Ooooh Iran is banning US citizens from entering their f**kd up country.

Now that is an interesting idea. Not only should the US ban people from certain countries from entering the United States, we should also ban American citizens from traveling to those same countries. We already have the precedent set with travel ban to Cuba.
Obama maybe to pick up his Iran deal cash out the back door of the deal. :)
Iran will probably be using these issues to kick out monitors in order to shield it's future nuclear ambitions. Look for it..
When are the left wingers going to declare war on Iran as they did Russia? Isn't Iran meddling in our internal affairs?

Iran says to ban U.S. visitors in retaliation to Trump move

I wasn't aware that herds of Americans were clamoring to rush into Iran, anyway.
. You would be surprised as to what the libs would want to do.

Not really, but I've noticed that their sympathy for violent, anti-American nations generally is expressed from the safety of America.
DAMN......I wanted to spend the next 6 years in an Iranian prison.
DAMN......I wanted to spend the next 6 years in an Iranian prison.

you can spend next 6 years in my villa on the beach :biggrin:
i have jetsky and pool :afro:
i have wine and viskey and pork too . please just dont drink in street:biggrin:
I see...I wonder how this ban will affect voting in the UN or will those nations diplomats have diplomatic On a more serious note can someone tell me if Iran has stopped building replicas of an American aircraft carrier to practise sinking of it or are those guys allowed to come into the states to take a closer look so they can figure out how to actually achieve their goal...
Well, Trump hasn't banned Muslims from the US. Looks like Iranians fall for Democrat Fake News too.

It wouldn't be the first time the iranian filth did that:

Iran’s Top News Agency Reposts ‘Onion’ Article as Fact |

The problem is if iran bans american visitors, how will they continue to kidnap them?

Yes, banning Immigration from Iran doesn't = 'Muslim Ban.'

Trump has implemented limits on Immigration from certain chaotic dangerous nations. Iran is one of them. I support him 100%.
So where are the young recent converts to Islam supposed to go for bomb making school?

Hey, now. This is the 21st century, even if the terrorists seem to mostly live in the 4th century. They can always set up online education classes like the other schools.
When are the left wingers going to declare war on Iran as they did Russia? Isn't Iran meddling in our internal affairs?

Iran says to ban U.S. visitors in retaliation to Trump move

I wasn't aware that herds of Americans were clamoring to rush into Iran, anyway.
. You would be surprised as to what the libs would want to do.

No, no I wouldn't. However, I've noticed that liberals often extol the superiority of other countries while remaining safely ensconced in the "eeeevil" US.

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