OPINION Video: Debunking The Most Common Myths White People Tell About Race


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
I do my best to try to understand as much as humanly possible the things that interest or affect me. I understand that the resistance is a defense mechanism but the perspective that there is nothing of value that a white person would learn from a person of color is baffling. Surprisingly, when it comes to the topic of race, the information doesn't seem to be any more well received when coming from another white person.

Author Robin DiAngelo: Debunking the most common myths white people tell about race
None of those seemed to be myths really.

To go point by point: Do only white parents teach their children that they are unique and special?

Obviously people don't literally mean that they don't see color. It's not a phrase I care for, but I believe the idea behind it is that a person does not judge based on color. Some people may be refusing to acknowledge another's racial reality, but I think making such a broad generalization about it is wrong.

The woman conflates friendship with proximity, which is clearly false. Having friends who are black is different from being willing to be around people who are black. Now, someone may be able to be racist and yet have friendships with people of the race they consider inferior, but the argument made in the video starts from friendship and ends with proximity, which implies to me that the argument doesn't not stand up if the person is actually friends with rather than simply around the race in question.

Another broad generalization I don't care for. There are certainly issues that can be discussed without adding how race informs the issue. While there is nothing wrong with discussing how different racial perspectives may make an issue seem different, I don't agree with the blanket statement.

I don't think there is a blanket answer for this one. Focusing on race does sometimes divide. Ignoring how race affects an issue does sometimes divide. I don't think this is a point for which there is a single answer. Whether race should be focused on depends on context and the individual issues or situations.

The video obviously underwent editing, so I can't say if the points made were quite how this woman meant to express them. It's also just a short clip, so a more detailed discussion might change some of the broad generalizations made; they may have been put forth that way in the interests of saving time.

I don't know where the perspective that a white person can't learn anything from a person of color comment is directed. It's certainly a ridiculous idea and one I would think only the most ardent white supremacist types might believe.
You know, that is one of the things that kept me from being a bigoted idiot, or possibly even a racist.

If I automatically assume that someone has nothing to teach me based on the color of their skin, or their background, there is a lot of valuable information that I might miss because of my bias. A black dude was my roomie in "A" school in the Navy, and he's the one that helped me pass the course. If I had been biased against blacks (I'm white), Spence would have never been able to help me get through school.

Same thing when I went overseas. I would look at the visits to other countries as an opportunity that I would never get again, and so took full advantage where I could by using a phrase book to speak the local language and get the information as to where the best places to eat were, what some of the local history was, stuff like that. Meanwhile, a lot of my shipmates were using the big eyes (large binoculars on the bridge wings) to find KFC, Pizza Hut, and Burger King, and missed out on some really fantastic local chow.

The more biased you are against others on their appearance, the less knowledge and useful information you are able to learn from others.
You know, that is one of the things that kept me from being a bigoted idiot, or possibly even a racist.

If I automatically assume that someone has nothing to teach me based on the color of their skin, or their background, there is a lot of valuable information that I might miss because of my bias. A black dude was my roomie in "A" school in the Navy, and he's the one that helped me pass the course. If I had been biased against blacks (I'm white), Spence would have never been able to help me get through school.

Same thing when I went overseas. I would look at the visits to other countries as an opportunity that I would never get again, and so took full advantage where I could by using a phrase book to speak the local language and get the information as to where the best places to eat were, what some of the local history was, stuff like that. Meanwhile, a lot of my shipmates were using the big eyes (large binoculars on the bridge wings) to find KFC, Pizza Hut, and Burger King, and missed out on some really fantastic local chow.

The more biased you are against others on their appearance, the less knowledge and useful information you are able to learn from others.

Eloquently said. The building block of bigotry is Ignorance.

To quote Ellen McIlwaine when somebody says
"ya caaaaan't trust 'em"
what they mean is:
"I dooooon't know any".
I do my best to try to understand as much as humanly possible the things that interest or affect me. I understand that the resistance is a defense mechanism but the perspective that there is nothing of value that a white person would learn from a person of color is baffling. Surprisingly, when it comes to the topic of race, the information doesn't seem to be any more well received when coming from another white person.

Author Robin DiAngelo: Debunking the most common myths white people tell about race

Eh, it's just plain ole blah blah blah as far as I'm concerned, I figure if you employ the, "golden rule" and your rejected you're not the one that's an asshole, they are, no matter the race. On the other hand if you employ the rule and it's well received an understanding with equivalent respect has the seed of growth.

The real problems relate to herd mentality and the corruptions, motivations of the herd leadership.
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All I know is that when summer rolls around, white people rush to the nearest beach in order to become as dark as possible.
I don't know where the perspective that a white person can't learn anything from a person of color comment is directed. It's certainly a ridiculous idea and one I would think only the most ardent white supremacist types might believe.
It's based on my observation of the responses here on US Message Board of the more hateful members who post here and cannot comment without a plethora of demeaning and denigrating insults quite often of a racist nature.
You know, that is one of the things that kept me from being a bigoted idiot, or possibly even a racist.

If I automatically assume that someone has nothing to teach me based on the color of their skin, or their background, there is a lot of valuable information that I might miss because of my bias. A black dude was my roomie in "A" school in the Navy, and he's the one that helped me pass the course. If I had been biased against blacks (I'm white), Spence would have never been able to help me get through school.

Same thing when I went overseas. I would look at the visits to other countries as an opportunity that I would never get again, and so took full advantage where I could by using a phrase book to speak the local language and get the information as to where the best places to eat were, what some of the local history was, stuff like that. Meanwhile, a lot of my shipmates were using the big eyes (large binoculars on the bridge wings) to find KFC, Pizza Hut, and Burger King, and missed out on some really fantastic local chow.

The more biased you are against others on their appearance, the less knowledge and useful information you are able to learn from others.

Eloquently said. The building block of bigotry is Ignorance.

To quote Ellen McIlwaine when somebody says
"ya caaaaan't trust 'em"
what they mean is:
"I dooooon't know any".
Exactly. So when our colleges and schools fail to,educate, they are promoting bigotry and ignorance, and it is on display in spades today by the left.
The more biased you are against others on their appearance, the less knowledge and useful information you are able to learn from others.
Also if the information that you were taught or picked up on as you were growing up is incorrect, it's not easy to overcome and correct this misinformation, at least for some. When I was younger I wanted to be a better person when I discovered what white societ thought of me and to satisfy my own need to be good at the things I chose to pursue in life. When I got to college and was generally the only female and the only African American in a class which was 99% white males I discovered I was not only equal to but in some cases performed better than my white male counterparts at least on an academic level but I never socialized with or dated them. The thought never crossed my mind.
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I don't know where the perspective that a white person can't learn anything from a person of color comment is directed. It's certainly a ridiculous idea and one I would think only the most ardent white supremacist types might believe.
It's based on my observation of the responses here on US Message Board of the more hateful members who post here and cannot comment without a plethora of demeaning and denigrating insults quite often of a racist nature.
And sexist nature.
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"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

This lady is is an expert in the field. Why do people who have no clue, have not done the extensive work with individuals for 20 odd years every day across the lines of race to try to figure his out think they can just summarily dispute her because they have an opinion?

Yet on the other hand people will accept a dropout like Limbaugh and his unstudied and unresearched opinion as gospel. Hate to tell you white folks but you got problems. The major problem revolves around how you see other races. Until you can admit you have a problem work to fix it, America stays divided. Because the rest of us do not have to bow down and just accept your problem and live with it.
I don't know where the perspective that a white person can't learn anything from a person of color comment is directed. It's certainly a ridiculous idea and one I would think only the most ardent white supremacist types might believe.
It's based on my observation of the responses here on US Message Board of the more hateful members who post here and cannot comment without a plethora of demeaning and denigrating insults quite often of a racist nature.

People like Ass Leper and I am 2 bring it on themselves.
I'm no racist by any stretch but I'm glad to give these two shit all the crap they deserve.
I do my best to try to understand as much as humanly possible the things that interest or affect me. I understand that the resistance is a defense mechanism but the perspective that there is nothing of value that a white person would learn from a person of color is baffling. Surprisingly, when it comes to the topic of race, the information doesn't seem to be any more well received when coming from another white person.

Author Robin DiAngelo: Debunking the most common myths white people tell about race
I absolutely believe in Manifest Destiny. Hope that doesn't offend you too much.

I believe we are PAYING for our sins because we've allowed the Turd Worlders into this country and too many have decided to treat these backward cultures as equals.
I don't know where the perspective that a white person can't learn anything from a person of color comment is directed. It's certainly a ridiculous idea and one I would think only the most ardent white supremacist types might believe.
It's based on my observation of the responses here on US Message Board of the more hateful members who post here and cannot comment without a plethora of demeaning and denigrating insults quite often of a racist nature.

People like Ass Leper and I am 2 bring it on themselves.
I'm no racist by any stretch but I'm glad to give these two shit all the crap they deserve.

You are a racist. And if what you dish out is the best you can do, quit.
I do my best to try to understand as much as humanly possible the things that interest or affect me. I understand that the resistance is a defense mechanism but the perspective that there is nothing of value that a white person would learn from a person of color is baffling. Surprisingly, when it comes to the topic of race, the information doesn't seem to be any more well received when coming from another white person.

Author Robin DiAngelo: Debunking the most common myths white people tell about race
I absolutely believe in Manifest Destiny. Hope that doesn't offend you too much.

I believe we are PAYING for our sins because we've allowed the Turd Worlders into this country and too many have decided to treat these backward cultures as equals.

America has not yet began to pay for it's sins. But the time is coming,
I do my best to try to understand as much as humanly possible the things that interest or affect me. I understand that the resistance is a defense mechanism but the perspective that there is nothing of value that a white person would learn from a person of color is baffling. Surprisingly, when it comes to the topic of race, the information doesn't seem to be any more well received when coming from another white person.

Author Robin DiAngelo: Debunking the most common myths white people tell about race
I absolutely believe in Manifest Destiny. Hope that doesn't offend you too much.

I believe we are PAYING for our sins because we've allowed the Turd Worlders into this country and too many have decided to treat these backward cultures as equals.
No, from the comments you've posted you're are undoubtably a racist or white nationalist or separatist...
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"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it (Kumashiro, 2009; LaDuke, 2009). We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences (King, 1991). At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism.Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience (Chinnery, 2008). This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue (DiAngelo & Sensoy, 2009)."

Dr. Robin DiAngelo

This lady is is an expert in the field. Why do people who have no clue, have not done the extensive work with individuals for 20 odd years every day across the lines of race to try to figure his out think they can just summarily dispute her because they have an opinion?

Yet on the other hand people will accept a dropout like Limbaugh and his unstudied and unresearched opinion as gospel. Hate to tell you white folks but you got problems. The major problem revolves around how you see other races. Until you can admit you have a problem work to fix it, America stays divided. Because the rest of us do not have to bow down and just accept your problem and live with it.
So let me see if I have this right. You know everything and white people know nothing. Your argument fails when you exhibit the same traits you are disparaging.
I don't know where the perspective that a white person can't learn anything from a person of color comment is directed. It's certainly a ridiculous idea and one I would think only the most ardent white supremacist types might believe.
It's based on my observation of the responses here on US Message Board of the more hateful members who post here and cannot comment without a plethora of demeaning and denigrating insults quite often of a racist nature.

People like Ass Leper and I am 2 bring it on themselves.
I'm no racist by any stretch but I'm glad to give these two shit all the crap they deserve.

You are a racist. And if what you dish out is the best you can do, quit.

Funny...all the black people I interact with daily would tell you you're full of shit.
As would the hispanic girl I was engaged too.

People like you are no better than notsoSharpton.
Yet on the other hand people will accept a dropout like Limbaugh and his unstudied and unresearched opinion as gospel. Hate to tell you white folks but you got problems. The major problem revolves around how you see other races. Until you can admit you have a problem work to fix it, America stays divided. Because the rest of us do not have to bow down and just accept your problem and live with it.

Why do you attack Rush Limbaugh as being racist? His call screener is a black man who has been on the job with Rush for over thirty years. A black man also presided over his last wedding. The vast majority of people, unlike you, look for the best-qualified person for the job.

As for being unstudied and unresearched, where did Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, James Cameron, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Lady Gaga, Tiger Woods and many others
America has not yet began to pay for it's sins. But the time is coming,

Yes indeed. One of our "sins" is not having taught you spelling and punctuation. Skip those classes?

Here, take this and post the results for us.

Statically, only about seventeen percent of white Americans have little or no automatic preference to whites or blacks. Only twelve percent show a slight to strong preference of blacks to whites. This is part of the results and explained at the test. It is free and you can choose to register or not. It’s fun, but I have also seen people go off the handle which is why it comes with a warning.

It’s NATURAL to discriminate and be prejudiced; almost exclusively we all grew up with people like very much like ourselves. It is natural to trust those people more than people who are not like us. Obviously, we also pick up racist attitudes and beliefs from our parents too. We discriminate and use prejudice every day. There is nothing wrong with those feelings. It is what we learn and what is in someone’s heart, and what we DO with those feelings that matters.

If you are curious about yourself, take this test. The test does NOT use questions, which you could answer the way you THINK you should. Actually, it is fun. You can chose from a number of different tests but they only take about 15 minutes.

This web site presents a method that demonstrates the conscious-unconscious divergences much more convincingly than has been possible with previous methods. This new method is called the Implicit Association Test or IAT for short.


It does carry this disclaimer:

I am aware of the possibility of encountering interpretations of my IAT test performance with which I may not agree. Knowing this, I wish to proceed.

Project Implicit


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