on the Iraq war and post war period, I'd say any poor person's life is expendable.
Thugs' lives are expendable, whether poor or not.
The media is to blame? Not a cop shooting an unarmed citizen? Not the notion that a Black life is expendable? Not that the Missouri cops came down like storm troopers?

But that damn media! There's your problem!

Any hole into which you may place your head is a safe hole.

Based on the Iraq war and post war period, I'd say any poor person's life is expendable.
Thugs' lives are expendable, whether poor or not.

Ah, soldiers are thugs then?
The media is to blame? Not a cop shooting an unarmed citizen? Not the notion that a Black life is expendable? Not that the Missouri cops came down like storm troopers?

But that damn media! There's your problem!

Any hole into which you may place your head is a safe hole.

Based on the Iraq war and post war period, I'd say any poor person's life is expendable.
Thugs' lives are expendable, whether poor or not.

Ah, soldiers are thugs then?
Not unless they're thugs. Stupid question.
It was a brilliant move to announce the decision at night. That way they got all the riot shots for the viewing public to see , and say "Look at all those ****** rioting. They are all such bad people. MB must be guilty."
We all know, don't we? Left wing media agenda. Period.

In other news, the sun rose in the east this morning.

Yeah, seeing as there's no problem for black people feeling like they're second class citizens, not with 25% poverty rates compared to 7% for white people, and it's not like slavery existed, nor segregation, and it's not like racist people still exist and still cause problems either.
And now that BOBO is adding about 5 million newly legal Hispanics to a low-skilled workforce which will be directly competing with the negroes the negro unemployment rate will keep going up.
"Well played Mr. President".

The 5 million are already here.
It was a brilliant move to announce the decision at night. That way they got all the riot shots for the viewing public to see , and say "Look at all those ****** rioting. They are all such bad people. MB must be guilty."

Is that why they announced the decision last night? So we could all see what savages really look like?
The media is to blame? Not a cop shooting an unarmed citizen? Not the notion that a Black life is expendable? Not that the Missouri cops came down like storm troopers?

But that damn media! There's your problem!

Any hole into which you may place your head is a safe hole.

Tell us you fucking moron liberal, why the fuck there is no media hype over Dillon Taylor? Go ahead you fucking unreal, miserable, liberal, race baiting moron. I will bet you have not even heard of that story, did you, you mother fucker.

Go ahead and let us know why Anderson Cooper and CNN or MSNBC, or ABC News never showed up and reported that incident with nonstop coverage.

Let me clue you in, you fucking moronic hopeless piece of manipulated, brainwashed left wing shit. It is because the unarmed man was white and the cop was black that shot and killed him.


You liberals have been proven wrong, yet again.

You have your pathetic pot stained brain so far up your ass. I laugh at all of you morons.

With all due disrespect, FUCK YOU!
It was a brilliant move to announce the decision at night. That way they got all the riot shots for the viewing public to see , and say "Look at all those ****** rioting. They are all such bad people. MB must be guilty."

Is that why they announced the decision last night? So we could all see what savages really look like?

It was pretty dark. I couldn't see what they looked like. Just flames. I think it was planned so the media could get the riot images out to the world immediately.
The media is to blame? Not a cop shooting an unarmed citizen? Not the notion that a Black life is expendable? Not that the Missouri cops came down like storm troopers?

But that damn media! There's your problem!

Any hole into which you may place your head is a safe hole.

Tell us you fucking moron liberal, why the fuck there is no media hype over Dillon Taylor? Go ahead you fucking unreal, miserable, liberal, race baiting moron. I will bet you have not even heard of that story, did you, you mother fucker.

Go ahead and let us know why Anderson Cooper and CNN or MSNBC, or ABC News never showed up and reported that incident with nonstop coverage.

Let me clue you in, you fucking moronic hopeless piece of manipulated, brainwashed left wing shit. It is because the unarmed man was white and the cop was black that shot and killed him.


You liberals have been proven wrong, yet again.

You have your pathetic pot stained brain so far up your ass. I laugh at all of you morons.

With all due disrespect, FUCK YOU!
Well said! How did you learn to debate with such élan and dash? Perhaps a truck stop or at your mother's knee?

You are one class act.

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