Open question about trump

Coyld you please give examples and not just cla8ms with no evidence

pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth. All on exhibit daily at the White House.
Democrats never cared about virtue before. Why now?
We care about hypocrisy.

It's plain English kid, get somebody to read it to you if you're having trouble.

You said progs care about hypocrisy. Never mind the English language, are you stupid, in denial or do you just say shit because you think it sounds cool?

pride, covetousness, lust, anger, gluttony, envy, and sloth. All on exhibit daily at the White House.
Democrats never cared about virtue before. Why now?
We care about hypocrisy.

It's plain English kid, get somebody to read it to you if you're having trouble.

You said progs care about hypocrisy. Never mind the English language, are you stupid, in denial or do you just say shit because you think it sounds cool?

"All of the above."
Its hard for anyone to deny that trump has overall been good for the economic benifit of America.

His forgein policy has both good and bad points in my opnion but in general favor America.

I for one like his boarder policys and immigration stance and think its good for our nation and fair.

His stance ag8nst drugs is clearly good for America.

I want to know why democrats hate him . many of his policys would be agreed on by top democrats yet now are attacked.
It is easy to see why someone who likes "boarder policys" is credulous enough to drink Trump's piss.
So you think his policy aginst iran is a disaster . how is standing up to the worlds number one supporter of terriosm a bad thing please explain..
Standing up to them? They still have their nuke program intact. They still support terrorists around the world. They are still active in Lebanon, Syria, etc… How’s he stood up to them?

If you’re talking about getting out of the deal Obama made with them….Ok. The experts disagree so I really don’t think the folks here are going to contribute much light to the pros and cons of the agreement. It’s not apples to apples but Sorkin had a good line about nuclear arms and a treaty that was going to be ratified but was not….:

I know you won’t watch it but here is a video of the play… It’s worth a shot:

Anyway, what we had was an agreement that would, at the very least, allow us to keep tabs on what the Iranians were doing. Now, we have nothing except for the intel services….the same services that Trump doesn’t trust and tells to “go back to school.”

Ignoring a problem won’t make it go away. In fact, it only makes your enemy in this case work harder with more purpose.

Hence, it’s a disaster.

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