Operation to Liberate Iraq’s Ramadi Kicks Off

Baathist Blei lied AGAIN-----the USA funded the TALIBAN----not BinLaden Bin Laden does not =
TALIBAN. Bin Laden was a Saudi national al quaeda
Caliphatist pig. The Taliban scum were Pakistani youth seeking to establish a shariah shit adherent caliphate in Afghanistan. As such---the Taliban scum
represented themselves as FREEDOM FIGHTERS against USSR control and thus won the support of a
very naïve White House (no one asked me) Bin Laden TOOK ADVANTAGE of the situation ----being an
opened and primitive Islamic shit hole----Afghanistan ----filled with a whole bunch of sick mujahad islamo Nazi brainwashed Pakistanis willing to create a shariah shit hole out of all of Afghanistan------a convernient base for the power crazed successor to the rapist pig of mecca ------OSAMA BIN LADEN ------however the USA did not
fund or support HIM----the USA stupidly supported the TALIBAN just as it STUPIDLY funded and supported the disgusting BAATHIST OF IRAQ-----pig Saddam Hussein
No, it is not a lie, it is even official.

what is "even official" ? You have an official statement ----"the US is funding an organization devoted to the establishment of a world wide CALIPHATE"??? There is no question that
the USA had no idea or notion about the filth and stink
of CALIPHATISM ------carter was entirely clueless
regarding the motivations of the AYATOILETS too.
No one asked me. One of the biggest failings of the USA in the 1930s is that the USA failed to understand
the ISLAMO NAZI PIG -----adolf. One of the biggest failings of the USA circa 1980 was the failure to understand the STINK AND FILTH of Islamism and baathism A giant failing of the USA right now is that it does not quite get the fact that the Shiite shit and the sunni shit are both UTOPIAN TOTALITARIAN MOVEMENTS that will inflict massive genocide---just as
other UTOPIAN TOTALITARIAN MOVEMENTS like Stalin and Adolf, and POL POT and MAO have done in the past------in fact Islamic movement historically have murdered in the hundreds of millions
The US and all of its secret services had of course no idea :rolleyes:


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