Only Two Things That Will Matter on Election Day


May 23, 2014
Its all about who will replace Scalia on the SCOTUS. Conservatives who, wether they like Trump or not will turn out and vote for him because the stakes are too high. Deaux: Hillary is a typical pandering,lying,career politician. Trump, for all his foibles is not. Independents break for Trump. Sick of Washington D.C. lies and corruption by elitist. Send in the guy who talks like a WWE wrestler to give Capitol Hill a forearm smash.
Its all about who will replace Scalia on the SCOTUS. Conservatives who, wether they like Trump or not will turn out and vote for him because the stakes are too high. Deaux: Hillary is a typical pandering,lying,career politician. Trump, for all his foibles is not. Independents break for Trump. Sick of Washington D.C. lies and corruption by elitist. Send in the guy who talks like a WWE wrestler to give Capitol Hill a forearm smash.
The Senate is under no obligation even to vote on any nominee. They could never seat another Justice and when Ginsburg dies or gets off teh Court we will back to an odd number.
The only two things that matter are who shows up and how they vote.
Vote Johnson/Weld or don't vote at all.
Its all about who will replace Scalia on the SCOTUS. Conservatives who, wether they like Trump or not will turn out and vote for him because the stakes are too high. Deaux: Hillary is a typical pandering,lying,career politician. Trump, for all his foibles is not. Independents break for Trump. Sick of Washington D.C. lies and corruption by elitist. Send in the guy who talks like a WWE wrestler to give Capitol Hill a forearm smash.
The Senate is under no obligation even to vote on any nominee. They could never seat another Justice and when Ginsburg dies or gets off teh Court we will back to an odd number.
The only two things that matter are who shows up and how they vote.
Vote Johnson/Weld or don't vote at all.
So they will hold out for 4 years? Laughable! Johnson/Weld? Product of liberal news media in effort to sink Trump.
Its all about who will replace Scalia on the SCOTUS. Conservatives who, wether they like Trump or not will turn out and vote for him because the stakes are too high. Deaux: Hillary is a typical pandering,lying,career politician. Trump, for all his foibles is not. Independents break for Trump. Sick of Washington D.C. lies and corruption by elitist. Send in the guy who talks like a WWE wrestler to give Capitol Hill a forearm smash.
The Senate is under no obligation even to vote on any nominee. They could never seat another Justice and when Ginsburg dies or gets off teh Court we will back to an odd number.
The only two things that matter are who shows up and how they vote.
Vote Johnson/Weld or don't vote at all.

I would like to see the American voter to vote for Johnson this November but I will never slink to the left and right level to tell someone to stay home.

If the American voter want a candidate that will not be the puppet of the left or the maniac of the right then Johnson is the best candidate.

Let hope Johnson does what Ventura did and surprise everyone and win...
Its all about who will replace Scalia on the SCOTUS. Conservatives who, wether they like Trump or not will turn out and vote for him because the stakes are too high. Deaux: Hillary is a typical pandering,lying,career politician. Trump, for all his foibles is not. Independents break for Trump. Sick of Washington D.C. lies and corruption by elitist. Send in the guy who talks like a WWE wrestler to give Capitol Hill a forearm smash.

Yes, he's a a typical pandering,lying,career "job creator", the type that bought your democratic form of representation long ago.
Its all about who will replace Scalia on the SCOTUS. Conservatives who, wether they like Trump or not will turn out and vote for him because the stakes are too high. Deaux: Hillary is a typical pandering,lying,career politician. Trump, for all his foibles is not. Independents break for Trump. Sick of Washington D.C. lies and corruption by elitist. Send in the guy who talks like a WWE wrestler to give Capitol Hill a forearm smash.
The Senate is under no obligation even to vote on any nominee. They could never seat another Justice and when Ginsburg dies or gets off teh Court we will back to an odd number.
The only two things that matter are who shows up and how they vote.
Vote Johnson/Weld or don't vote at all.
So they will hold out for 4 years? Laughable! Johnson/Weld? Product of liberal news media in effort to sink Trump.
There is no requirement anywhere to vote on a nominee. What about that do you not understand?
Johnson/Weld is the product of a liberal news media? On what planet do you reside?
Its all about who will replace Scalia on the SCOTUS. Conservatives who, wether they like Trump or not will turn out and vote for him because the stakes are too high. Deaux: Hillary is a typical pandering,lying,career politician. Trump, for all his foibles is not. Independents break for Trump. Sick of Washington D.C. lies and corruption by elitist. Send in the guy who talks like a WWE wrestler to give Capitol Hill a forearm smash.

John Roberts was the break breaker to the belief that Republicans nominating anyone to the SCOTUS makes any difference

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