Oops! D-Diane Feinstein Caught Unaware On Hot Mic Ranting About ACB's Catholic Religion


the horror!

i thought the Dems were all about bringing back civility? yeah sure!

Um, I hope Graham washed his has and disinfected his suit...
he didn't
One of the

HOT MIC: Liberal Senator Feinstein Caught Ranting About Amy Coney Barrett’s Catholic Religion When She Thought No One Was Listening!

So ACB's religion is a threat to America, but Feinstein getting caught facilitating Chinese espionage out of her office for DECADES was not even worthy of an investigation?

“She’s been pro-life for a long time. So I suspect with her, it is deeply personal and comes with her religion.”

No, there is no animosity r bias towards ACB's religion there.... :p

Ya gotta love those Hot Mics, right snowflakes?

An anti white, anti christian, anti american, israeli dual citizen disapproving of a white, christian.
What a surprise.
LoLing @ using "gateway Pundit" as a news source...

so it gateway pundit what difference does it make there is the recording from the hot mic
And fuck dude it's beat fake news mainstream media
so hell yes the laugh is on you
Mac and other snowflakes make me laugh like hell. You could post a link to some source like the GWP that leads to not only a story AND a full video/audio-clip of a Democrat covered in blood with a bloody knife in their hand admitting publicly that they had just killed a hobo, and these snowflakes would respond by saying, 'It's the GWP....therefore it did not happen.'

:p Bwuhahahahahaha......
That was not a rant; it was a statement that the speaker believed, reasonably, was true. The same would be true for more than half the Catholics in America. Why is this "news"?
OK, I'll bite.

has she been pro life for a long time?
are catholics pro life?

where is she insulting anyone vs just stating facts?
my question. there is n
That was not a rant; it was a statement that the speaker believed, reasonably, was true. The same would be true for more than half the Catholics in America. Why is this "news"?
agreed. there is nothing insulting here unless you are looking to be insulted. even then a reach.
from the media:

“This has been one of the best set of hearings that I’ve participated in,” Feinstein said at the Senate Judiciary Committee.⁠

Calls for her ouster from Democratic leadership were swift, unequivocal and relentless.⁠

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