Opinion: Fantanyl and my Agenda 21 city.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
How could the people of a community have gotten so dumb that they watched suitcases full of loaded dice delivered to polling places all over the country during a very important presidential election and thought it was ok? We know that alcohol is a big part of the community and are aware of its brain shrinking effects but when a city is so neurologically damaged that a standard IQ test is kryptonite, maybe a hard look at the city is in order. One thing that cannot be covered up in that the city is ravaged by dementia which means that the brains of the average city resident is about ten to fifteen percent smaller that the brains of normal people.

A huge new state liquor store is under construction now to keep the brain shrinkage going and it is positioned right next to a popular supermarket so it is not out of the question that regular 100-proof booze runs will likely become a staple of elderly bussing. Move those walkers and wheelchairs over to make room for state-governmnet nectar that attacks the livers and brains of people who will soon be getting quadruple bypass surgery. And of course they will need those Sackler-Family pain killers to make the journey more tolerable.

You know that guy in politcal kangaroo court that doesn't drink or smoke? Well, he's an existential danger to the US according to the city Agenda-21 battle cry. There are people right here in this city that have lost a child to Fentanyl but are so brainwashed by Agenda 21 mass hysteria that they make excuses for the installed puppet that is processing interlopers accross wide open borders loaded with Fentanyl to addict innocent Americans. Hey, that stickwalker in the Whitehouse is going to make taxpayers pay for my college debts!

The local newspaper and morning radio programming are all-in on Agenda 21 so they are boosters and public relations for Fentanyl addiction because it is effective in destroying the fabric of the US from the inside out which is the real purpose of Agenda 21. Does anyone recall the local media going after the two CEO's of the local DEI medical center who were in charge when enough deadly Fentanyl went missing to kill every human on the East Coast? Those two administrators retired and rode off into the sunset with local honors. What does that tell you? What's a few dead kids when you have a woke, Agenda 21 city?

These people are not stupid, they are sick. There is a big surprise coming in the next election.

How could the people of a community have gotten so dumb that they watched suitcases full of loaded dice delivered to polling places all over the country during a very important presidential election and thought it was ok? We know that alcohol is a big part of the community and are aware of its brain shrinking effects but when a city is so neurologically damaged that a standard IQ test is kryptonite, maybe a hard look at the city is in order. One thing that cannot be covered up in that the city is ravaged by dementia which means that the brains of the average city resident is about ten to fifteen percent smaller that the brains of normal people.

A huge new state liquor store is under construction now to keep the brain shrinkage going and it is positioned right next to a popular supermarket so it is not out of the question that regular 100-proof booze runs will likely become a staple of elderly bussing. Move those walkers and wheelchairs over to make room for state-governmnet nectar that attacks the livers and brains of people who will soon be getting quadruple bypass surgery. And of course they will need those Sackler-Family pain killers to make the journey more tolerable.

You know that guy in politcal kangaroo court that doesn't drink or smoke? Well, he's an existential danger to the US according to the city Agenda-21 battle cry. There are people right here in this city that have lost a child to Fentanyl but are so brainwashed by Agenda 21 mass hysteria that they make excuses for the installed puppet that is processing interlopers accross wide open borders loaded with Fentanyl to addict innocent Americans. Hey, that stickwalker in the Whitehouse is going to make taxpayers pay for my college debts!

The local newspaper and morning radio programming are all-in on Agenda 21 so they are boosters and public relations for Fentanyl addiction because it is effective in destroying the fabric of the US from the inside out which is the real purpose of Agenda 21. Does anyone recall the local media going after the two CEO's of the local DEI medical center who were in charge when enough deadly Fentanyl went missing to kill every human on the East Coast? Those two administrators retired and rode off into the sunset with local honors. What does that tell you? What's a few dead kids when you have a woke, Agenda 21 city?

These people are not stupid, they are sick. There is a big surprise coming in the next election.

are you blaming your state because your neighbors are drinking?

the poor man who claims never to have drunk or done drugs while living like a metrosexual playboy is quite a "cool story bro." bet he eats healthy and goes to church as well.
are you blaming your state because your neighbors are drinking?

the poor man who claims never to have drunk or done drugs while living like a metrosexual playboy is quite a "cool story bro." bet he eats healthy and goes to church as well.
Simply saying what I see. Saying what you see will get you a boatload of trouble in US cities today because authoritarianism is now in our midst. These people believe that central planning was aways a good idea but the Soviets and East Germans did not do it right. They believe the time has come for western central planning to take the reins. They see the the former Soviets as having blown their chance but they still regard Russia and China as possible competitors in the new global arena. They have to take down western democracy first and they will use war to distract the people while they do it.

They will use chemicals on the people to keep them in line.
How could the people of a community have gotten so dumb that they watched suitcases full of loaded dice delivered to polling places all over the country during a very important presidential election and thought it was ok? We know that alcohol is a big part of the community and are aware of its brain shrinking effects but when a city is so neurologically damaged that a standard IQ test is kryptonite, maybe a hard look at the city is in order. One thing that cannot be covered up in that the city is ravaged by dementia which means that the brains of the average city resident is about ten to fifteen percent smaller that the brains of normal people.

A huge new state liquor store is under construction now to keep the brain shrinkage going and it is positioned right next to a popular supermarket so it is not out of the question that regular 100-proof booze runs will likely become a staple of elderly bussing. Move those walkers and wheelchairs over to make room for state-governmnet nectar that attacks the livers and brains of people who will soon be getting quadruple bypass surgery. And of course they will need those Sackler-Family pain killers to make the journey more tolerable.

You know that guy in politcal kangaroo court that doesn't drink or smoke? Well, he's an existential danger to the US according to the city Agenda-21 battle cry. There are people right here in this city that have lost a child to Fentanyl but are so brainwashed by Agenda 21 mass hysteria that they make excuses for the installed puppet that is processing interlopers accross wide open borders loaded with Fentanyl to addict innocent Americans. Hey, that stickwalker in the Whitehouse is going to make taxpayers pay for my college debts!

The local newspaper and morning radio programming are all-in on Agenda 21 so they are boosters and public relations for Fentanyl addiction because it is effective in destroying the fabric of the US from the inside out which is the real purpose of Agenda 21. Does anyone recall the local media going after the two CEO's of the local DEI medical center who were in charge when enough deadly Fentanyl went missing to kill every human on the East Coast? Those two administrators retired and rode off into the sunset with local honors. What does that tell you? What's a few dead kids when you have a woke, Agenda 21 city?

These people are not stupid, they are sick. There is a big surprise coming in the next election.

The New Hampshire fentanyl scandal has never been solved has it? And that is a state you don't expect that kind of crime. But there is already enough illegal fentanyl in the country to kill us all.
How could the people of a community have gotten so dumb that they watched suitcases full of loaded dice delivered to polling places all over the country during a very important presidential election and thought it was ok? We know that alcohol is a big part of the community and are aware of its brain shrinking effects but when a city is so neurologically damaged that a standard IQ test is kryptonite, maybe a hard look at the city is in order. One thing that cannot be covered up in that the city is ravaged by dementia which means that the brains of the average city resident is about ten to fifteen percent smaller that the brains of normal people.

A huge new state liquor store is under construction now to keep the brain shrinkage going and it is positioned right next to a popular supermarket so it is not out of the question that regular 100-proof booze runs will likely become a staple of elderly bussing. Move those walkers and wheelchairs over to make room for state-governmnet nectar that attacks the livers and brains of people who will soon be getting quadruple bypass surgery. And of course they will need those Sackler-Family pain killers to make the journey more tolerable.

You know that guy in politcal kangaroo court that doesn't drink or smoke? Well, he's an existential danger to the US according to the city Agenda-21 battle cry. There are people right here in this city that have lost a child to Fentanyl but are so brainwashed by Agenda 21 mass hysteria that they make excuses for the installed puppet that is processing interlopers accross wide open borders loaded with Fentanyl to addict innocent Americans. Hey, that stickwalker in the Whitehouse is going to make taxpayers pay for my college debts!

The local newspaper and morning radio programming are all-in on Agenda 21 so they are boosters and public relations for Fentanyl addiction because it is effective in destroying the fabric of the US from the inside out which is the real purpose of Agenda 21. Does anyone recall the local media going after the two CEO's of the local DEI medical center who were in charge when enough deadly Fentanyl went missing to kill every human on the East Coast? Those two administrators retired and rode off into the sunset with local honors. What does that tell you? What's a few dead kids when you have a woke, Agenda 21 city?

These people are not stupid, they are sick. There is a big surprise coming in the next election.

are you blaming your state because your neighbors are drinking?

the poor man who claims never to have drunk or done drugs while living like a metrosexual playboy is quite a "cool story bro." bet he eats healthy and goes to church as well.
The fact is that illegal drugs have skyrocketed ever sense Biden started allowing a huge invasion of millions of unvetted and unsupervised migrants into the country. Our car was stolen in 2021 and when the police found it 30 days later, along with some collision damage it was so contaminated with fentanyl that it was labeled a bio hazard and we were not even allowed to get personal belongings out of it. The insurance company totaled it not because of the fairly minor damage but because the entire interior would have to be replaced because of the drug residue.

Fentanyl interceptions were increasing somewhat in 2020 but only slightly as the border was still well controlled at that point. Once Biden opened the floodgates to millions of migrants, however, the fentanyl deaths have skyrocketed. The DEA has seized record amounts of deadly illegal drugs from 2021 on, probably a fraction of what is pouring into the country, but nobody else in the government we have right now seems at all interested in doing their constitutionally mandated duty of promoting the general welfare.


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