Oops Avenatti Releases Papers Showing Cohen Recieved $500K From Russian Oligarch After Election

Read this very carefully Lewpuppy;
  • Emails show the Trump Organization was pursuing a major deal in Russia while Trump was running for president, and simultaneously claiming he had nothing to do with Russia.
Trump removed himself From Trump industries when he started his campaign...Trump industries are separate from the president...So Trump did not lie....Okay? now go watch CNN its time for your daily BS soak up....


After 2 years, millions of taxpayer dollars, shredded attorney client privileged, coerced guilty pleas from people who still haven't flipped, this remains the only tie between Trump and Putin
You forgot the ties where Collusion and obstruction have already been proven.
No. Putin was wearing the one and only tie
As long as you aren't actually making any kind of intelligent rebuttals related to the thread, and are basically saying nothing, we are in good shape. Carry on!
Trump colluded to conspire to collude with Putin to obstruct Hillary from taking her rightful place in the Oval Office. Holy Double Collusion Batman!

Problem: The Crookery may have to be dealt with.

IMO, Trump has probably hit Hillary, Bill has probably hit Melania. We'll see how it goes.

I'd hit 1995 Hillary in a heartbeat. That blonde bob, those legs,, dat ass.. No apologies. :321:

In a way, it's been a done deal more than once.
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Hillary was a crook? Then why is your orange king a subject in an FBI investigation? What has Hillary been charged with? Take your time....

How to let people know you're a moron.

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So that your major in college! Cool!
Hillary was a crook? Then why is your orange king a subject in an FBI investigation? What has Hillary been charged with? Take your time....

How to let people know you're a moron.

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This was your major in college! Cool!
You need to learn what the term, pro bono, means.
And you need to learn to stop making up things.
Oh? What is it you think I’m making up?
Clifford (aka Daniels) v. Trump et al.

”Well, I'm basically doing it pro bono at this point. We've set up a GoFundMe page. It's actually not on the GoFundMe page. It's a Crowd Justice page in an effort to raise money. But other than that, no one.” ~ Michael Avenatti

So again I ask ... what is it you think I’m making up? :dunno:
They haven't the foggiest idea. They're like Guiliani. Make it up as he goes.
Back for more beatings?

Either he is accepting payment or not. His kinda pregnant answer is for morons like you to bobble your heads over.
And you need to learn to stop making up things.
Oh? What is it you think I’m making up?
Clifford (aka Daniels) v. Trump et al.

”Well, I'm basically doing it pro bono at this point. We've set up a GoFundMe page. It's actually not on the GoFundMe page. It's a Crowd Justice page in an effort to raise money. But other than that, no one.” ~ Michael Avenatti

So again I ask ... what is it you think I’m making up? :dunno:
They haven't the foggiest idea. They're like Guiliani. Make it up as he goes.
Back for more beatings?

Either he is accepting payment or not. His kinda pregnant answer is for morons like you to bobble your heads over.

NEVER use the word "pregnant" in context with trump. He is very "pro-life".....would hate to see that distinction go out the window.
You'll have to link your posts where you uttered such predictions...

You say a lot of stupid shit, almost none of which turns into reality
Okay lets see a list....you made the accusation so lets see the list Fauny....

You idiotically claimed “everything” you’ve said has come true. :cuckoo:

All I need is 1 thing to demonstrate you’re a nut case. Here you are, idiotically predicting Flynn will walk because he had not yet pled guilty in front of a judge...
Oh but Flynn has not plead in a court of law yet...in a grand jury you are not allowed to have your attorney in the room so a grand jury has no power to convict or punish...that takes a court with both sides represented...get it honey?
... but you proved, as usual, to being a moronic conservative who simply was too ignorant to know Flynn had actually pleaded guilty in court in front of a judge.

Well loodawg posted this OP Tuesday May, 8 at 6:05 pm under BREAKING NEWS...
Meanwhile the Trump Admin has rescued 3 citizens from NOKO, set up a Summit with lil 'Kim in Singapore and was part of a coalition that captured the 5 most wanted Leaders of ISIS...

What has been reported re: loodawg's BREAKING NEWS...


:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::highfive: :highfive:

I'm surprised that Trump wants people to talk about something he lied about.
What an ass.
And you need to learn to stop making up things.
Oh? What is it you think I’m making up?
Clifford (aka Daniels) v. Trump et al.

”Well, I'm basically doing it pro bono at this point. We've set up a GoFundMe page. It's actually not on the GoFundMe page. It's a Crowd Justice page in an effort to raise money. But other than that, no one.” ~ Michael Avenatti

So again I ask ... what is it you think I’m making up? :dunno:
They haven't the foggiest idea. They're like Guiliani. Make it up as he goes.
Back for more beatings?

Either he is accepting payment or not. His kinda pregnant answer is for morons like you to bobble your heads over.

Moron, when a lawyer says they’re working pro bono, it means they’re not charging their client.

”Well, I'm basically doing it pro bono at this point. We've set up a GoFundMe page. It's actually not on the GoFundMe page. It's a Crowd Justice page in an effort to raise money. But other than that, no one.” ~ Michael Avenatti

So again I ask ... what is it you think I’m making up? :dunno:
They haven't the foggiest idea. They're like Guiliani. Make it up as he goes.
Back for more beatings?

Either he is accepting payment or not. His kinda pregnant answer is for morons like you to bobble your heads over.

Moron, when a lawyer says they’re working pro bono, it means they’re not charging their client.
Outside of the $450,000 he is getting, he is working pro bono.


”Well, I'm basically doing it pro bono at this point. We've set up a GoFundMe page. It's actually not on the GoFundMe page. It's a Crowd Justice page in an effort to raise money. But other than that, no one.” ~ Michael Avenatti

So again I ask ... what is it you think I’m making up? :dunno:
They haven't the foggiest idea. They're like Guiliani. Make it up as he goes.
Back for more beatings?

Either he is accepting payment or not. His kinda pregnant answer is for morons like you to bobble your heads over.

Moron, when a lawyer says they’re working pro bono, it means they’re not charging their client.
Outside of the $450,000 he is getting, he is working pro bono.

If he’s not charging his client, he’s working pro bono. Who knows why such a simple concept is lost on you? :dunno:
... but you proved, as usual, to being a moronic conservative who simply was too ignorant to know Flynn had actually pleaded guilty in court in front of a judge
Ahhhh but he has not been sentenced yet....why little fauny? Why?
Because he didn't do anything illegal that's why...Flynn will walk and Fauny will disappear for a year or so because she will realize what a fool she has been...
... but you proved, as usual, to being a moronic conservative who simply was too ignorant to know Flynn had actually pleaded guilty in court in front of a judge
Ahhhh but he has not been sentenced yet....why little fauny? Why?
Because he didn't do anything illegal that's why...Flynn will walk and Fauny will disappear for a year or so because she will realize what a fool she has been...

Imbecile... you denied he was convicted in a court of law. Then you parlayed that nonsense into he will walk free.

Meanwhile, you idiotically claimed “everything” you said has come true. :cuckoo:
... but you proved, as usual, to being a moronic conservative who simply was too ignorant to know Flynn had actually pleaded guilty in court in front of a judge
Ahhhh but he has not been sentenced yet....why little fauny? Why?
Because he didn't do anything illegal that's why...Flynn will walk and Fauny will disappear for a year or so because she will realize what a fool she has been...

.no...because he is still coughing up crimes on your orange king....he will be sentenced.
... but you proved, as usual, to being a moronic conservative who simply was too ignorant to know Flynn had actually pleaded guilty in court in front of a judge
Ahhhh but he has not been sentenced yet....why little fauny? Why?
Because he didn't do anything illegal that's why...Flynn will walk and Fauny will disappear for a year or so because she will realize what a fool she has been...
Cohen is the bag man for illegal Russian money flowing to Trump and his campaign. Otherwise known as a "conspiracy". That constitutes a crime to conspire with a Russian adversary to influence an election and proves there was illegal Campaign contributions.It also explains Trump's obstruction activities. And we have yet to find out where all the rest of the millions of dollars went that were given to Cohen for services that never existed.

No wonder Pence said that it was time to wrap this thing up. Mueller is already sitting on top of multiple charges and the cowards of the GOP know it. Have you ever seen a more corrupt, cowardly, unpatriotic, bunch of thugs in your life?

Any person out there who thinks this plays out in favor of Trump and his band of thug supporters in court, is totally retarded. Which is what they are desperately trying to avoid. This country has gone to the shitter because of the Republican party. They have proven to be traitors of the state. Vote them out everyone.
... but you proved, as usual, to being a moronic conservative who simply was too ignorant to know Flynn had actually pleaded guilty in court in front of a judge
Ahhhh but he has not been sentenced yet....why little fauny? Why?
Because he didn't do anything illegal that's why...Flynn will walk and Fauny will disappear for a year or so because she will realize what a fool she has been...

.no...because he is still coughing up crimes on your orange king....he will be sentenced.
In the meantime, his thug supporters are working over time to obstruct the investigation.

Remember the days when Nunes pretended to care about this investigation until he didn't? Then he ran to the WH to get his marching orders to obstruct the investigation? Then the deplorable's chimed in with Nunes, Trump, and the GOP, to eventually obstruct even more, by putting out a fake memo discrediting the investigation ? And now today, none of them hide their real treasonous behavior by simply trying to get rid of the investigation any way they can?

This obstructionist evolutionary process by Trump, the GOP, and its deplorable supporters from pretending to care a year ago, to all out obstructionist traitors, has been nothing short of amazing to watch.

Boys and girls, these are some real sick puppies here. They are the worst this country has had.
... but you proved, as usual, to being a moronic conservative who simply was too ignorant to know Flynn had actually pleaded guilty in court in front of a judge
Ahhhh but he has not been sentenced yet....why little fauny? Why?
Because he didn't do anything illegal that's why...Flynn will walk and Fauny will disappear for a year or so because she will realize what a fool she has been...
Cohen is the bag man for illegal Russian money flowing to Trump and his campaign. Otherwise known as a "conspiracy". That constitutes a crime to conspire with a Russian adversary to influence an election and proves there was illegal Campaign contributions.It also explains Trump's obstruction activities. And we have yet to find out where all the rest of the millions of dollars went that were given to Cohen for services that never existed.

No wonder Pence said that it was time to wrap this thing up. Mueller is already sitting on top of multiple charges and the cowards of the GOP know it. Have you ever seen a more corrupt, cowardly, unpatriotic, bunch of thugs in your life?

Any person out there who thinks this plays out in favor of Trump and his band of thug supporters in court, is totally retarded. Which is what they are desperately trying to avoid. This country has gone to the shitter because of the Republican party. They have proven to be traitors of the state. Vote them out everyone.

The orange king brags that he is not a target of Mueller. He will NEVER be a target. The DOJ will not indict a sitting so called president.

But Mueller has and will outline multiple crimes in his report to Congress. The GOP will either stick with the orange king and suffer voter wrath or Impeach him.....
The orange king brags that he is not a target of Mueller. He will NEVER be a target. The DOJ will not indict a sitting so called president.

But Mueller has and will outline multiple crimes in his report to Congress. The GOP will either stick with the orange king and suffer voter wrath or Impeach him.....
You need to catch up...now it appears that Obama placed a spy in the Trump campaign and maybe into Jeb's and Cruz's as well...the shit is about to hit the fan...
Imbecile... you denied he was convicted in a court of law. Then you parlayed that nonsense into he will walk free.

Meanwhile, you idiotically claimed “everything” you said has come true
I did not.....I said he will walk do you doubt me?

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