Oops, Trump wants DACA 'legalized'.

THAT irrelevant. We don't elect our president with a popular vote. If we did, Jose Cuervo or Beyonce, or, God forbid, Hillary, would be running this country. Imagine the snickers around the globe on that last one....
You are correct...we do not elect our president with a popular vote....but the popular vote DOES indicate the desires of the majority of Americans (at least those who bother to vote). Do you disagree?
I disagree. If that were the case, hugely populated inner cities ((ie. hoodlums and criminals (which includes illegal aliens)) would be electing our president. Our forefathers thought through this travesty, to the detriment of you leftist traitors.
/----/ The sad thing is my dear, is that your meme is accurate.
Nobody said the road to success wouldn't be straight and narrow..
/---/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a double negative sentence. I'm laughing to hard at you to even try. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
He didn't say that did he? Media Matters said that he said it. Schumer wants DACA not Trump. Lefties have a way of slapping benign titles on violations of the Constitution as in the "Fairness Doctrine" forcing right wing radio to spout left wing propaganda under penalty of law. The "D" in DACA stands for "deferred" and if they were honest they would change the "D" to a "K" as in (Kick) the can down the road until you can't recognize it anymore.

A license permits broadcasting, but the licensee has no constitutional right to be the one who holds the license or to monopolize a…frequency to the exclusion of his fellow citizens. There is nothing in the First Amendment which prevents the Government from requiring a licensee to share his frequency with others…. It is the right of the viewers and listeners, not the right of the broadcasters, which is paramount.

— U.S. Supreme Court, upholding the constitutionality of the Fairness Doctrine in Red Lion Broadcasting Co. v. FCC, 1969.

In fact, not one Fairness Doctrine decision issued by the FCC had ever concerned itself with talkshows. Indeed, the talkshow format was born and flourished while the doctrine was in operation. Before the doctrine was repealed, right-wing hosts frequently dominated talkshow schedules, even in liberal cities, but none was ever muzzled

The Fairness Doctrine
You are correct...we do not elect our president with a popular vote....but the popular vote DOES indicate the desires of the majority of Americans (at least those who bother to vote). Do you disagree?
I disagree. If that were the case, hugely populated inner cities ((ie. hoodlums and criminals (which includes illegal aliens)) would be electing our president. Our forefathers thought through this travesty, to the detriment of you leftist traitors.
/----/ The sad thing is my dear, is that your meme is accurate.
Nobody said the road to success wouldn't be straight and narrow..
/---/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a double negative sentence. I'm laughing to hard at you to even try. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
She said she needs to see you about your inability to see sarcasm..
I disagree. If that were the case, hugely populated inner cities ((ie. hoodlums and criminals (which includes illegal aliens)) would be electing our president. Our forefathers thought through this travesty, to the detriment of you leftist traitors.
/----/ The sad thing is my dear, is that your meme is accurate.
Nobody said the road to success wouldn't be straight and narrow..
/---/ Ask your Special Ed teacher to explain a double negative sentence. I'm laughing to hard at you to even try. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
She said she needs to see you about your inability to see sarcasm..
/---/ I can see sarcasm as well as grammar issues.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office.

Were THAT the case, Trump would have also won the popular vote last Nov......He DIDN'T....
/----/ The popular vote is a meaningless statistic as you well know.
Then why go the expense of having it?
/----/ Playing stupid again, I see. Well Spanky, we don't vote for the president, we vote for the Electors who select the president. Ask mommy to buy you a book, Civics 101.

There were no electors on the ballot when I voted.

I'll tell you in simple terms why the electoral college is wrong. It disenfranchises millions of Americans' votes based only on which state they are from.
/----/ Only if the EC selects a Republican
So full of hate for illegal wanting the executive order to be *gasp* law.

Amazing how the left is suddenly acknowledging that Obama acted illegally ordering daca
Is it a coincidence that the same senators who will have to make a public vote on this issue, are also the same senators who are staunchly opposing the presidents, and therefore the peoples agenda? I think not. Now; if these Republican senators go against the will of their constituency, they put their re-election at risk. This could be nothing less than an ingenious move by Trump to eliminate the opposition within the party. I eagerly look forward to seeing how this pans out.
deporting DREAMers is not the "people's agenda". The people don't support 100% of the things the President supports. Be smart.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.
Most Republicans want Dreamers to stay. You failed again.

NEGATIVE...no legit American thinks hard working American taxpayers should pay ILLEGAL foreign kids to come here and steal from REAL American's.
Just think about what you're saying.

You are the one who needs to think about what you are saying. The REPUBLICAN AG of Tennessee who participated in the threatened legal challenge has bothered to look into the kind of people you regularly defame.

"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

Notice the word, "whose records I reviewed". He has bothered to find the facts. You rely on racial stereotypes rather than the facts.
Is it a coincidence that the same senators who will have to make a public vote on this issue, are also the same senators who are staunchly opposing the presidents, and therefore the peoples agenda? I think not. Now; if these Republican senators go against the will of their constituency, they put their re-election at risk. This could be nothing less than an ingenious move by Trump to eliminate the opposition within the party. I eagerly look forward to seeing how this pans out.
deporting DREAMers is not the "people's agenda". The people don't support 100% of the things the President supports. Be smart.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.
Most Republicans want Dreamers to stay. You failed again.

NEGATIVE...no legit American thinks hard working American taxpayers should pay ILLEGAL foreign kids to come here and steal from REAL American's.
Just think about what you're saying.

You are the one who needs to think about what you are saying. The REPUBLICAN AG of Tennessee who participated in the threatened legal challenge has bothered to look into the kind of people you regularly defame.

"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

Notice the word, "whose records I reviewed". He has bothered to find the facts. You rely on racial stereotypes rather than the facts.
/----/ Come here leagally and you can stay, otherwise go home and apply for citizenship
deporting DREAMers is not the "people's agenda". The people don't support 100% of the things the President supports. Be smart.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.
Most Republicans want Dreamers to stay. You failed again.

NEGATIVE...no legit American thinks hard working American taxpayers should pay ILLEGAL foreign kids to come here and steal from REAL American's.
Just think about what you're saying.

You are the one who needs to think about what you are saying. The REPUBLICAN AG of Tennessee who participated in the threatened legal challenge has bothered to look into the kind of people you regularly defame.

"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

Notice the word, "whose records I reviewed". He has bothered to find the facts. You rely on racial stereotypes rather than the facts.
/----/ Come here leagally and you can stay, otherwise go home and apply for citizenship

let's trade them for you. We'll take your citizenship and give it to them Mr 15%.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.
Most Republicans want Dreamers to stay. You failed again.

NEGATIVE...no legit American thinks hard working American taxpayers should pay ILLEGAL foreign kids to come here and steal from REAL American's.
Just think about what you're saying.

You are the one who needs to think about what you are saying. The REPUBLICAN AG of Tennessee who participated in the threatened legal challenge has bothered to look into the kind of people you regularly defame.

"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

Notice the word, "whose records I reviewed". He has bothered to find the facts. You rely on racial stereotypes rather than the facts.
/----/ Come here leagally and you can stay, otherwise go home and apply for citizenship

let's trade them for you. We'll take your citizenship and give it to them Mr 15%.
/----/. My family has been here since the late 1700s and I'm not going anywhere. Mexico wouldn't take you because they have high standards for immigration. And what do you mean by Mr 15% ? Some sort of juvenile insult?
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...

Which is what he has been saying all along. Are you really that stupid? Oh....wait. It's you.....so...yeah, yeah you are that dumb.
When I say the "people"; I'm referring to the ones that actually matter. The Republican voters who put Trump in office. The Republican voters who have seized control of both houses, and the white house. The leftists opinion on this matter will be a moot point.
Most Republicans want Dreamers to stay. You failed again.

NEGATIVE...no legit American thinks hard working American taxpayers should pay ILLEGAL foreign kids to come here and steal from REAL American's.
Just think about what you're saying.

You are the one who needs to think about what you are saying. The REPUBLICAN AG of Tennessee who participated in the threatened legal challenge has bothered to look into the kind of people you regularly defame.

"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

Notice the word, "whose records I reviewed". He has bothered to find the facts. You rely on racial stereotypes rather than the facts.
/----/ Come here leagally and you can stay, otherwise go home and apply for citizenship

let's trade them for you. We'll take your citizenship and give it to them Mr 15%.


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Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...

Which is what he has been saying all along. Are you really that stupid? Oh....wait. It's you.....so...yeah, yeah you are that dumb.

I see you're still hurting. lol.

Tell us why you Trumptards thought he wanted DACA ended then.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...

Which is what he has been saying all along. Are you really that stupid? Oh....wait. It's you.....so...yeah, yeah you are that dumb.

I see you're still hurting. lol.

Tell us why you Trumptards thought he wanted DACA ended then.

Because DACA is against the law dipshit. For all of your whining about trump going to be a dictator it was your hero obummer who was acting like the dictator. He overstepped his authority by enacting DACA. All of the pundits claim that there is widespread support, from both sides of the aisle for the idea of DACA. So great, let them get off of their collective asses and DO something positive for the DACA recipients.

It is a problem that Congress can fix quite easily. Trump has said, "give me a Bill and I'll sign it", so he has done exactly what he promised to do which is get rid of an illegal program. Now, it is up to Congress to put their money where their mouths are.

It truly is that simple. So why can't you understand that?
It is a problem that Congress can fix quite easily. Trump has said, "give me a Bill and I'll sign it", so he has done exactly what he promised to do which is get rid of an illegal program. Now, it is up to Congress to put their money where their mouths are.

The GOP-led congress could have had a bill for Obama to sign on immigration for at least 4 years...THEY WERE TOO SCARED to do so then, and there are too scared now......Trump is just as equally terrified of signing off on an EO......so (in his usual cowardly way), he passed the hot potato off to the do-nothing congress.
It is a problem that Congress can fix quite easily. Trump has said, "give me a Bill and I'll sign it", so he has done exactly what he promised to do which is get rid of an illegal program. Now, it is up to Congress to put their money where their mouths are.

The GOP-led congress could have had a bill for Obama to sign on immigration for at least 4 years...THEY WERE TOO SCARED to do so then, and there are too scared now......Trump is just as equally terrified of signing off on an EO......so (in his usual cowardly way), he passed the hot potato off to the do-nothing congress.
/----/ I share your contempt for congress but no matter what President Trump does or doesn't do you will find fault with it.
I share your contempt for congress but no matter what President Trump does or doesn't do you will find fault with it.

Perhaps......but want to address this question?

Does Trump have the authority to sign off on an EO revoking DACA??.......Yes or No?
Most Republicans want Dreamers to stay. You failed again.

NEGATIVE...no legit American thinks hard working American taxpayers should pay ILLEGAL foreign kids to come here and steal from REAL American's.
Just think about what you're saying.

You are the one who needs to think about what you are saying. The REPUBLICAN AG of Tennessee who participated in the threatened legal challenge has bothered to look into the kind of people you regularly defame.

"Many of the DACA recipients, some of whose records I reviewed, have outstanding accomplishments and laudable ambitions, which if achieved, will be of great benefit and service to our country. They have an appreciation for the opportunities afforded them by our country."

Notice the word, "whose records I reviewed". He has bothered to find the facts. You rely on racial stereotypes rather than the facts.
/----/ Come here leagally and you can stay, otherwise go home and apply for citizenship

let's trade them for you. We'll take your citizenship and give it to them Mr 15%.
/----/. My family has been here since the late 1700s and I'm not going anywhere. Mexico wouldn't take you because they have high standards for immigration. And what do you mean by Mr 15% ? Some sort of juvenile insult?

I predict the DREAMers are not going anywhere either. You don't have a clue about Mexico and their standards are too high for you. You just happen to be one of those 15%ers who oppose DACA. See where 15% gets you elected. Nowhere.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...

Which is what he has been saying all along. Are you really that stupid? Oh....wait. It's you.....so...yeah, yeah you are that dumb.

I see you're still hurting. lol.

Tell us why you Trumptards thought he wanted DACA ended then.

Because DACA is against the law dipshit. For all of your whining about trump going to be a dictator it was your hero obummer who was acting like the dictator. He overstepped his authority by enacting DACA. All of the pundits claim that there is widespread support, from both sides of the aisle for the idea of DACA. So great, let them get off of their collective asses and DO something positive for the DACA recipients.

It is a problem that Congress can fix quite easily. Trump has said, "give me a Bill and I'll sign it", so he has done exactly what he promised to do which is get rid of an illegal program. Now, it is up to Congress to put their money where their mouths are.

It truly is that simple. So why can't you understand that?

DACA is not against the law. A President can make decisions on who will be deported. If he chooses not to deport a individual or group, he has the discretion.
Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 9h9 hours ago

"Congress now has 6 months to legalize DACA (something the Obama Administration was unable to do). If they can't, I will revisit this issue!"

5:38 PM - 5 Sep 2017

...of course who can believe Trump one moment to the next...

Which is what he has been saying all along. Are you really that stupid? Oh....wait. It's you.....so...yeah, yeah you are that dumb.

I see you're still hurting. lol.

Tell us why you Trumptards thought he wanted DACA ended then.

Because DACA is against the law dipshit. For all of your whining about trump going to be a dictator it was your hero obummer who was acting like the dictator. He overstepped his authority by enacting DACA. All of the pundits claim that there is widespread support, from both sides of the aisle for the idea of DACA. So great, let them get off of their collective asses and DO something positive for the DACA recipients.

It is a problem that Congress can fix quite easily. Trump has said, "give me a Bill and I'll sign it", so he has done exactly what he promised to do which is get rid of an illegal program. Now, it is up to Congress to put their money where their mouths are.

It truly is that simple. So why can't you understand that?

DACA is not against the law. A President can make decisions on who will be deported. If he chooses not to deport a individual or group, he has the discretion.

Clearly you have never taken a Civics class. The LEGISLATIVE BRANCH makes laws. The EXECUTIVE BRANCH sets policy.

Go back to school.

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