OPINION: Being black means constantly rendering yourself unthreatening to white people

I agree with this but we can work to erase the damage racist laws and policies have done and to make certain they are stopped being made.
Yes, indeed. >> By banning Affirmative Action in the 42 states where it still is not banned.

News Update: The 8 states that have banned “Affirmitive Action”

AA is not discrimination against whites. And since you are not white but Hispanic, if AA works as you claim understand that hispanics are part of AA.
Aren't you Hispanic? You say your family is from Central America. Maybe you are a member of MS13.
LOL. MS-13 are young, recent migrants from El Salvador. I'm old (72), was born in the USA, and my paternal grandparents immigrated (legally) to here from British Honduras (now called Belize).


No MS13 is an American gang started in LA in 1980.
AA is not discrimination against whites. And since you are not white but Hispanic, if AA works as you claim understand that hispanics are part of AA.
We've already gone over this.

1. AA is the largest racial discrimination in America, against by far, the largest group of people (whites, males, and sometimes non-black minorities)

2. I don't care if Hispanics are eligible for AA. As I said before >> "I don't have anything whatsoever to do with any preferential treatment. As I've said a thousand times, I have never lowered myself to fill out an affirmative action questionnaire, and would not accept racial preference if they forced it on me."

Also, Hispanics get discriminated AGAINST in AA, quite often. Like when when I was denied an assistantship in graduate school, I wasn't the only Hispanic who was denied. 3 others were also, as were 2 Asians. Only 8 people got an assistantship. All were black.
AA is not discrimination against whites. And since you are not white but Hispanic, if AA works as you claim understand that hispanics are part of AA.
We've already gone over this.

1. AA is the largest racial discrimination in America, against by far, the largest group of people (whites, males, and sometimes non-black minorities)

2. I don't care if Hispanics are eligible for AA. As I said before >> "I don't have anything whatsoever to do with any preferential treatment. As I've said a thousand times, I have never lowered myself to fill out an affirmative action questionnaire, and would not accept racial preference if they forced it on me."

Also, Hispanics get discriminated AGAINST in AA, quite often. Like when when I was denied an assistantship in graduate school, I wasn't the only Hispanic who was denied. 3 others were also, as were 2 Asians. Only 8 people got an assistantship. All were black.

No they don't. Neither do Asians. You were not denied anything because of AA. I know how these things work protectionist. So I know you are lying. AA does not discriminate.
What's ludicrous about it?
If you're going to talk about people of the black race, you need to stop using the erroneus term "African-American". The correct term is "Black".

Example: I have known 4 guys in my life who immigrated to the US from Africa. They grew up in Africa, are steeped in African culture,and speak African languages (in addition t English). .

All 4 of them immigrated to the US from >> Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, and Rhodesia (now called Zimbabwe), and became American citizens. All 4 are white.
No they don't. Neither do Asians. You were not denied anything because of AA. I know how these things work protectionist. So I know you are lying. AA does not discriminate.
You know nothing. All this AA discrimination took place 41 years ago. You were probably a child then.
No they don't. Neither do Asians. You were not denied anything because of AA. I know how these things work protectionist. So I know you are lying. AA does not discriminate.
You know nothing. All this AA discrimination took place 41 years ago. You were probably a child then.

I was in high school. I'm 57 and no such discrimination has ever taken place against whites.
Opinion | Joy Reid: Everyday racism is the small, daily reminders that we're still not equal

Joy-Ann Reid Everyday racism in America: Being black means constantly rendering yourself unthreatening to white people
To be white in America is to assume ownership of public spaces. To be black is to live under constant threat of removal.

May.29.2018 / 8:23 PM ET / Updated May.30.2018 / 1:00 PM ET

Thus, being black or brown in America means living under that constant threat of removal. And yet there is really no way to render yourself unthreatening enough to prevent that 911 call. At the same time, you are expected to act grateful for being “allowed” to be here at all (see: Trump suggesting NFL players who kneel during the national anthem should "maybe" be deported). As if we had a choice.

Reversing everyday racism means somehow getting white Americans to recognize and cede this presumption of sole ownership of public spaces, and to see in each person of color an individual humanity. Thankfully, many of our fellow Americans have already embraced this ecumenical idea, as we can see from individual acts of ally-ship. Inside that now infamous Philadelphia Starbucks, for example, white patrons formed a chorus of outrage as police dragged two black men out in handcuffs for doing nothing more than sitting in a shared space.

Importantly, black and brown Americans cannot do this work for their white peers. The work of anti-racism can only take place inside each individual soul, where we all try to grow into better people. There is no national tonic or instant cure.
Does anyone else know if the rise in these incidents has anything to do with the government encouraging people to "see something say something" and then it turned into something else?

To be fair, I'm not threatened by people ... black or otherwise.
Opinion | Joy Reid: Everyday racism is the small, daily reminders that we're still not equal

Joy-Ann Reid Everyday racism in America: Being black means constantly rendering yourself unthreatening to white people
To be white in America is to assume ownership of public spaces. To be black is to live under constant threat of removal.

May.29.2018 / 8:23 PM ET / Updated May.30.2018 / 1:00 PM ET

Thus, being black or brown in America means living under that constant threat of removal. And yet there is really no way to render yourself unthreatening enough to prevent that 911 call. At the same time, you are expected to act grateful for being “allowed” to be here at all (see: Trump suggesting NFL players who kneel during the national anthem should "maybe" be deported). As if we had a choice.

Reversing everyday racism means somehow getting white Americans to recognize and cede this presumption of sole ownership of public spaces, and to see in each person of color an individual humanity. Thankfully, many of our fellow Americans have already embraced this ecumenical idea, as we can see from individual acts of ally-ship. Inside that now infamous Philadelphia Starbucks, for example, white patrons formed a chorus of outrage as police dragged two black men out in handcuffs for doing nothing more than sitting in a shared space.

Importantly, black and brown Americans cannot do this work for their white peers. The work of anti-racism can only take place inside each individual soul, where we all try to grow into better people. There is no national tonic or instant cure.
Does anyone else know if the rise in these incidents has anything to do with the government encouraging people to "see something say something" and then it turned into something else?
Opinions like that in the linked article always make me laugh. I read about how terrible everything is, then I go to work with black folks, go to dinner with black folks, hang out and drink a few cold ones with black folks, watch my kids playing and hanging with black kids, spend family get togethers with my cousins daughter and her black husband and biracial kids, golf with a good black friend every friday, go to music venues and dance with black folks, go to ball games and insult the other team with my fellow hometown fans, who happen to be black, rely on black police officers, firemen, doctors, nurses, paramedics. I then wonder, "what world do these other people live in?".
I was in high school. I'm 57 and no such discrimination has ever taken place against whites.
Hundreds of millions of whites have been hobbled (whole lives ruined) by affirmative action, because of their race, and continue to be, all over America, in the largest malicious racism in America, victimizing, by far, the largest group of Americans, for over 50 years now. No other racial discrimination even comes close.

AA is BANNED in 8 states. Maybe you can tell all those legislators and governors in those states that "no such discrimination has ever taken place against whites"
Just be advised of the ramifications of uttering such statements >>


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