Open Marriages

I never understood the reasoning behind these so called marriages. Any man that would agree to this is out of touch with reality. Why get married if you want to bang other people?
Makes us wonder why you’re voting for someone who is “out of touch with reality” as you put it.

Marriage is tricky and what works for one couple won’t work for others.
It is an arrangement of convenience. There are many simple advantages to marriage. Shared housing and expenses, maintaining relationships with common friends, periodic sexual congress, combined resources, and so on. But conventional marriage is, by definition, monogamous, and some people are unwilling to make such a commitment, and correspondingly don't demand such a commitment from their partner.

Whatever works for you.

Parenthetically, I have signed on to a FB group whose theme is, "Am I the Ass-Hole?" People talk about circumstances in their lives that cause conflict, and ask the FB group whether their position is unreasonable.

MANY, if not most of these situations involve middle-aged adults who describe themselves as "boyfriend" and "girlfriend."

This is bullshit. Such a relationship is, by definition, NOT committed and NOT necessarily monogamous. When adults want to enter into a monogamous relationship, the get engaged or married. Usually, it's the woman who is complaining one way or another that she is not getting the treatment that she thinks she deserves.

Yes she is (in almost all cases). If you are in a BF/GF relationship you cannot demand the treatment and privileges that are accorded to spouses.

I have spoken.
I never understood the reasoning behind these so called marriages. Any man that would agree to this is out of touch with reality. Why get married if you want to bang other people?

Because you feel the need to appear normal so others will like you?

I never understood the reasoning behind these so called marriages. Any man that would agree to this is out of touch with reality. Why get married if you want to bang other people?

I've had a few people with either blunt direct offers or in which their profile suggests they are in an open marriage so I presume with such a profile they are pursuing such "relations" when they showed interest in my profile.

Women/couples are certainly not shy in 2024.

I'm not sure if I should be offended as I am "not keeper material" or to feel humbled that my photo elicited their interest.

Meh. It's not my thing but to each their own. Some can separate themselves from their love for each other and intimate acts with others.
I've had a few people with either blunt direct offers or in which their profile suggests they are in an open marriage so I presume with such a profile they are pursuing such "relations".

I'm not sure if I should be offended as I am "not keeper material" or to feel humbled that my photo elicited their interest.

Meh. It's not my thing but to each their own. Some can separate themselves from their love for each other and acts with others.
I worked with this idiot who put his profile on a dating site. On it, he put he was in an open marriage and then proceeded to list a ridiculous profile, calling himself the Italian Salian. I found this out as other coworkers were gathered around a computer laughing their arses off while reading his idiocy.

But upon reflecting about previous interactions, I had with him, it was not surprising to me in the least. He was truly an idiot.

To this day he has no idea what people think of him.
I worked with this idiot who put his profile on a dating site. On it, he put he was in an open marriage and then proceeded to list a ridiculous profile, calling himself the Italian Salian. I found this out as other coworkers were gathered around a computer laughing their arses off while reading his idiocy.

But upon reflecting about previous interactions, I had with him, it was not surprising to me in the least. He was truly an idiot.

To this day he has no idea what people think of him.

I dont have any such invitations in my profile. Hell, I'm not even sure I am open to a relationship, it will definitely take time, my trust levels of women, and humanity in general truth be told is at a low ebb. I may be hoping for a woman that doesn't exist. Not in terms of beauty, but in terms of personality, spiritual fortitude and intellect.
I have two co-workers that are married and have what they call a polyamorous relationship.

One of them, the husband works with me, and his wife had a girlfriend that they both were involved with. Sometimes the 3 of them, sometimes just two of them in different combinations. Husband/girlfriend or wife/girlfriend or husband/wife.

Then the girlfriend and the wife "broke up" but the husband still sees the girlfriend on his own.

I do not understand how anyone does it, but they all seem very happy so I say more power to them.

A different co-worker, the wife works with me, had a female friend stay with them for a couple months while she was down on her luck and all 3 decided they all loved each other now they are all living together and seem happy as can be.

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