Operation to Liberate Iraq’s Ramadi Kicks Off


Nov 14, 2012
Iraqi forces start to retake the Anbar province of which Ramadi is the capital. At first the troops will try to isolate the province to prevent ISIS reinforcements and supplies to enter Ramadi.

"The Iraqi Joint Forces Command declared on Tuesday the start of the operation to liberate the province of Ramadi.

The command’s media office issued a statement, saying: “The Iraqi Joint Forces Command declares the start of operations to Liberate Anbar.”

The move comes as the Iraqi forces are going on with cleansing areas surrounding Baiji city, the statement added, according to Iraqi TV, al-Sumaria.

Earlier on Tuesday, al-Anbar council member Adhal Obeid al-Fahdawi, said that the Iraqi forces had cut supply lines for ISIL south of Ramadi, noting that the forces were readying for the awaited operation.

For its part, AFP news agency reported that the Iraqi forces, backed by Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) launched an operation in desert areas northeast of Ramadi Tuesday in a bid to cut off the Takfiri militants.

The agency quoted Ahmed al-Assadi, spokesman for the Hashed al-Shaabi as saying that the operation will see a mix of security forces and paramilitaries move south from Salaheddin province.

“The operation’s goal is to liberate those regions between Salaheddin and Anbar and try to isolate the province of Anbar,” Assadi told AFP.

He said it had been dubbed “Operation Labaik ya Hussein” (at your service O Imam Hussein).

The PMF is known as “al-Hashd al-Shaabi” in Arabic. These forces are made up of local militants who volunteered to fight beside the Iraqi army following ISIL’s takeover of several areas across the country last summer."

Operation to Liberate Iraq s Ramadi Kicks Off Joint Command
If they are not successful...Baghdad and the oil fields are next.
Baghdad is heavily secured. ISIS would need to take all its troops to attack Baghdad. We can be confident that ISIS will never be able to attack Baghdad.

You would certainly hope so.
The thing that concerns me is the Iraqi military is clearly undisciplined, and I wonder if their heart is really in it. As well as ISIS sympathisers in the ranks. That could be a major reason why they abandoned their post last week.
If they are not successful...Baghdad and the oil fields are next.
Baghdad is heavily secured. ISIS would need to take all its troops to attack Baghdad. We can be confident that ISIS will never be able to attack Baghdad.

You would certainly hope so.
The thing that concerns me is the Iraqi military is clearly undisciplined, and I wonder if their heart is really in it. As well as ISIS sympathisers in the ranks. That could be a major reason why they abandoned their post last week.
Iraq said, that the methods of ISIS are the key reason. Trucks laden with explosives, for example. Iraq has not even a proper air force and the "anti-terror coalition" didn´t lift a finger to save Ramadi. It is not always about the will to fight, it is also about the lack of proper equipment. While the Syrian air force rains tons of bombs and missiles onto the terrorists, Iraq has only a few Russian planes and some helicpters.
Ramadi? Why is that name so familiar?

Oh right, because the US military secured it in 2007

"Raider" Brigade takes over Ramadi[edit]
In January 2007, the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 3rd Infantry Division, on its third tour to Iraq, arrived in Ramadi and assumed responsibility from Macfarland's brigade on February 18 at a transfer ceremony at Camp Ramadi. During the ceremony, which was attended by Sheikh Sattar, MacFarland said that his brigade had lost 86 soldiers, sailors and Marines during the 8 month campaign (though the Brigade had spent a total of nearly 17 months in Iraq).[43][44]

In January 2007, Ramadi averaged approximately 35 enemy attacks on US forces per day. Following heavy fighting over an 8-week campaign, which was led by a Task Force commanded by 1st Brigade, 3rd ID, also known as Task Force Raider, attacks in the brigade's area of operations dropped to one or two per day within the city of Ramadi. In the early months of 2007, 3-69 Armor Battalion, in conjunction with two Marine Battalions, along with TF PathFinder was largely responsible for securing Southern and Central Ramadi. By August 2007, Ramadi had gone 80 consecutive days without a single attack on US forces and the 1st BDE, 3rd ID commander commander, Colonel John Charlton, stated, "...al-Qaida is defeated in Al Anbar". However, despite 1-3 ID's effectiveness, insurgents continued to launch attacks on Ramadi and the surrounding areas in the weeks and months to follow. On June 30, 2007, a group of between 50 and 60 insurgents attempting to infiltrate Ramadi were intercepted and destroyed, following a tip from Iraqi Police officers. The insurgents were intercepted by elements of the 1st Battalion, 77th Armor on 30 June 2007 and on 1 July 2007 they were destroyed by elements of Bravo company, 2nd Squad, 1st platoon, 1-18 Infantry Regiment. 1-18 operated out of the Ta'Meem district of Ramadi's western sector. North of Ramadi, elements of 3-69 Armor, whose headquarters had been moved north of Ramadi, engaged elements of al-Qaeda in Iraq who had taken refuge in rural areas north of the city. After several counter-insurgency operations, 3-69 AR Battalion effectively removed Al Qaeda in Iraq from the greater Anbar province. By March 2008, Ramadi, Iraq had become a vastly safer city than it had been only a year before and the number of enemy attacks in the city had fallen drastically. Years later, by mid 2012, Ramadi remained far safer than it had been since 2003.[45][46][47]

Iraqi Police Development Played a Key Role in Tribal Engagement Strategy[edit]
One major shortcoming in the efforts to wrest control of Ramadi from the insurgency was the failure of the Iraqi Police to effectively combat the insurgency. As part of the Tribal Engagement Strategy, Ready First developed and implemented a plan to quickly recruit, train, and employ Iraqi Policemen on the streets of Ramadi. COL MacFarland, and LTC James Lechner, Deputy Brigade Commander, successfully developed an Iraqi Police recruiting, training, and employment plan that was implemented by HHC, 2-152 Infantry (Mech), an Army National Guard unit that lived in Iraqi Police Stations and Combat Outposts conducting daily patrols and clearing operations with their counterparts. HHC, 2-152 Infantry, also known in Ramadi as "the 152nd", or the Police Transition Team (PTT) Company would provide the Iraqi Police in Ramadi with the leadership and oversight that proved crucial in re-establishing a police presence in Ramadi to ensure insurgent forces did not return to neighborhoods that had been secured. Consequently, the success of the Iraqi Police program in Ramadi convinced the Ramadi populace that their government could effectively provide for their security needs, a critical element of defeating the insurgency. The 152nd PTT Company's Iraqi Police efforts began in October 2006 and would continue through the departure of Ready First and into the tenure of 1st Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division until the 152nd departed in October 2007. The 152nd was responsible for recruiting, training, and conducting patrols with hundreds of Iraqi Police, and opened several new Iraqi Police stations in the city of Ramadi."

Battle of Ramadi 2006 - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
If they are not successful...Baghdad and the oil fields are next.
Baghdad is heavily secured. ISIS would need to take all its troops to attack Baghdad. We can be confident that ISIS will never be able to attack Baghdad.

You would certainly hope so.
The thing that concerns me is the Iraqi military is clearly undisciplined, and I wonder if their heart is really in it. As well as ISIS sympathisers in the ranks. That could be a major reason why they abandoned their post last week.
Iraq said, that the methods of ISIS are the key reason. Trucks laden with explosives, for example. Iraq has not even a proper air force and the "anti-terror coalition" didn´t lift a finger to save Ramadi. It is not always about the will to fight, it is also about the lack of proper equipment. While the Syrian air force rains tons of bombs and missiles onto the terrorists, Iraq has only a few Russian planes and some helicpters.

Anti-terror coalition my ass.
One of the key reasons for hatred of America in the middle east was how we turned our backs on Afghanistan. (and yes of course support for Israel)
And now we are repeating the same thing in Iraq. It is much, much easier for ISIS to fill the ranks in Iraq when we left the population to fend for themselves against them.
PERFECT! Iranian backed troops are gonna kill and be killed by ISIS troops. No matter who wins...America wins.

Dead muslims, no American blood...no American resources.
PERFECT! Iranian backed troops are gonna kill and be killed by ISIS troops. No matter who wins...America wins.

Dead muslims, no American blood...no American resources.

Once again your screen name is a perfect match for your mental capabilities.
Did America win on 9/11?
Do you know why 9/11 happened? Why specifically Al Qaeda hated us so much?
You probably think they hate us because we are not Muslim. Which would be nuts....which would explain why you would think that.
If they are not successful...Baghdad and the oil fields are next.
Baghdad is heavily secured. ISIS would need to take all its troops to attack Baghdad. We can be confident that ISIS will never be able to attack Baghdad.

You would certainly hope so.
The thing that concerns me is the Iraqi military is clearly undisciplined, and I wonder if their heart is really in it. As well as ISIS sympathisers in the ranks. That could be a major reason why they abandoned their post last week.
Iraq said, that the methods of ISIS are the key reason. Trucks laden with explosives, for example. Iraq has not even a proper air force and the "anti-terror coalition" didn´t lift a finger to save Ramadi. It is not always about the will to fight, it is also about the lack of proper equipment. While the Syrian air force rains tons of bombs and missiles onto the terrorists, Iraq has only a few Russian planes and some helicpters.

Anti-terror coalition my ass.
One of the key reasons for hatred of America in the middle east was how we turned our backs on Afghanistan. (and yes of course support for Israel)
And now we are repeating the same thing in Iraq. It is much, much easier for ISIS to fill the ranks in Iraq when we left the population to fend for themselves against them.
Given that the US funded and armed Bin Laden to make his group fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, the US did not only leave the people in the mess but it is also the cause of the mess. The methods of the US passed every red line and the Americans can be happy that the world is not like their government, otherwise the world would have label all Americans that don´t fight Obama in fierce battles "Obama loyalists" or "oppressed persons" as every person in Syria that fights terrorism or is a state employee is a "Assad loyalist" according to the US government. The term "Assad loyalist" assumes that there is a small group of people oppressing the majority which is nonsense.
In addition, the world would have to exclude America and all of its citizens from global trade as American companies or citizens may not do business with Syrian companies or citizens.

"E.O. 13582 also prohibits the following:

• New investment in Syria by a U.S. person, wherever located;

• The direct or indirect exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply of any
services to Syria from the United States or by a U.S. person, wherever located;

• The importation into the United States of petroleum or petroleum products of
Syrian origin;

• Any transaction or dealing by a U.S. person, wherever located, in or related
to petroleum or petroleum products of Syrian origin; and

• Any approval, financing, facilitation, or guarantee by a U.S. person, wherever
located, of a transaction by a foreign person where the transaction by that
foreign person would be prohibited if performed by a U.S. person or within the
United States.

Civil monetary penalties of up to the greater of $250,000 or twice the amount of
the underlying transaction may be imposed administratively against any person
who violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation
of the E.O.s or the SSR. Upon conviction, criminal fines of up to $1,000,000,
imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both, may be imposed on any person who
willfully commits or attempts to commit, or willfully conspires to commit, or
aids or abets in the commission of a violation of the E.O.s or the SSR. Under
the UNPA, criminal violations of E.O. 13399 may result in fines of up to
$1,000,000, imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both."

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If they are not successful...Baghdad and the oil fields are next.
Baghdad is heavily secured. ISIS would need to take all its troops to attack Baghdad. We can be confident that ISIS will never be able to attack Baghdad.

You would certainly hope so.
The thing that concerns me is the Iraqi military is clearly undisciplined, and I wonder if their heart is really in it. As well as ISIS sympathisers in the ranks. That could be a major reason why they abandoned their post last week.
Iraq said, that the methods of ISIS are the key reason. Trucks laden with explosives, for example. Iraq has not even a proper air force and the "anti-terror coalition" didn´t lift a finger to save Ramadi. It is not always about the will to fight, it is also about the lack of proper equipment. While the Syrian air force rains tons of bombs and missiles onto the terrorists, Iraq has only a few Russian planes and some helicpters.

Anti-terror coalition my ass.
One of the key reasons for hatred of America in the middle east was how we turned our backs on Afghanistan. (and yes of course support for Israel)
And now we are repeating the same thing in Iraq. It is much, much easier for ISIS to fill the ranks in Iraq when we left the population to fend for themselves against them.
Given that the US funded and armed Bin Laden to make his group fight the Soviets in Afghanistan, the US did not only leave the people in the mess but it is also the cause of the mess. The methods of the US passed every red line and the Americans can be happy that the world is not like their government, otherwise the world would have label all Americans that don´t fight Obama in fierce battles "Obama loyalists" or "oppressed persons" as every person in Syria that fights terrorism or is a state employee is a "Assad loyalist" according to the US government. The term "Assad loyalist" assumes that there is a small group of people oppressing the majority which is nonsense.''

Baathist Blei lied AGAIN-----the USA funded the TALIBAN----not BinLaden Bin Laden does not =
TALIBAN. Bin Laden was a Saudi national al quaeda
Caliphatist pig. The Taliban scum were Pakistani youth seeking to establish a shariah shit adherent caliphate in Afghanistan. As such---the Taliban scum
represented themselves as FREEDOM FIGHTERS against USSR control and thus won the support of a
very naïve White House (no one asked me) Bin Laden TOOK ADVANTAGE of the situation ----being an
opened and primitive Islamic shit hole----Afghanistan ----filled with a whole bunch of sick mujahad islamo Nazi brainwashed Pakistanis willing to create a shariah shit hole out of all of Afghanistan------a convernient base for the power crazed successor to the rapist pig of mecca ------OSAMA BIN LADEN ------however the USA did not
fund or support HIM----the USA stupidly supported the TALIBAN just as it STUPIDLY funded and supported the disgusting BAATHIST OF IRAQ-----pig Saddam Hussein
Baathist Blei lied AGAIN-----the USA funded the TALIBAN----not BinLaden Bin Laden does not =
TALIBAN. Bin Laden was a Saudi national al quaeda
Caliphatist pig. The Taliban scum were Pakistani youth seeking to establish a shariah shit adherent caliphate in Afghanistan. As such---the Taliban scum
represented themselves as FREEDOM FIGHTERS against USSR control and thus won the support of a
very naïve White House (no one asked me) Bin Laden TOOK ADVANTAGE of the situation ----being an
opened and primitive Islamic shit hole----Afghanistan ----filled with a whole bunch of sick mujahad islamo Nazi brainwashed Pakistanis willing to create a shariah shit hole out of all of Afghanistan------a convernient base for the power crazed successor to the rapist pig of mecca ------OSAMA BIN LADEN ------however the USA did not
fund or support HIM----the USA stupidly supported the TALIBAN just as it STUPIDLY funded and supported the disgusting BAATHIST OF IRAQ-----pig Saddam Hussein
No, it is not a lie, it is even official.
Baathist Blei lied AGAIN-----the USA funded the TALIBAN----not BinLaden Bin Laden does not =
TALIBAN. Bin Laden was a Saudi national al quaeda
Caliphatist pig. The Taliban scum were Pakistani youth seeking to establish a shariah shit adherent caliphate in Afghanistan. As such---the Taliban scum
represented themselves as FREEDOM FIGHTERS against USSR control and thus won the support of a
very naïve White House (no one asked me) Bin Laden TOOK ADVANTAGE of the situation ----being an
opened and primitive Islamic shit hole----Afghanistan ----filled with a whole bunch of sick mujahad islamo Nazi brainwashed Pakistanis willing to create a shariah shit hole out of all of Afghanistan------a convernient base for the power crazed successor to the rapist pig of mecca ------OSAMA BIN LADEN ------however the USA did not
fund or support HIM----the USA stupidly supported the TALIBAN just as it STUPIDLY funded and supported the disgusting BAATHIST OF IRAQ-----pig Saddam Hussein
No, it is not a lie, it is even official.

Baathist Blei lied AGAIN-----the USA funded the TALIBAN----not BinLaden Bin Laden does not =
TALIBAN. Bin Laden was a Saudi national al quaeda
Caliphatist pig. The Taliban scum were Pakistani youth seeking to establish a shariah shit adherent caliphate in Afghanistan. As such---the Taliban scum
represented themselves as FREEDOM FIGHTERS against USSR control and thus won the support of a
very naïve White House (no one asked me) Bin Laden TOOK ADVANTAGE of the situation ----being an
opened and primitive Islamic shit hole----Afghanistan ----filled with a whole bunch of sick mujahad islamo Nazi brainwashed Pakistanis willing to create a shariah shit hole out of all of Afghanistan------a convernient base for the power crazed successor to the rapist pig of mecca ------OSAMA BIN LADEN ------however the USA did not
fund or support HIM----the USA stupidly supported the TALIBAN just as it STUPIDLY funded and supported the disgusting BAATHIST OF IRAQ-----pig Saddam Hussein
No, it is not a lie, it is even official.

"When Clement Rodney Hampton-el, a hospital technician from Brooklyn, New Jersey, returned home from the war in Afghanistan in 1989, he told friends his only desire was to return. Though he had been wounded in the arm and leg by a Russian shell, he said he had failed. He had not achieved martyrdom in the name of Islam.

So he found a different theatre for his holy war and achieved a different sort of martyrdom. Three years ago, he was convicted of planning a series of massive explosions in Manhattan and sentenced to 35 years in prison.

Hampton-el was described by prosecutors as a skilled bomb-maker. It was hardly surprising. In Afghanistan he fought with the Hezb-i-Islami group of mujahideen, whose training and weaponry were mainly supplied by the CIA.

He was not alone. American officials estimate that, from 1985 to 1992, 12,500 foreigners were trained in bomb-making, sabotage and urban guerrilla warfare in Afghan camps the CIA helped to set up.

Bin Laden arrived in Afghanistan from Saudi Arabia in 1979, aged 22. Though he saw a considerable amount of combat - around the eastern city of Jalalabad in March 1989 and, earlier, around the border town of Khost - his speciality was logistics.

From his base in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, he used his experience of the construction trade, and his money, to build a series of bases where the mujahideen could be trained by their Pakistani, American and, if some recent press reports are to be believed, British advisers."
Frankenstein the CIA created World news The Guardian

"When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan in 1979, Osama joined the Afghan resistance, believing it was his duty as a Muslim to fight the occupation. He relocated to Peshawar, Afghanistan, and using aid from the United States under the CIA program Operation Cyclone, he began training a mujahideen, a group of Islamic jihadists. After the Soviets withdrew from the country in 1989, Osama returned to Saudi Arabia as a hero, and the United States referred to him and his soldiers as "Freedom Fighters.""
you made no point captain blei----other than the confirmation of my very own stance regarding the danger
of imagining that it is ok to trust islamo Nazi pigs----which, of course----includes TALIBAN, SAUDI TYPE
SUNNI DOGS. BAATHIST SCUM, etc etc etc. The white house did not ask me. Support of the Syrian army is a BIG BIG MISTAKE ----just as bit a mistake as support of the Taliban scum and the MUJAHADEEEN of afghanistan
you made no point captain blei----other than the confirmation of my very own stance regarding the danger
of imagining that it is ok to trust islamo Nazi pigs----which, of course----includes TALIBAN, SAUDI TYPE
SUNNI DOGS. BAATHIST SCUM, etc etc etc. The white house did not ask me. Support of the Syrian army is a BIG BIG MISTAKE ----just as bit a mistake as support of the Taliban scum and the MUJAHADEEEN of afghanistan
Bla bla bla. How is supporting the Syrian army a mistake? You want Al-Qaeda to take over Syria?
you made no point captain blei----other than the confirmation of my very own stance regarding the danger
of imagining that it is ok to trust islamo Nazi pigs----which, of course----includes TALIBAN, SAUDI TYPE
SUNNI DOGS. BAATHIST SCUM, etc etc etc. The white house did not ask me. Support of the Syrian army is a BIG BIG MISTAKE ----just as bit a mistake as support of the Taliban scum and the MUJAHADEEEN of afghanistan
Bla bla bla. How is supporting the Syrian army a mistake? You want Al-Qaeda to take over Syria?

It is a mistake because the Syrian army is BAATHIST FILTH. Support of the stinking Taliban islamist filth in their fight against the USSR was also a mistake because Taliban is islamist filth. Support of Baathist shit Saddam Hussein against the disgusting Iranian shiiite shit-----was ALSO a mistake------supporting shit against shit -----NEVER WORKS OUT
bla bla bla

words of BAATHIST wisdom. I wonder if NIMROD was a Baathist. Nimrod built the tower or "babel" -----the legend is interesting in view of the fact that the "evil king"
Nimrod is the legendary nemesis of Abraham----founder of the Hebrew nation. Nimrod's objective was not just to REACH HEAVEN----but also to render all of the people of the earth "THE SAME" <<<< really, that is the legend. An attempt to render all of the people "the same" under his rule-----was considered by "HEAVEN" ----so great a sin that the tower was thrown down and the people of the earth were afflicted with a VAST MULTITUDE of languages so that they could not understand each other and that which others said sounded like "BABBLE". All of this action took place in what is today--------IRAQ The greatest sin of the people of "babble" (Babylon----in Hebrew BAVEL) was that whilst building the tower-----if a man fell to his death-----no one mourned-----but if a brick fell---THAT was considered a catastrophe by the minions of NIMROD. Abraham fled from the culture of "babble"
Baathist Blei lied AGAIN-----the USA funded the TALIBAN----not BinLaden Bin Laden does not =
TALIBAN. Bin Laden was a Saudi national al quaeda
Caliphatist pig. The Taliban scum were Pakistani youth seeking to establish a shariah shit adherent caliphate in Afghanistan. As such---the Taliban scum
represented themselves as FREEDOM FIGHTERS against USSR control and thus won the support of a
very naïve White House (no one asked me) Bin Laden TOOK ADVANTAGE of the situation ----being an
opened and primitive Islamic shit hole----Afghanistan ----filled with a whole bunch of sick mujahad islamo Nazi brainwashed Pakistanis willing to create a shariah shit hole out of all of Afghanistan------a convernient base for the power crazed successor to the rapist pig of mecca ------OSAMA BIN LADEN ------however the USA did not
fund or support HIM----the USA stupidly supported the TALIBAN just as it STUPIDLY funded and supported the disgusting BAATHIST OF IRAQ-----pig Saddam Hussein
No, it is not a lie, it is even official.

what is "even official" ? You have an official statement ----"the US is funding an organization devoted to the establishment of a world wide CALIPHATE"??? There is no question that
the USA had no idea or notion about the filth and stink
of CALIPHATISM ------carter was entirely clueless
regarding the motivations of the AYATOILETS too.
No one asked me. One of the biggest failings of the USA in the 1930s is that the USA failed to understand
the ISLAMO NAZI PIG -----adolf. One of the biggest failings of the USA circa 1980 was the failure to understand the STINK AND FILTH of Islamism and baathism A giant failing of the USA right now is that it does not quite get the fact that the Shiite shit and the sunni shit are both UTOPIAN TOTALITARIAN MOVEMENTS that will inflict massive genocide---just as
other UTOPIAN TOTALITARIAN MOVEMENTS like Stalin and Adolf, and POL POT and MAO have done in the past------in fact Islamic movement historically have murdered in the hundreds of millions

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