"Open borders"..."do away with ICE"... "we don't want no f...king Wall"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Strange but the same people that repeat the above probably live like this... behind a wall behind a wall!

It's OK for them to live behind a wall behind a wall... but screw the rest of the country! Screw McAllen,
Weslaco, Edinburg, Donna, Harlingen,San Benito, to name a few South Texas border towns that confront
these illegal aliens that cross over the border (no wall...) not even two walls... and costing Americans
YUP these same people that live behind these walls behind walls are probably the same idiots wanting
open borders... that don't want a wall!
What a sad bunch of hypocrites!

the only people i've seen babbling about open borders are trumptards

go figure
The Democrats are nuts, and are tiring to destroy America, WTF is up with open borders ,Get rid of ICE !They are insane losers ,who do not deserve to even populate this Country, I hope the miserable bastards lose big time in the elections.
Yes, I saw some national Democrats endorse the idea of abolishing ICE. Not many, but it's amazing that *any* elected American official would support such a dangerous, crazy idea.
the only people i've seen babbling about open borders are trumptards

go figure

What’s the spin from the Left today? How are you packaging things today?
“We don’t want ‘open borders’, we want a pathway to citizenship for the 12-40 million here illegally now, we want the 1.2 million DACA ‘kids’ gifted citizenship and we want future Mexican immigrants to be able to become citizens without all the red tape....but, but, but....we swear, we don’t want open borders.”
Is that where we’re at?
President Trump has forced the left's crazy into the open and they are self destructing.
The Democrats are nuts, and are tiring to destroy America, WTF is up with open borders ,Get rid of ICE !They are insane losers ,who do not deserve to even populate this Country, I hope the miserable bastards lose big time in the elections.
--------------------------------- its not enough as they'll just be back with more imported reinforcements Nova .
stop immigration of all types , I'm just glad to have the TRUMP for now and then maybe Pence .
Where you put your finger on your teeth and move it up it up and down, bobbling your lips in making fun of someone. There's a certain sound that goes with it.
the only people i've seen babbling about open borders are trumptards

go figure
Not hard to figure. The open borders crazies try to keep low profile, and not even say the words "open borders". Instead they babble other things (which rarely are correct).
No fucking borders
No fucking wall
We will make your country fall.

Nope no civil war brewing here nossir.
Strange but the same people that repeat the above probably live like this... behind a wall behind a wall!

It's OK for them to live behind a wall behind a wall... but screw the rest of the country! Screw McAllen,
Weslaco, Edinburg, Donna, Harlingen,San Benito, to name a few South Texas border towns that confront
these illegal aliens that cross over the border (no wall...) not even two walls... and costing Americans
YUP these same people that live behind these walls behind walls are probably the same idiots wanting
open borders... that don't want a wall!
What a sad bunch of hypocrites!

View attachment 201880

We should start over with a closed southern border and take it from there. Always easier to patch the dam when it's not leaking.
Leftist open borders loons should leave the US. Move to Canada, UK, or Australia. Someplace liberal like they are. Now they can puff their pot legally in Canada too.

Canada has tightly closed borders, but that shouldn't matter to leftys, because they only want open borders to bring in Democrat voters, to lefticize the US, but Canada is already leftist. You hear this leftists ? Well, get going, and don't keep US citizenship.
the only people i've seen babbling about open borders are trumptards

go figure

You've got to be kidding! You are really that stupid to think the same people that want the wall are asking for "open borders"??

Geez you are certainly exemplifying why people call people like you...oh I don't know just idiot!

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