Ooooops! 81% of Black Americans Don't Want Less Police Presence Despite Protests—Some Want More Cops: Poll


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
As usual the extemeists have their heads up their asses.

A majority of Black Americans have said they want police presence in their area to either remain the same or increase, despite recent protests over police brutality, according to new polls.

As usual the extemeists have their heads up their asses.

A majority of Black Americans have said they want police presence in their area to either remain the same or increase, despite recent protests over police brutality, according to new polls.

Man I can believe it...... My parents were trapped in the hood, a once thriving peaceful neighborhood until it went bad. They waited to long to sell and get out (no insider information). They lost their home value, land value, and peace. They had people walking all times of the night, loud noises, littering, and boom, boom, boom boxes in the trunks of cars not giving a damn about neighborhood peace and harmony. It was like a war zone, where in example of say the north Vietcong would be in essence riding up and down the streets playing loud propaganda music/messages or maybe doing something in the form of in your face intimidation tactics being used to terrorize.

Peaceful living black folks (in Chicago etc) ??? Oh no the black gangs ain't having any of that, because not only do they hate white folks, but they hate any black folks that might appear to want to live peacefully like white folks in a majority do. On the other hand gangs and bad people just love to prey on people, and the weaker the better.

This nation needs to come together with people of like mindedness, and this whether black or white, because the bad people have to be arrested, and the streets made safe for all American's whom want this.
As usual the extemeists have their heads up their asses.

A majority of Black Americans have said they want police presence in their area to either remain the same or increase, despite recent protests over police brutality, according to new polls.

Man I can believe it...... My parents were trapped in the hood, a once thriving peaceful neighborhood until it went bad. They waited to long to sell and get out (no insider information). They lost their home value, land value, and peace. They had people walking all times of the night, loud noises, littering, and boom, boom, boom boxes in the trunks of cars not giving a damn about neighborhood peace and harmony. It was like a war zone, where in example of say the north Vietcong would be in essence riding up and down the streets playing loud propaganda music/messages or maybe doing something in the form of in your face intimidation tactics being used to terrorize.

Peaceful living black folks (in Chicago etc) ??? Oh no the black gangs ain't having any of that, because not only do they hate white folks, but they hate any black folks that might appear to want to live peacefully like white folks in a majority do. On the other hand gangs and bad people just love to prey on people, and the weaker the better.

This nation needs to come together with people of like mindedness, and this whether black or white, because the bad people have to be arrested, and the streets made safe for all American's whom want this.

"All that was required for the evil you mentioned to become a permanent reality, was for good men to do nothing"
And they did nothing very well indeed.

The problem is not the small minority doing all this evil, it's the VAST MAJORITY doing nothing about it.
As usual the extemeists have their heads up their asses.

A majority of Black Americans have said they want police presence in their area to either remain the same or increase, despite recent protests over police brutality, according to new polls.

That's precisely because a majority of Black Americans are normal, hard working folks just like you or I or anyone. They pay their taxes, obey laws, dream of better futures for themselves and their children and just want to get along in peace while living in a CIVILIZED nation. Elementary my dear radical leftists; you take away the police, you rob everyone of their freedom to pursue their American Dreams. This is know by everyone who is neither a gorilla savage or a commie postmodernist leftist.
As usual the extemeists have their heads up their asses.

A majority of Black Americans have said they want police presence in their area to either remain the same or increase, despite recent protests over police brutality, according to new polls.

Just as long as they are good cops...not the murderers.
I don't trust polls. Especially polls on blacks.
They're fickle like most women. They don't know what the hell they want.
Normally, it's the emotional flavor of any given day.
That's why we didn't mass women to invade the beaches of Normandy, on D-Day!
All of this hell cities are going through, all thanks to a few percentage of the black community.

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