Oops Avenatti Releases Papers Showing Cohen Recieved $500K From Russian Oligarch After Election

We just learned that a Russian oligarch’s company sent $500,000 to Michael Cohen

major claims include:

1) The Viktor Vekselberg company money: Avenatti says that between January and August 2017, Cohen was sent a total of about $500,000 over eight payments from Columbus Nova LLC, which is the US investment arm of Vekselberg’s company the Renova Group.

2) Novartis money: Avenatti says that between October 2017 and January 2018, Novartis sent $399,920 over four payments to the Essential Consultants account.

3) AT&T money: Avenatti says that AT&T sent Essential Consultants $200,000 over four payments, again between October 2017 and January 2018. (AT&T has confirmed making the payments.)

4) Korea Aerospace Industries money: Avenatti says this company sent Cohen $150,000 in November 2017.

5) Elliott Broidy’s money: Broidy, a former RNC fundraiser close to the White House, sent at least $187,500 to Cohen’s accounts, according to Avenatti. Reports quoting anonymous sources have previously suggested that Cohen was making sex scandal hush money payments on Broidy’s behalf.

Some of these claims are unconfirmed. But it does appear that Avenatti’s information about the Vekselberg company money is accurate, and AT&T has confirmed the claim about its own payments — which raises questions about whether these other companies paid Cohen too, and what they might have hoped to get in return.

AT&T wants their merger to go through.

The question is how did these corporations know to make huge contributions to an unknown LLC that was only set up to dispense hush money on behalf of Trumpy?
The story is already falling apart at the seams.....Stormy Daniels' lawyer claims Russian oligarch put $500K in Cohen account

Avenatti said his investigation uncovered eight transactions between January and August 2017, totaling half a million dollars, from U.S.-based Columbus Nova, which he said is controlled by Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg and his cousin Andrew Intrater.

The money was deposited into a First Republic account for Essential Consultants, Avenatti said. That's the same company Cohen created in 2016 and then used to wire $130,000 to Daniels to stop her from going public with her account of an alleged sexual affair with Trump a decade ago.

In a statement, an attorney for Columbus Nova said the management firm is owned and controlled by Americans, not Vekselberg.

"After the inauguration, the firm hired Michael Cohen as a business consultant regarding potential sources of capital and potential investments in real estate and other ventures," the statement said.

"Reports today that Viktor Vekselberg used Columbus Nova as a conduit for payments to Michael Cohen are false. The claim that Viktor Vekselberg was involved or provided any funding for Columbus Nova's engagement of Michael Cohen is patently untrue.

"Neither Viktor Vekselberg nor anyone else other than Columbus Nova's owners, were involved in the decision to hire Cohen or provided funding for his engagement."
You've been played.....AGAIN!!

Oh, a statement from the criminals. That’ll take care of it.

Yeah... the name of the company USED to have Vekselberg's name in it... and the CEO of the American version of the company is Vekselberg's cousin.
We just learned that a Russian oligarch’s company sent $500,000 to Michael Cohen

major claims include:

1) The Viktor Vekselberg company money: Avenatti says that between January and August 2017, Cohen was sent a total of about $500,000 over eight payments from Columbus Nova LLC, which is the US investment arm of Vekselberg’s company the Renova Group.

2) Novartis money: Avenatti says that between October 2017 and January 2018, Novartis sent $399,920 over four payments to the Essential Consultants account.

3) AT&T money: Avenatti says that AT&T sent Essential Consultants $200,000 over four payments, again between October 2017 and January 2018. (AT&T has confirmed making the payments.)

4) Korea Aerospace Industries money: Avenatti says this company sent Cohen $150,000 in November 2017.

5) Elliott Broidy’s money: Broidy, a former RNC fundraiser close to the White House, sent at least $187,500 to Cohen’s accounts, according to Avenatti. Reports quoting anonymous sources have previously suggested that Cohen was making sex scandal hush money payments on Broidy’s behalf.

Some of these claims are unconfirmed. But it does appear that Avenatti’s information about the Vekselberg company money is accurate, and AT&T has confirmed the claim about its own payments — which raises questions about whether these other companies paid Cohen too, and what they might have hoped to get in return.

AT&T wants their merger to go through.

The question is how did these corporations know to make huge contributions to an unknown LLC that was only set up to dispense hush money on behalf of Trumpy?

Not to mention as someone has already said, why would HUGE companies pay that kind of money to Cohen who has no clue what he is doing other than his relationship to Trump.
Breaking on tv now... Trump's personal lawyer received $500K right after the election from a Russian oligarch that is closely related to Putin. Avenatti and Stormy Daniels are Trump's worst nightmare.
wait. So Russia paid Cohen back for hush money to Stormy? Pass the popcorn please.
The lawyer makes claims with nothing to back it up.

He'll be a CNN correspondent before the end of the month.
Breaking on tv now... Trump's personal lawyer received $500K right after the election from a Russian oligarch that is closely related to Putin. Avenatti and Stormy Daniels are Trump's worst nightmare.
Since Trump freely admits that Cohen was on retainer for him, I don't see how Trump will be able to dismiss this payment as being solely on Cohen and not Cohen, acting on Trump's behalf?

I think the most important thing is... did Cohen pay taxes on the money? :)

The pharmaceutical company that made payments of an amount under $100K on purpose... are throwing their old CEO under the bus saying it was all on him.
I think more importantly, we are probably looking at a conspiracy with Russian Oligarch's to get Trump elected, through laundered, illegal campaign money with a sanctioned country, in a presidential election. If true, and I have zero reason to believe it is not, this stands as an illegitimate, illegal election. Meaning, Trump was elected through a foreign country and is not a legal president. Something I have personally known for about fifteen months now. The problem was, I couldn't prove it. If these new revelations hold up, this proves conspiracy with 100% accuracy.

No the largest issue here is, the Russians simply took advantage of lazy Americans who got their news from Facebook and voted based on it. Every person that voted for Trump, after seeing more and more of this information come out, and even continue to support him today because he is a Republican, should feel embarrassed of themselves. They got played by a snake oil salesman and despite him continuing to lie, they continue to support him.
And that is what is scary. I thought this kind of thing only played out in the movies? www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFfTludf0SU
Breaking on tv now... Trump's personal lawyer received $500K right after the election from a Russian oligarch that is closely related to Putin. Avenatti and Stormy Daniels are Trump's worst nightmare.

Trump's personal lawyer received $500K right after the election from a Russian oligarch that is closely related to Putin.

Was it for giving a speech?
Was uranium involved?
No, treason.

How do you figure?
Cohen already has flipped...money laundering, bank fraud and using election money to payoff Filthy Don's sexual predator nature....all while using the Russian Mob in his real estate scheme. Nice.

There is only one way to make this go away.
Cohen joins Flynn, Gates, Manafort, Jared and Deutsche Bank in the long line of flippers.

"I have bombshell evidence but instead of introducing in court, I'm going to leak it to the media so I can get back on CNN", said no competent lawyer ever
^^^^^^^^^Winner winner winner^^^^^^^^^^....he is paid to get Trump...chip away at Trump...he is not representing his client...he is ruining her life...
LOL!.. Can you plug the Douche up?

View attachment 192606
Lemmegetthisstraight, Trump conspired to collude with Putin to obstruct Hillary from taking her rightful place in the Oval Office by having someone from Russia hire Cohen....


We got him this time! Part 701,376
Yea, you got most of it right. The thing is, without having all the details, I predicted fifteen months ago it would eventually be revealed that Trump had ties with Russia, and illegal election money. I was right
And by "right" you mean you got none of it correct
Avenatti wins (again) today's news cycle here, over the great Douche Iran lying SPEWS! LOL!

Avenatti got a REAL Bully Pulpit.
Sometimes, Well all the time Bullying
IS GOOD! When the target is a LYING Orange
DrumpF Douche!

He should say, Your welcome Skanky Melania!
Stormy does it better! We feel your pains.

We got him this time! Part 702,780
The only reason there is (if there is, I find nothing on it) is republicans desperate to focus attention on something, anything other than tRump's probpems.
So you are okay with the sale? Can you tell me what the benefit to America was? Because no one else can...I've written my democrat representatives and they have no answer...so maybe you know what the benefit was because to me...the only people it benefited were the Clinton's...so fill us in dupe...why did we sell it to them?
You’re brainwashed. Seek help.
I'm brainwashed but you don't want to debate your thought pattern you just want to insult? I think you may have it wrong....if you take the time to post...please make it substantial or you end up looking foolish.....
And that has what to do with Trump? Oh wait, that judge asked the same thing on Friday. You're not interested in justice, just only in the downfall of someone you oppose politically. That is to say, Trump. You could care less about Cohen.
Do you know the difference between evidence of a conspiracy to collude with a foreign government against a presidential candidate and justice? That's right, there is none. This is about justice, not some mafia thug.

Conspiracy to collude?????

"Lolololololololo", isn't a rebuttal. It's a surrender to the truth. Thanks!

Trump engaged in jabberwockey jiggerypokery in an effort to conspire to collude to obstruct Hillary from taking her rightful place on the White House throne.

We got him this time! Part 694,351
You keep posting that but your numbers aren't in sequence.

Can't count?
The numbers get bigger with each "guaranteed to bring Trump down this time!" Post
The story is already falling apart at the seams.....Stormy Daniels' lawyer claims Russian oligarch put $500K in Cohen account

Avenatti said his investigation uncovered eight transactions between January and August 2017, totaling half a million dollars, from U.S.-based Columbus Nova, which he said is controlled by Russian billionaire Viktor Vekselberg and his cousin Andrew Intrater.

The money was deposited into a First Republic account for Essential Consultants, Avenatti said. That's the same company Cohen created in 2016 and then used to wire $130,000 to Daniels to stop her from going public with her account of an alleged sexual affair with Trump a decade ago.

In a statement, an attorney for Columbus Nova said the management firm is owned and controlled by Americans, not Vekselberg.

"After the inauguration, the firm hired Michael Cohen as a business consultant regarding potential sources of capital and potential investments in real estate and other ventures," the statement said.

"Reports today that Viktor Vekselberg used Columbus Nova as a conduit for payments to Michael Cohen are false. The claim that Viktor Vekselberg was involved or provided any funding for Columbus Nova's engagement of Michael Cohen is patently untrue.

"Neither Viktor Vekselberg nor anyone else other than Columbus Nova's owners, were involved in the decision to hire Cohen or provided funding for his engagement."
You've been played.....AGAIN!!

Yeah, but they still...

Got him this time!!! Part 703,534

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