Opioids killed more people last year than either car accidents or gun violence

This crisis of addiction can affect any American, from all-state football captains to stay-at-home mothers.

why isnt anyone talking about it? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT??????
when its the zillionth time ive heard about the opioid crisis...

its about time to stop pretending that nobody's talking about it. Theres like 300 documentaries on it...

tv series based on it.....

candidates that all mention it....

im wondering if theres more that DO talk about it, than dont
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This crisis of addiction can affect any American, from all-state football captains to stay-at-home mothers.

why isnt anyone talking about it? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT??????
when its the zillionth time ive heard about the opiod crisis...

its about time to stop pretending that nobody's talking about it. Theres like 300 documentaries on it...

tv series based on it.....

candidates that all mention it....

im wondering if theres more that DO talk about it, than dont

Trump talked about doing something about it. But like the wall, getting tough with North Korea, declaring China a currency manipulator, addressing school violence, replacing Obamacare, uniting the nation…he’s failed; to the surprise of nobody.
Firearm violence is a non-issue in this country...
"Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman Sues Purdue Pharma for its Role in Creating the Opioid Epidemic"
According to the Washington Post there are 150,000 deaths per year in the U.S. attributed to medical negligence. It's estimated that drug related mistakes are a factor in 50% of all surgeries. So between prescription opioid deaths and hospital negligence we are experiencing a quarter of a million deaths due to drug abuse per year and yet the crazy left lobbies for the legalization of an entry level drug like marijuana.
So? What sane, consenting adults put into their bodies is their business.

And (like my brother once said)- like ANY addiction - they will quit the addiction when they want to badly enough...NOT BEFORE.

There is NOTHING the government can do to help them except give them a place to dry out, keep up methadone clinics, make prostitution and opioid use (which includes heroin) legal (so they can freely come forward with their problem) and discourage doctors from over-prescribing prescription opioids.

Hey....I quit hardcore crack use (and other addictions) by myself. Why? Because I wanted to badly enough - that's it. No big secret. But that desire HAS to come from within.

I realize physical addiction to heroin is mega tough because it is an actual physical addiction (which crack is not - thank goodness). But hey, most (though not all) of these addicts deliberately started using the drug...they have no one to blame but themselves. And they knew the risks...almost everyone does.

And please save the sob stories...I have known and seen people that have worse stories than the ones you will probably tell. It changes nothing with me.

I feel bad for these people...really I do (some of my friends were heroin addicts). But it is THEIR problem that THEY have to solve THEMSELVES. There is a reason that 'clinics' have such horrific records with ex-patients falling off their various 'wagons'...because they don't work unless the patient is ready. You cannot just check yourself into a clinic and say 'fix me' if you still, deep-down, want to use. It won't work. The desire to quit comes from within...not from a clinic...you cannot buy it. You have to want to TRULY stop. Hopefully, before you die.

As I said, if the government wants to help...make all opioids legal, make prostitution legal (you might be amazed how many pimps deliberately hook escorts on heroin to keep them working for them. This would almost completely end were prostitution legal), keep up methadone clinics and discourage physicians from over-prescribing opioids in the first place.
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"IDEA: Instead of being nice to addicts once they're addicted, why don't stop them from becoming addicts in the 1st place by building a wall?" - Coulter
This crisis of addiction can affect any American, from all-state football captains to stay-at-home mothers.

why isnt anyone talking about it? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT??????

Opioids tend to kill the right people - druggies who the general public doesn’t care about. That’s why it isn’t a bigger issue.
This crisis of addiction can affect any American, from all-state football captains to stay-at-home mothers.

why isnt anyone talking about it? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT??????
The whole pill crap is just that. The problem is criminals who are Doctors operating Pill mills. Not the Pain Doc who are operating on real pain. The deaths you talk about are Kids who steal the parent meds and use them. the deaths are those to buy street "Horse" and shoot up, most are Pot users who need a high. There is also a guy named George who wants all drugs to be legal and this will further his cause.
He has also helped fund the Andean Council of Coca Leaf producers. Needless to say, this organization would stand to benefit enormously from the legalization of cocaine. He has also taken a 9 percent stake in Banco de Colombia, located in the Colombian drug capital of Cali. The Drug Enforcement Administration has speculated that the bank is being used to launder money and that Soros's fellow shareholders may be members of a major drug cartel.”

The Gov, it seems take these steps to enter the fight. First create the problem, next enter the problem and try to fight it. Make sure that funding will keep coming for many years because the problem is to big. Also make the Media write about it in a negative manner
This crisis of addiction can affect any American, from all-state football captains to stay-at-home mothers.

why isnt anyone talking about it? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT??????

Opioids tend to kill the right people - druggies who the general public doesn’t care about. That’s why it isn’t a bigger issue.
I wonder how many Progressive the drug kill, just might be a upside to the problem.
This is a for profit endeavor for all but the end user, it will not be reduced.
Where the fuck do you think you live?
If only Rush would share what he did to kick the addiction, that would be very helpful to a lot of addicts...
This crisis of addiction can affect any American, from all-state football captains to stay-at-home mothers.

why isnt anyone talking about it? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT??????

Oddly enough, I wonder how people get so addicted to the stuff, I had pretty major surgery months back and was prescribed 325mg Oxycodone for pain relieve and I had to jump through hoops just to get it! You'd think I was a prisoner on parole, I was just out of the hospital, and had to make a special trip to my doctor's in PERSON, on the day I RAN OUT come hell or high water, if I was late, I lost pills, then to the pharmacy in PERSON, then could only get enough for 7 days (I was on it for several months). I literally had to aggravate my operation and healing to jump through the hoops just to get the stupid pills! I don't know how all these people are getting enough of this stuff to get hooked on it let alone enough to OD on. They must buy it off the street. BTW, no problem stopping taking it. I'm wondering if the whole "opiod crisis" is just another trumped up fake crisis.

Overprescribing, in some cases. I got a script for 20 Oxys after getting my wisdom teeth out. My wife was offered 30(!) after gashing her arm...by the same doctor who put a dozen stitches in her forearm, while she calmly watched him do it!

Neither of us filled them.
This is a for profit endeavor for all but the end user, it will not be reduced.
Where the fuck do you think you live?
The data that he quoted is false and it does not match up with the CDC records. First of all Opioids cover a wide range of drugs, from Heroin to APC s . Next overdose is a general name and does not reflect other stuff that causes death. I found that Opioids are must not the cause of death but are listed in the blood system as being present. Its like a man crashes into a tree and is dead. Findings are he was drinking, and drugs in his system, and skull and brain damage. Cause of death. Pick one out ......
This crisis of addiction can affect any American, from all-state football captains to stay-at-home mothers.

why isnt anyone talking about it? WHY ISNT ANYONE TALKING ABOUT IT??????

Surely people are talking about drugs.
They talk about drugs because the Media is pushing it for filling the paper and to serve as a Media header. Just more False news. A good example is Pressley s death. Which drug killed him....I think he had about 3 in his system. No Opioids were found.

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