Open-Borders Groups in Panic over E-verify bill!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
"One way to judge the likely effectiveness of Chairman Lamar Smith's national mandatory E-Verify bill is the panic it has caused among the nation's biggest promoters of illegal immigration. They attack Rep. Smith's bill because they say it will take the incomes away from large swaths of America's illegal population. Well, I guess that's the point isn't it, because those incomes will now go to unemployed American citizens and legal immigrants who already are here."

Open-Borders Groups in Panic That 'Chairman's E-Verify Bill' Will Result in Massive Loss of Illegal Alien Jobs | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

I imagine it's not just "open borders" groups that are outraged. Businesses don't like it either.
It is truly astounding how the left has universally declared any attempt to reign in the prevalence of illegal immigration, and all of the social ills that it brings.

E-Verify is a common sense solution to ensuring that someone is legally able to work in the US. I live in GA and we just passed a bill--it is being proclaimed as the most sweeping immigration bill since Arizona-- that simply required businesses to E-Verify employees. Leftist organizations have come out of the woodwork decrying this as a return to Jim Crow.

Republicans own the issues. The question is will the they capitalize on issues that are overwhelmingly favored by the American people?
This is a non-issue, employers have been required by Federal law to establish the employment status of all new hires for well over 20 years.

Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

When Congress passed and the president signed into law the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the result was the first major revision of America’s immigration laws in decades. The law seeks to preserve jobs for those who are legally entitled to them—American citizens and aliens who are authorized to work in the United States.

The Immigration and Naturalization Service is responsible for implementing this law. IRCA prohibits employers from knowingly hiring, recruiting, or referring for a fee any alien who is unauthorized to work. The public policy behind this law reflects the concern that the problem of illegal immigration and employment requires greater control and stronger enforcement mechanisms by the federal government. As a result of this law, all employers are required to verify both the identity and employment eligibility of all regular, temporary, casual, and student employees hired after November 6, 1986, and complete and retain a one-page form (INS Form I-9) documenting this verification. Failure to comply with these requirements may result in both civil and criminal liability with the imposition of substantial fines ranging from $100 to $1,000 per hire, as well as possible imprisonment for a pattern or practice of noncompliance. Most importantly, failure to verify a new employee’s identity and employment eligibility will result in the termination of employment for that employee.

Human Resources » Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA)

E-Verify is merely another tool used in the process.

The only issue is whether the law is implemented consistently and due process is observed.
It is truly astounding how the left has universally declared any attempt to reign in the prevalence of illegal immigration, and all of the social ills that it brings.

E-Verify is a common sense solution to ensuring that someone is legally able to work in the US. I live in GA and we just passed a bill--it is being proclaimed as the most sweeping immigration bill since Arizona-- that simply required businesses to E-Verify employees. Leftist organizations have come out of the woodwork decrying this as a return to Jim Crow.

Republicans own the issues. The question is will the they capitalize on issues that are overwhelmingly favored by the American people?

For all the talk of "the left doesn't care about illegal immigration", it's very interesting that enforcement raids are actually way up during the Obama administration.

As for the immigration bill in Georgia, the biggest howls aren't coming from the left. They're coming from growers who feel it's going to create a labor shortage.
"One way to judge the likely effectiveness of Chairman Lamar Smith's national mandatory E-Verify bill is .........

...........Georgia State survey : 11,080 farm jobs unfilled

Let them stupid rednecks pick the fucking peaches.....


As someone from peach country (I haven't always been an Atlantan), you'd be shocked by the number of high school kids who work on the peach farms during the summer (though, it definitely isn't enough to meet the demand).
"One way to judge the likely effectiveness of Chairman Lamar Smith's national mandatory E-Verify bill is .........

...........Georgia State survey : 11,080 farm jobs unfilled

Let them stupid rednecks pick the fucking peaches.....

Umm, genius....Before the Mexicans got here, Americans were picking those peaches....Most of them blacks and whites.
So your problem is with Americans ,huh?

Umm, fucktard.....

Before 1965 we had open borders with Canada and Mexico , there was never a fucking problem.

I am sure that Georgia farmers will eventually find a solution ....even if consumers will have to pay $100.00 for a fucking peach.

There are 20 million illegal aliens in America. Just how many do we need to pick produce??? :evil:
I imagine it's not just "open borders" groups that are outraged. Businesses don't like it either.

If it prevents them from hiring illegals and forces them to hire Americans then that's great, everyone wins but the illegals and crooked business owners.
Just another example of 'limited government' hypocrisy.

The NUMBER 1 job of government is the protection of it's citizens like defense, police, BORDERS, food safety, etc. Go back to school and take a civics class.

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