Opinion: Occupy Wall Street brought economic injustice out into the open


VIP Member
Jan 17, 2010
I’m a fan of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, which has been able to shine some needed light on the increased concentration of the benefits of economic growth in fewer and fewer hands. The OWS movement has sparked considerable debate as it speaks about the need for economic justice and true shared sacrifice.

Princeton Professor Cornel West recently said, “Everyone is talking about corporate greed and the income inequality, and that wouldn’t have been imaginable even a year ago.”

I don’t think anyone can argue that the OWS movement has dramatically increased the use of the phrase “income inequality” in the media and our political conversations.

I find much of the criticism against OWS demonstrations disingenuous. For example, Republican columnist David Brook wrote that “they have no realistic proposals to reduce the debt or sustain the welfare state ... [and] the 99-versus-1 frame is also extremely self-limiting.”

A movement is not a think tank whose goal is to develop a position paper that sets forth a mix of military and entitlement cuts and specific levels of tax increases to deal with the nation’s growing deficit. The role of protests is not, as Paul Clolery recently wrote in The Non-Profit Times, “to tell the power what you want, and often how to get there.”

Instead of criticizing OWS, David Brooks should be criticizing the eight Republican candidates for president who indicated they would reject outright a long-term deficit reduction package that contained $10 in spending cuts for every $1 in revenue increases and the Republican members of Congress who were unwilling to consider any tax increases as part of a plan to attack the deficit because of fear of alienating super lobbyist Grover Norquist.

Some of the criticism of OWS protesters has been mean. I’ve seen them referred to as “selfish” and “lazy.” Many of those participating in the OWS movement are hardworking Americans who lost their jobs; others are college students strapped with inordinate debt and few prospects for a job; and still others are homeowners struggling, through no fault of their own, to keep their homes. To suggest they are selfish is unfair and inconsistent with America’s values.

To see many of those who are protesting as lazy is just as bad as seeing all those who are wealthy as having become that way by nefarious means. Neither is correct.

What is correct is that, over the past three decades, a series of changes have affected the labor/business relationship (privatization), banking and investment regulations (deregulation), tax laws (slashing of the top marginal tax rate) and the safety net (reducing aid to families with children and other programs), coupled with dramatic increases in corporate government lobbying/influence peddling that have caused a major redistribution of wealth from the middle and lower classes to the wealthy classes.

The latest example of how convoluted the system has become is the revelation that former House Speaker Newt Gingrich received $1.6 million in consulting fees from the federal charter mortgage giant Freddie Mac for advising the company “as a historian” not to make loans to people without a credit history. For anyone who believes that, I have a bridge I want to sell them, and it’s not the bridge Gingrich was attempting to build between Republicans in Congress and Freddie Mac at a time when conservatives were calling for dismantling or privatizing the agency.

READ MORE Opinion: Occupy Wall Street brought economic injustice out into the open | NJ.com
What is correct is to recognize that law enforcement refuses to confront OWS and it is up to the individual ordinary citizen to step in and put a stop to the nonsense. A group, not even very large, with tire irons and baseball bats could have emptied the protest sites. The public is not paralyzed, just told they are paralyzed. Stand up, fight back.
Or maybe those OWS dopes could camp on SanFranNan's doorstep and hector her about insider trading....Or maybe follow Dianne Frankenstein around and run her into the ground over her warmongering and profiteering on no-bid contracts steered to her husband's firm.

But they won't because filthy rich elites are good, as long as they carry that (D) by their names.
Or maybe those OWS dopes could camp on SanFranNan's doorstep and hector her about insider trading....Or maybe follow Dianne Frankenstein around and run her into the ground over her warmongering and profiteering on no-bid contracts steered to her husband's firm.

But they won't because filthy rich elites are good, as long as they carry that (D) by their names.

OWS doesn't care about that.

They want to stop YOU from going to the bank or driving to work. They want to stop YOUR children from using a park or going to school.

Stand up. Fight back or you deserve what you get.
What is correct is to recognize that law enforcement refuses to confront OWS and it is up to the individual ordinary citizen to step in and put a stop to the nonsense. A group, not even very large, with tire irons and baseball bats could have emptied the protest sites. The public is not paralyzed, just told they are paralyzed. Stand up, fight back.

Rotten eggs and pepper spray would have worked equally well.
What is correct is to recognize that law enforcement refuses to confront OWS and it is up to the individual ordinary citizen to step in and put a stop to the nonsense. A group, not even very large, with tire irons and baseball bats could have emptied the protest sites. The public is not paralyzed, just told they are paralyzed. Stand up, fight back.
There was NO need to attack the OWS loons.

Most of them were there because they thought it was the cool thing to do.

And a great place to pick up chicks and smoke some weed.

But when winter started coming they quietly slinked back to their parents basement to eat their mamma's cooking and play video games. :lol: :cuckoo:
Just what is this "economic injustice" you speak of? I wasn't born rich and I'm not what you would call rich now but I live a very comfortable life. I've worked hard all of my life and as a result I live comfortably and am able to afford to buy just about anything I really want to have. I've never inherited any large amount of money but everything I have I've worked for and earned myself. I am not aware of any so-called "economic injustice". You have to make your own way through life and not rely on others to provide you with the things you should be providing for yourself. It seems like to me those that are crying foul the loudest are the ones who aren't willing to do very much to help themselves.
What is correct is to recognize that law enforcement refuses to confront OWS and it is up to the individual ordinary citizen to step in and put a stop to the nonsense. A group, not even very large, with tire irons and baseball bats could have emptied the protest sites. The public is not paralyzed, just told they are paralyzed. Stand up, fight back.

This is your vision of America going forward? Tire irons and baseball bats?
What is correct is to recognize that law enforcement refuses to confront OWS and it is up to the individual ordinary citizen to step in and put a stop to the nonsense. A group, not even very large, with tire irons and baseball bats could have emptied the protest sites. The public is not paralyzed, just told they are paralyzed. Stand up, fight back.

This is your vision of America going forward? Tire irons and baseball bats?

Before you can go forward, sometimes you have to clear away the deadwood blocking the way.
Income inequality is nothing more than the entitles way of begging for more shit that they couldn't or were too lazy to earn for themselves.

You want more, work harder or smarter than the other guy.

As for myself I worked harder and smarter than many people, and I have everything I need. And then some......... But I'm a looooooooooooonnnngggggg way from being rich......
The TV tells me I deserve more and need all sorts of medications, electronics and what all. Then they told me rich people are the cause of all my lack of material goods. Why are these people so mean? Shouldn't they have to help me, cause I helped them get rich according to the TV.
The TV tells me I deserve more and need all sorts of medications, electronics and what all. Then they told me rich people are the cause of all my lack of material goods. Why are these people so mean? Shouldn't they have to help me, cause I helped them get rich according to the TV.

Just send me all your banking information and I'll make sure we distribute some wealth....
The Obnoxious Whining Sheep didn't accomplish anything and their so called movement will end as it began, with a whimper.
The TV tells me I deserve more and need all sorts of medications, electronics and what all. Then they told me rich people are the cause of all my lack of material goods. Why are these people so mean? Shouldn't they have to help me, cause I helped them get rich according to the TV.

Just send me all your banking information and I'll make sure we distribute some wealth....

The Citibank or Bank of America account? :lol:
Hey anyone here feel that people don't have enough
and some have too much.the next time you file your tax return
feel free to pay extra in taxes...
I'm sure the Obama administration will put it to good use.
Spreading the wealth around.
What is correct is to recognize that law enforcement refuses to confront OWS and it is up to the individual ordinary citizen to step in and put a stop to the nonsense. A group, not even very large, with tire irons and baseball bats could have emptied the protest sites. The public is not paralyzed, just told they are paralyzed. Stand up, fight back.

This is your vision of America going forward? Tire irons and baseball bats?

Before you can go forward, sometimes you have to clear away the deadwood blocking the way.

Sounds kind of fascist to me. :eek:

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