Ooooh Iran is banning US citizens from entering their f**kd up country.

And it's sooo much better now. But no, I was a negative 80 years old then.

And as such, there is much you need to learn.

And whilst you school me can I have one of your Che t-shirts?

Can we get a Saul Alinsky name drop on this thread as well since we can't have a serious converation?

Ooooo!!! Can I borrow your copy of that as well? I'll bet it's all bookmarked and underlined right next to your copies of Das Kapital, and Lenin's "on imperialism."

Cen we get a Bill Ayers in here?

See your cell phone contact list.
And as such, there is much you need to learn.

And whilst you school me can I have one of your Che t-shirts?

Can we get a Saul Alinsky name drop on this thread as well since we can't have a serious converation?

Ooooo!!! Can I borrow your copy of that as well? I'll bet it's all bookmarked and underlined right next to your copies of Das Kapital, and Lenin's "on imperialism."

Cen we get a Bill Ayers in here?

See your cell phone contact list.

Anyone else you want to get in here hon?
What a joke. Iran props up Assad's inhuman regime, they refuse to take in any Syrian refugees themselves and then they whine about Trump temporarily banning Muslims until we can figure out Obama's jacked up system for resettlement. Cut off ALL AID to Iran, and if they fuck with any of our ships or crew, blow them out of the water. Hey Iranian goat humpers: Welcome to the post-Obama world.:2up:

  • Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran

  1. Javad Zarif ‏@JZarif
    Unlike the U.S., our decision is not retroactive. All with valid Iranian visa will be gladly welcomed. #MuslimBan 7/7
#MuslimBan shows baselessness of U.S. claims of friendship with the Iranian people while only having issues with the Government. 4/7

#MuslimBan will be recorded in history as a great gift to extremists and their supporters.1/7
What a joke. Iran props up Assad's inhuman regime, they refuse to take in any Syrian refugees themselves and then they whine about Trump temporarily banning Muslims until we can figure out Obama's jacked up system for resettlement. Cut off ALL AID to Iran, and if they fuck with any of our ships or crew, blow them out of the water. Hey Iranian goat humpers: Welcome to the post-Obama world.:2up:

What a joke. Iran props up Assad's inhuman regime, they refuse to take in any Syrian refugees themselves and then they whine about Trump temporarily banning Muslims until we can figure out Obama's jacked up system for resettlement. Cut off ALL AID to Iran, and if they fuck with any of our ships or crew, blow them out of the water. Hey Iranian goat humpers: Welcome to the post-Obama world.:2up:

  • Foreign Minister of Islamic Republic of Iran

  1. Javad Zarif ‏@JZarif
    Unlike the U.S., our decision is not retroactive. All with valid Iranian visa will be gladly welcomed. #MuslimBan 7/7
#MuslimBan shows baselessness of U.S. claims of friendship with the Iranian people while only having issues with the Government. 4/7

#MuslimBan will be recorded in history as a great gift to extremists and their supporters.1/7
Remember when Obama let the citizens of Iran die in the streets....
Iran's alt-right is no doubt foaming at the mouth in celebration of this. Just like their counterparts in the U.S. over the Muslim ban.

I've never understood the use of the word "alt right." Generally by definition this means those who do not fit in with the traditional views of your normal Republicans. Perhaps we should label socialists and communists, the alt left? But that wouldn't make sense as their views are mainstream among today's democrats. Well I guess I've answered my question then. Alt right it is.

their views are mainstream among today's democrats.

whats left of the democrats that is

most normal folk have fled or are fleeing the party
And whilst you school me can I have one of your Che t-shirts?

Can we get a Saul Alinsky name drop on this thread as well since we can't have a serious converation?

Ooooo!!! Can I borrow your copy of that as well? I'll bet it's all bookmarked and underlined right next to your copies of Das Kapital, and Lenin's "on imperialism."

Cen we get a Bill Ayers in here?

See your cell phone contact list.

Anyone else you want to get in here hon?

I like your hammer and sickle pj's.
America's problems with the middle east are all self inflicted.
Are you stupid in the head the Middle East has been fighting with each other since the beginning of time… God you're gullible little motherfucker… LOL
Can we get a Saul Alinsky name drop on this thread as well since we can't have a serious converation?

Ooooo!!! Can I borrow your copy of that as well? I'll bet it's all bookmarked and underlined right next to your copies of Das Kapital, and Lenin's "on imperialism."

Cen we get a Bill Ayers in here?

See your cell phone contact list.

Anyone else you want to get in here hon?

I like your hammer and sickle pj's.

Oh, and triggley puff too!
And leftists continue to undergo their pilgrimages to Cuba, as there is no longer a Soviet Union, in the hopes of experiencing the paradise they want to share with all of us.

We were sharing Cuba like it was an american state bubby, member that?

And it's sooo much better now. But no, I was a negative 80 years old then.

And as such, there is much you need to learn.

And whilst you school me can I have one of your Che t-shirts?

Can we get a Saul Alinsky name drop on this thread as well since we can't have a serious converation?
...or koch brothers, in all 57 states under sniperfire?
What a joke. Iran props up Assad's inhuman regime, they refuse to take in any Syrian refugees themselves and then they whine about Trump temporarily banning Muslims until we can figure out Obama's jacked up system for resettlement. Cut off ALL AID to Iran, and if they fuck with any of our ships or crew, blow them out of the water. Hey Iranian goat humpers: Welcome to the post-Obama world.:2up:

As if that will affect their lucrative tourist trade. Holy crap, these people are insane. About as bad as some Hollywood celebrities threatening to stop making movies to punish America for rejecting liberalism.

Bring it on. LOL
Guess I will have to change my Summer vacation plans now sure hope I can find something better than the Middle East.
Wait, I thought there was always a ban?
DON'T THEY arrest all American tourists as spies all the time? You mean they won't let them in to be arrested now?

Everyone stop having a cow over this, what the media fails to mention is the fact the Gov't has info we don't have. I'm also guessing the last administration left us with to many holes that they have to shut it down till they create the security they deem necessary (hence temp ban) as in better computerized file sharing and lists and checking out (vetting) systems etc....our identities are being stolen by not so clever American Muslim converted wives of immigrants who are using their wives to collect info for sake of snagging our identities to get in the country here and abroad whether bad intentions or not we are being violated and the system is broke and needs a quick gauge of how to weed out the fakes that can hide names on the lists we gather. The ones crying foul are usually the ones who'd cry loudest when it's their identity breached or loved one harmed in an incident.
All those countries have had total over 2000 front door (airport) attempts in by listed terrorists, now figure how many more slipped through the back door with your id's?
Who in their right mind would want to go to Iran (or anywhere else in the Middle East) anyway?
Yeah virtual reality 3d pyramids of Egypt are so much safer and no need to spend days getting sand out of every crevice of your body and worrying about your hotel being seiged by booking the wrong week.
Who in their right mind would want to go to Iran (or anywhere else in the Middle East) anyway?

This just in North Korea said no more party's on its wonderful beaches and 5 star resorts


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