Poll shows more Americans want Black Lives Matter riots investigated than Jan. 6 Capitol riot — and it's not close

Republicans put a huge effort into defeating Hillary beginning in 2012. Hell, they turned into fascist fuckwads to beat her.

Going against a political foe is one thing. That's common in our politics. But Donald Trump is gone now, and it's questionable if he'll be back. They are scared to death of him campaigning for Republican congress people in 22, and even more scared to death he may run again in 2024. They are doing everything they can to try and stop him. They are trying to get his tax records in Congress and in NYC so they can leak them to their media friends. They wanted to make a presidential candidate requirement for all contenders to publicly show ten years of past tax returns until they were reminded that would be unconstitutional and easily stopped in court. Most of the people at the Capital were arrested, still being held, others to attend their hearing. What are they so scared of that they need an army of solders for people that won't and can't come back? Like I said, try to keep Jan 6th alive as long as possible to stop President Trump.
Trumpyberra is the leader of the Neo-GOP. For better or worse, you guys are stuck with him for the foreseeable future.

We are happy to have him. But what I meant is if he will be back to run for President again. He'll be four years older and at Trump's age, four years can change everything.
We are happy to have him. But what I meant is if he will be back to run for President again. He'll be four years older and at Trump's age, four years can change everything.
Just don't be surprised when he has a targ....um, when he can be the subject of such derision by the opposition.
Haven't the states and cities investigated the violence and the rioters in their jurisdictions?
Do you expect the Governors of the States that allowed the rioting to continue and rejected federal help would investigate themselves honestly?

How did any of those riots threaten the functioning of the Federal Government or the transfer of power to the opposition party.
They didn't. What they did was kill hundreds of people, destroy billions in private and public property and deny civil rights to thousands of people.

Those rioters were not encouraged by the leader of one of the most powerful political parties in the world to "Fight" because of the election results.
The use of the word "fight" does not necessarily imply physical violence. Fighting for your rights does not automatically involve physical violence. You're referring to Trump's speech which encouraged peacefully marching to the Capitol and demonstrating opposition.
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Haven't the states and cities investigated the violence and the rioters in their jurisdictions? How did any of those riots threaten the functioning of the Federal Government or the transfer of power to the opposition party. Those rioters were not encouraged by the leader of one of the most powerful political parties in the world to "Fight" because of the election results.
If they investigated, they did nothing or released everyone arrested with no charges. Please show us the video where President Trump is telling folks to "FIGHT" because of the election results.

As for the far-left leaders not telling people to fight. Where have you been?





Investigate all you want, it's not going to change the fact that the protests (that have actually went on for years now) have made great strides to address our unjust justice system.

Investigate all you want but we are still going to hold officers accountable. not give up on expanding body camera's. We are no longer going to simply take the word of police officers.

Investigate all you want.
they haven't done shit, if one moves like an idiot or goes for gun, he/she will still end up dead just like before. Only a behavior change by minorities in these situations will change the outcomes
Do you expect the Governors of the States that allowed the rioting to continue and rejected federal help would investigate themselves honestly?

They didn't. What they did was kill hundreds of people, destroy billions in private and public property and deny civil rights to thousands of people.

The use of the word "fight" does not necessarily imply physical violence. Fighting for your rights does not automatically encourage physical violence. You're referring to Trump's speech which encouraged peacefully marching to the Capitol and demonstrating opposition.

You mean the Governors who called out the National Guard to quell the violence after the police shootings?

You simply can't ignore the fact that he was filling them full of rage with his versions of the election results, for nearly a full hour after he coyly said "peacefully". He wasn't the only speaker that morning to use 'Combative' language either.
If they investigated, they did nothing or released everyone arrested with no charges. Please show us the video where President Trump is telling folks to "FIGHT" because of the election results.

As for the far-left leaders not telling people to fight. Where have you been?





Knock yourself out.

Damn those fires still burning?

I said the leader of the Democrat party, not the leader of the Anachist left.
Republicans put a huge effort into defeating Hillary beginning in 2012. Hell, they turned into fascist fuckwads to beat her.
You mean "American citizens didn't want Hillary coronated and the Left has been supremely butthurt about it ever since".
I didn't say a majority, genius.

Nor did you deny your butthurt about Hillary.

Picky fucker.

The only candidate worse than Hillary was the Trumpybear. He only got close because of Russian aid, but Comey put him over the top.
they haven't done shit, if one moves like an idiot or goes for gun, he/she will still end up dead just like before. Only a behavior change by minorities in these situations will change the outcomes

Yes, if someone goes for a gun but the police now have a lot harder time lying about it. The outcomes are changing as much as you want to deny it.
Picky fucker.

The only candidate worse than Hillary was the Trumpybear. He only got close because of Russian aid, but Comey put him over the top.
Do you mean to tell us that your beloved CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, The New York Times, and The New York Post have yet to tell you that the Russian Collusion story was a total, complete LIE?

Naw, you're just joking, aren't you?
I didn't say a majority, genius.

Nor did you deny your butthurt about Hillary.
butthurt about Hillary?
did we file 50 fake lawsuits about her election loss?
did we storm the capitol when they confirmed Trump's electoral vote?

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