Open invite to Dems to make their final arugument for electors to defy their constiuents

While you're "waiting" try actually "reading" the first post I made here. Post 14. You said "make the argument"--- I did exactly that.

And btw Electors don't have "constituents". Representatives have those. Electors are not representatives.

Of course they are a representative body. They votes based on what the voters voices at the polls.

No they are NOT representatives --- they're proxy voters for their state. And in that role they vote with deliberation. If that were not the case ------- we wouldn't need Electors. We'd just send a number in.

If they were representatives in that role they'd be representing the way the state voted. I've just gone over the numbers yet again and the total of states that voted unanimously for anybody is ------------ still zero.

Of the electoral college has nothing to do with the popular vote, why do we have the vote?

Exactly. Why indeed. And why does everybody in a state whose vote didn't agree with the majority have their vote thrown away? Bread and circus for the unwashed who think they're participating, that's why.

And for a long time in many places ---- we didn't have a pop vote. The state legislature just --- handled it. South Carolina didn't have one until after the Civil War. Colorado didn't have one in 1876 because it was too much trouble.

Let me try this one last time.

Most states have the agreement that the electors vote for whom their state voted. In other words, their vote represents the vote from their states.

I am not sure what you are arguing.

What do you contend will happen tomorrow? Will someone other than Trump win the vote?

That's possible. Unlikely but it would be within the function of the EC. Less unlikely and also possible would be that the final EC tally presents no one with 270 which throws the decision into Congress. Again that would be within what the EC is designed to do.

As it (usually) functions today the EC vote does not reflect the vote of any state, certainly true of 48 of them that use the "winner take all" model. Because that's telling Congress that "hey, everybody here in Michigan voted for Rump", which is plainly bullshit.

And the only reason they do that is a mob mentality snowball. One state (I forget which) adopted it so that their "favorite son" candy would get extra vote-bling. Then the next state figured "if they're gonna do that, we have to do it too and protect our favorite son". And so on, the whole thing snowballed. Madison, who took part in creating the EC, publicly railed against this practice and tried to have it abolished even though his state was benefiting from it and stood to lose influence ---because it was the right thing to do.

Again, in simple terms ---- if the only function of the EC were to consolidate blocs of votes according to who won that state's PV ------ you wouldn't need human intervention. You'd just report the number and that would be that. But that's not what we have and not at all how it was envisioned.

We could hold the election again, and with your rules, but can we agree that we all know and agree to the rules going into the election?

Everything I just described IS the rules as they currently exist. They wouldn't be "my" rules but how the EC is constructed.

Thought you asked for somebody to make the case for why Electors would "defy their constituents". Whelp, number one, by definition they're not beholden to a vote count (and over time 157 have exercised that option not counting elections where there was no pop vote) and number two they don't have "constituents".
The bias just continues unabated from the left... Booted up the comp, and clicked on the (left leaning liberal biased) E in order to bring up the browser, and what do I see in the automatic events listing msn scrolling window payne below ?? Well none other than Hitler addressing a committee in Germany on this day Dec.19 I guess. No caption to explain the photo, but when you clicked on the window it proceeded to list things that happened on this day (unrelated to Hitler), on Dec.19 through out world history. Now how coincidental do you all think it was for a leftist run MSN undoubtedly, to have had Hitler plastered in the events front page window of things that happened on Dec.19 ????? If that wasn't a biased coincidence or code message being put out, then I don't know what is. I know, I know, conspiracies right... LOL... No caption to explain what the photo was about is what did strike my thinking like this on the matter.

What in the wide world of blue fuck are you babbling about?

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