Poll shows more Americans want Black Lives Matter riots investigated than Jan. 6 Capitol riot — and it's not close

I blame those that controlled the Capitol police, namely Nancy Pelosi via the Sergeant at Arms and the Chief of Capitol Police in refusing the initial request for National Guard presence before the session began. I don't blame the line officers for following orders to welcome the protestors into the building and hold doors open for them. They were just doing their jobs. I do blame Officer Michael Leroy Byrd for murdering Ashli Babbitt.
Daily Wire ^

As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi picks members of a select committee to investigate the riots of January 6, a new poll finds that many Americans believe she’s focusing on the wrong riots.

One-third more Americans believe Congress should hold investigative hearings about last summer’s “Black Lives Matter protests that sparked violence” than think lawmakers ought to probe the riot at the capitol on January 6.

In all, two out of three likely U.S. voters say they believe Congress should open an official investigation into “the violent protests” which blazed a trail of arson and looting through major and mid-sized cities nationwide. On the other hand, fewer than half (49%) of Americans support Pelosi’s investigation of the D.C. riot in which rioters protesting the 2020 presidential election results stormed the capitol.

Support for a federal inquiry into the riots that engulfed U.S. cities after the death of George Floyd cut deep across racial and political lines. “Sixty-seven percent (67%) of whites, 64% of black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” reported Rasmussen Reports. “Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republicans, 60% of Democrats and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”

The Speaker’s controversial select committee stands on shakier ground. Americans were almost evenly divided on whether members of Congress should launch another examination of the Capitol riot, which Pelosi and her fellow Democrats label an “insurrection”: 42% of respondents told pollsters that the event does not merit a national inquest, with 49% in favor. By contrast, only 21% of Americans said Congress should not investigate the riots surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement.

The riots were the most expensive in U.S. history, costing insurance companies an estimated $1 billion to $2 billion, according to Property Claim Services. That estimate only includes the share of the damage insurance companies cover.

The riots also left hundreds of policemen and civilians injured, and dozens killed, in their wake. “Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed” during last summer’s riots, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. A single police agency “reported that 462 of [its] officers were injured during the protests in [its] jurisdiction.”

Tragically, at least 27 people died during the riots.

“Many elected officials of both parties and at all levels followed up, not by apologizing to their citizens for failing to uphold the law, but by accusing police officers of systemic racism, being in need of reform, reimagining and defunding,” said Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret), a spokesperson for the National Police Association, in a statement.

The poll also found:

62% of voters believe politicians who downplayed the riots should be criticized, 11 points higher than those who believe politicians should be called out for minimizing the importance of the D.C. riot; 63% believe looters and rioters who broke the law last summer should be charged and criminally prosecuted; 65% say President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris should meet with the family of former St. Louis Police captain David Dorn, who was slain by rioters; 68% believe failing to prosecute “quality of life” crimes like shoplifting make criminals more likely to reoffend; and 76% of likely voters say young people ought to be taught to obey police officers’ lawful commands instead of resisting or fleeing arrest. The results, which come from a poll released by Rasmussen and the National Police Association last Wednesday, follow a poll in April that found 55% of likely voters believe anti-police rhetoric makes police officers’ jobs more dangerous.


NOT Good Enough, I want EVERY Elected Official that Collaborated with them Charged Accordingly
Why don’t you start an investigation then?! Stop whining and start doing
Perhaps because Rasmussen takes polls from a balanced sampling whereas the other are weighted heavily with liberal respondents.
Yes Rasmussen is the only legitimate polling source, and all the rest are dirty liberals. That sounds like a lady watching a marching band in a parade, and she yells " Oh, look. My kid is the only one in step."
Not really sure what hat has to do with rasmussen numbers always being higher for right wingers, and lower for Democrats than any of the other polling sources. ------ every time.

You mean kinda like the MSM sources are always in favor of the Democrat over the Republican, right?
You mean kinda like the MSM sources are always in favor of the Democrat over the Republican, right?
Yes, the MSM usually does support the Democratic candidates more. We can talk about why. Why can't you admit that Rasmussen is a cheerleader for right wingers instead of a legitimate poling source?
BIM didn't vandalized anything. It was government agent provocateurs who was trying to encourage the other protesters to riot. But they were only able to get opportunists from poor neighborhoods that are always looking for away to make a fast buck. But they are not apart of the protest. But they were encouraged by these government agents to come to these protests to loot. But the BLM was trying to stopped them from looting. BLM thought that the Blue lives matters had orchestrated these riots in order to put the blame on them. And that is what the FBI COINTELPRO program have done in the past. They have infiltrated agents to disrupt and destroy organizations. Get everyone fighting among each other.

But the looters and these agents were given an blanket pardon once Biden stepped into office. And a president can pardon anyone that done an federal offense. And the governor can do the same at the state level , and that is why these protests have taken place in Deep state territories. So that the governors of these states pardoned the looters but locked up Pres. Trump's supporters.

Fact check my ass. Our Congress members know exactly who controls the Sergeant at Arms. The USA Today fact checker parroted the AP fact checker who used the lies of a Pelosi spokesperson, Drew Hammill to conclude that Nancy didn't know about and influence decisions to NOT call in the National Guard.

AP Fact Checker said:
The answer is no.

“On January 6th, the Speaker, a target of an assassination attempt that day, was no more in charge of Capitol security than Mitch McConnell was. This is a clear attempt to whitewash what happened on January 6th and divert blame,” Drew Hammill, a spokesperson for Pelosi told The Associated Press in an email.

Here's another AP Fact Check:

Notice at the bottom it says:
Associated Press reporter Matthew Daly contributed to this report.


This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinformation that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulation of false stories on the platform.

Here’s more information on Facebook’s fact-checking program:

I noticed you didn't link to the entire USA Today 'fact checker" article. Here it is:

Notice at the bottom it says:

Our fact-check work is supported in part by a grant from Facebook.

Now who would think that Facebook would skew fact checking to the left? :rolleyes:

Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands!
These Globalist are afraid that the people will unite. If the people unite, that they will loose control of the system.
And so that is why they are using divide and conquer tactics on us

And so they are always going to keep us all in sections. So that they can manipulate the minds of certain groups to fight their battles. And that is why the medias are pushing or you can say corralling us all up into certain section and pushes that we must stay loyal to the ones that are in your sect. But will not let you be a free independent thinker sharing your own opinions with others. But making sure that you go along with the programs of the group they have put you into, by making sure that you all stay in your own lane.

And so you all better start expressing your own feelings without worrying about what the others will say, or else you will be a slave thinking that you are free because you are able to discuss the things that the group you are in will let you discuss about.

Fact check my ass. Our Congress members know exactly who controls the Sergeant at Arms. The USA Today fact checker parroted the AP fact checker who used the lies of a Pelosi spokesperson, Drew Hammill to conclude that Nancy didn't know about and influence decisions to NOT call in the National Guard.

Here's another AP Fact Check:

Notice at the bottom it says:

I noticed you didn't link to the entire USA Today 'fact checker" article. Here it is:

Notice at the bottom it says:

Now who would think that Facebook would skew fact checking to the left? :rolleyes:

Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands!
Yep. You're still an idiot.
Yes, the MSM usually does support the Democratic candidates more. We can talk about why. Why can't you admit that Rasmussen is a cheerleader for right wingers instead of a legitimate poling source?

I lost my faith in all polls years ago. The reason the MSM tilts Democrat is because they are part of the Democrat party. They skew these polls to try and convince you what to think, not find out what you think on your own. It's pretty much common sense really.

Since Dementia took over, gasoline went up 30% or more. Our southern border is a complete crisis with people infected with covid coming over from 100 different countries by the thousands every week. We have a labor shortage with a 5.9% unemployment rate because people are making more money on the taxpayer than going to work. We have new covid outbreaks in spite of over half the country being vaccinated, and mask mandates are on their way back. And this joker is getting good approval ratings by the public questioned?

As you can see, it makes no sense at all. Our Capital looks like a war zone in Afghanistan, and this clown has not done one positive thing for the country in the six months he's been in office. Today, police departments (including mine) can't find anybody interested in becoming a police officer. Before the Democrats ruined the country, getting to be a cop was a very difficult thing to do. You had to have the education, the physical abilities, and a lot of luck to be chosen as a potential applicant for an opening. So what are the Democrats working on? Getting rid of qualified immunity for police officers. So when all the cop quit and nobody will take the job, how are you going to protect yourself, especially if you live in a commie city or state with strict gun mandates?

Our country is in ruins, and the polls say a majority approve and I'm supposed to believe that?
Not really sure what hat has to do with rasmussen numbers always being higher for right wingers, and lower for Democrats than any of the other polling sources. ------ every time.
Not surprised that you couldn't find any.

What does Rasmussen have to do with various media outlets? Media bias.
I blame those that controlled the Capitol police, namely Nancy Pelosi via the Sergeant at Arms and the Chief of Capitol Police in refusing the initial request for National Guard presence before the session began. I don't blame the line officers for following orders to welcome the protestors into the building and hold doors open for them. They were just doing their jobs. I do blame Officer Michael Leroy Byrd for murdering Ashli Babbitt.
Ya...the usual double standard. The masses of protesters bashing in windows and doors did not look like they were "let in".

Pelosi does not control the Capitol police, put that lie to rest.
Ya...the usual double standard. The masses of protesters bashing in windows and doors did not look like they were "let in".

Pelosi does not control the Capitol police, put that lie to rest.
nancy seems to think different,,

Fact check my ass. Our Congress members know exactly who controls the Sergeant at Arms. The USA Today fact checker parroted the AP fact checker who used the lies of a Pelosi spokesperson, Drew Hammill to conclude that Nancy didn't know about and influence decisions to NOT call in the National Guard.

Here's another AP Fact Check:

Notice at the bottom it says:

I noticed you didn't link to the entire USA Today 'fact checker" article. Here it is:

Notice at the bottom it says:

Now who would think that Facebook would skew fact checking to the left? :rolleyes:

Nancy Pelosi has blood on her hands!
It is very easy to know who is in charge of the Capitol Police and it is the Capitol Police, amazing how that shit works.

"According to a study of 68 cities by the Major Cities Chiefs Association, in the summer of 2020, there were at least 574 protests that involved acts of violence, including assaults on police officers, looting and arson. More than 2,000 police officers sustained injuries in the line of duty. Should congress investigate the 2020 violent protests that occurred in these cities?"

Really, it's not a loaded question meant to skew the result of the survey..........
Why not investigate both and investigate how autonomous zones were allowed to form?
I lost my faith in all polls years ago. The reason the MSM tilts Democrat is because they are part of the Democrat party. They skew these polls to try and convince you what to think, not find out what you think on your own. It's pretty much common sense really.

Since Dementia took over, gasoline went up 30% or more. Our southern border is a complete crisis with people infected with covid coming over from 100 different countries by the thousands every week. We have a labor shortage with a 5.9% unemployment rate because people are making more money on the taxpayer than going to work. We have new covid outbreaks in spite of over half the country being vaccinated, and mask mandates are on their way back. And this joker is getting good approval ratings by the public questioned?

As you can see, it makes no sense at all. Our Capital looks like a war zone in Afghanistan, and this clown has not done one positive thing for the country in the six months he's been in office. Today, police departments (including mine) can't find anybody interested in becoming a police officer. Before the Democrats ruined the country, getting to be a cop was a very difficult thing to do. You had to have the education, the physical abilities, and a lot of luck to be chosen as a potential applicant for an opening. So what are the Democrats working on? Getting rid of qualified immunity for police officers. So when all the cop quit and nobody will take the job, how are you going to protect yourself, especially if you live in a commie city or state with strict gun mandates?

Our country is in ruins, and the polls say a majority approve and I'm supposed to believe that?
Ga increase 100% where I live from April 2020 until January 2020...Did you complain then or were you too busy trying to advocate the overthrow of a US election to complain?
Daily Wire ^

As Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi picks members of a select committee to investigate the riots of January 6, a new poll finds that many Americans believe she’s focusing on the wrong riots.

One-third more Americans believe Congress should hold investigative hearings about last summer’s “Black Lives Matter protests that sparked violence” than think lawmakers ought to probe the riot at the capitol on January 6.

In all, two out of three likely U.S. voters say they believe Congress should open an official investigation into “the violent protests” which blazed a trail of arson and looting through major and mid-sized cities nationwide. On the other hand, fewer than half (49%) of Americans support Pelosi’s investigation of the D.C. riot in which rioters protesting the 2020 presidential election results stormed the capitol.

Support for a federal inquiry into the riots that engulfed U.S. cities after the death of George Floyd cut deep across racial and political lines. “Sixty-seven percent (67%) of whites, 64% of black voters, 66% of Hispanics and 62% of other minorities think Congress should investigate the 2020 riots in U.S. cities,” reported Rasmussen Reports. “Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republicans, 60% of Democrats and 63% of voters not affiliated with either major party say Congress should investigate last year’s violent protests.”

The Speaker’s controversial select committee stands on shakier ground. Americans were almost evenly divided on whether members of Congress should launch another examination of the Capitol riot, which Pelosi and her fellow Democrats label an “insurrection”: 42% of respondents told pollsters that the event does not merit a national inquest, with 49% in favor. By contrast, only 21% of Americans said Congress should not investigate the riots surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement.

The riots were the most expensive in U.S. history, costing insurance companies an estimated $1 billion to $2 billion, according to Property Claim Services. That estimate only includes the share of the damage insurance companies cover.

The riots also left hundreds of policemen and civilians injured, and dozens killed, in their wake. “Approximately, 72% of major city law enforcement agencies had officers harmed” during last summer’s riots, according to the Major Cities Chiefs Association. A single police agency “reported that 462 of [its] officers were injured during the protests in [its] jurisdiction.”

Tragically, at least 27 people died during the riots.

“Many elected officials of both parties and at all levels followed up, not by apologizing to their citizens for failing to uphold the law, but by accusing police officers of systemic racism, being in need of reform, reimagining and defunding,” said Sgt. Betsy Brantner Smith (Ret), a spokesperson for the National Police Association, in a statement.

The poll also found:

62% of voters believe politicians who downplayed the riots should be criticized, 11 points higher than those who believe politicians should be called out for minimizing the importance of the D.C. riot; 63% believe looters and rioters who broke the law last summer should be charged and criminally prosecuted; 65% say President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris should meet with the family of former St. Louis Police captain David Dorn, who was slain by rioters; 68% believe failing to prosecute “quality of life” crimes like shoplifting make criminals more likely to reoffend; and 76% of likely voters say young people ought to be taught to obey police officers’ lawful commands instead of resisting or fleeing arrest. The results, which come from a poll released by Rasmussen and the National Police Association last Wednesday, follow a poll in April that found 55% of likely voters believe anti-police rhetoric makes police officers’ jobs more dangerous.


NOT Good Enough, I want EVERY Elected Official that Collaborated with them Charged Accordingly
The issue you have with that is that the Trump Cult bigly does not believe in polls!

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