Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here...

MOST OF YOU A FRAUDS. You sit here and claim the mantel of richesness and take up an issue that I bet VERY FEW IF ANY OF YOU have contacted your represenatives over. Your no better than the Friday night drinkers turned Sunday morning Christians.

Take your issue to the people that care what you think not to some feel good forum.

Do not judge others by your lack of action.
Coupla things..

WOMEN are gonna wake up a few years after "gay marraige" carries the day and recognize that all of their advantages in divorce --- child custody, alimony preference, and all of their preference in domestic disputes and restraining order --- HAVE DISAPPEARED.. Why?

Because by redefining genders in "marraige", the law will have to start making these decisions truly blind to Sex. Those "benefit protections" for women will no longer exist.

AFA my opposition to gay marraige --- it exist only in the terminology. Get those creative gay communities to come up "domestic partnerships" or preferably something more romantic -- and I'm on board. All the legal protections and equal under the law.. It's just not "marraige".

Keep the CONGRESS and the FEDS out of it. Create a name for the bond. Create the local govt paperwork to realize it. Sign the bill at the state level. It'll have MUCH more popular support..

BTW --- I suggest "Pairaige" .

Where do people like you come from....?
Another reason: HEALTH, we all need to make sacrifices to bring down the health costs for the nation and since homosexual behavior (in men) can increase the chances they will get AIDS or HIV, why encourage that type of behavior by legallizing (endorsing) that behavior that will lead to increased health costs for all of us? (They did it for 'smoking', they are doing it for transfats, they are doing it to children's menus in schools) Do youu believe the Czar over the health care plan will not throw you over a cliff (or give you "the" pill) once your health care costs become 'greater than average'?

So...eliminate marriage for all people who could get diseases....using your logic.
It is the liberal mindset: if you disagree it is because you are a mean nasty person, not because you might have a POV that someone disagrees with.
The truth is that there are many many good reasons to oppose gay marriage and virtually none to support it. The only thing to support it is that no one wants to be a mean nasty person, which is what they rely on.

List them.

Here's 5...

1. Religious freedom

Religious freedom does NOT mean you get the freedom to dictate to others based on your religion.
2. Rights of children

Gay marriage does not affect children in that children are still not allowed to get married (except in those backward states, mostly red, where the age of consent is 14)
3. Whither traditional marriage?

Gay marriage does not affect traditional marriage...but it is sad to hear that your marriage is so weak that you are afraid that others being allowed to legally marry will ruin your tenuous grasp on married bliss.
4. Education

Gay marriage isn't about education anymore than straight marriage is.
5. Husbands


Apparently you are unable to think for yourself in this issue. Well, you've already admitted that your marriage cannot withstand the wedded bliss of those you don't like.

Sad, really.
I'm anti-abortion, but pro choice

Oh, fair enough re children of incest. As I said, I don't agree with it, but it is their choices and they have to live with the consquences.

But in my opinion, that is different from gays marrying. I take each individual scenario on its own merits. I don't mix and match and play the 'what if' game....

imo..... i think you're one messed up individual....:cuckoo:

I know - and you're right wing, christian whackjob, but we all can't be perfect...:lol:

spoken like a true anti-religious Left commie Wing Wacko......why is it you guys always think opposition to gay marriage is due to religious reasons only....? there are plenty of non-religious reasons....
Indeed it does! And gay people currently have all the same rights to marry that straight people have.
Or did you think they were missing something?

Oh yes, that's right...the CHOICE to live YOUR WAY or not at all.

Live my way, excuse me, do you think we all live the life of perfect acceptance?????????
If you choose to live your own life, according to your own standards, it is hard, and you will be ridiculed. If you go according to the crowd (legion), your social life might be easier, but you still have to live with yourself. If you set your morals high, how many people do you think are working to corrupt you every day? If you want to be a virgin when you marry, how many of your peers would embrace that?
You are 'free' to live your life as you choose. Do not ask me to validate your life, especially if you know that I disagree with your lifestyle. I will not tell an alcoholic they were born that way and they should just 'accept it'. I will not tell a clepto' that their behavior is acceptable. I will not tell a homosexual that their behavior is not risky and will not hurt everyone involved (and their families too).
Choice has consequences. If you choose to snub your thumb at the traditions that built this country, don't expect people to lay down palms for your passing. There are histories for behaviors. Faithful bisexual couples that have families are building the future. Homosexual couples are not (they might pretend, but they cannot be 'true' to themselves and reproduce). If people disagree with your choices, they will "shun" you in their own way. If it is truly important for you to live as you choose, don't keep crying about it. You made the choice.

Speak up...you're mumbling.
Don't let the posts of those who don't agree with you deter you from feeling like your actually accomplishing something with this pointless thread. Pat yourself on the back and give me the next insult.

You don't agree with me. Good, that's the American way. We do accomplish much through dialogue. What accomplished here is that those who don't like marriages in the same sex are flailing aimlessly. Universal marriage is inevitable, just as was the results of the civil rights campaigns.
To equate gay marriage to the plight of the inhumane treatment blacks recieved is not only obsurd but an insult to those that died fighting that fight and those that died for no good reason. You sir are an idiot....

Civil rights are civil rights whether we are talking about race, age, gender, religion, or sexual preference. Sorry, your thought patterns are unable to grasp that.
Don't let the posts of those who don't agree with you deter you from feeling like your actually accomplishing something with this pointless thread. Pat yourself on the back and give me the next insult.

You don't agree with me. Good, that's the American way. We do accomplish much through dialogue. What accomplished here is that those who don't like marriages in the same sex are flailing aimlessly. Universal marriage is inevitable, just as was the results of the civil rights campaigns.

If marriage is a "right".....then why do you need to get a license for it.....?
One also has to apply for a license to drive....driving is not called a "right" but a privilege...

what do you mean by "universal marriage"...?

Thank you for pointing out that it is a civil matter and the government cannot discriminate based on gender without a compelling reason to do so.
Another reason: HEALTH, we all need to make sacrifices to bring down the health costs for the nation and since homosexual behavior (in men) can increase the chances they will get AIDS or HIV, why encourage that type of behavior by legallizing (endorsing) that behavior that will lead to increased health costs for all of us? (They did it for 'smoking', they are doing it for transfats, they are doing it to children's menus in schools) Do youu believe the Czar over the health care plan will not throw you over a cliff (or give you "the" pill) once your health care costs become 'greater than average'?

Do you support denying marriage rights to Obese people who cost much more than those with HIV/AIDs?


Just imagine what THEY do in bed. (sorry....)
It is the liberal mindset: if you disagree it is because you are a mean nasty person, not because you might have a POV that someone disagrees with.
The truth is that there are many many good reasons to oppose gay marriage and virtually none to support it. The only thing to support it is that no one wants to be a mean nasty person, which is what they rely on.

List them.

To you there are no good reasons other than bigotry and homophobia.
Tell ya what: You list the reasons to oppose it.

There are NO compelling reasons for the state to withhold equal treatment when it comes to civil marriage.
Not in the least, heterosexuals could decide to marry someone of the same sex if they wanted to. Nothing "additional" only for homosexuals, the same option would be available to heterosexuals also.

You are TOO LOGICAL for logical4u's mind to grasp!!!

What would be the societal advantage in allowing two men to marry?

Stability....but even then, the state does not have to PROVE a societal advantage to allow it...they have to prove a societal detrement to disallow it.

Unless you support a government that makes everything illegal UNLESS you can clearly prove a societal advantage? That is totalitarianism.
But if they want society's acknowledgement of the fact then it is society's business. And they can't have it.

They shouldn't need nor want society's acknowledgement. It is none of society's business. And if it is society's business, then why not add what race people can date, who they can date, how long they can date, whether they can have children or not. Where would it stop?

That's a slippery slope fallacy.
If they want the aknowledgement of society via benefits then they need to conform to society's interest. And societal interest is not having gay marriage.
You fail.

In a totalitarian society you would be right.....so it appears that's the kind of society you want...everyone has to prove a societal benefit to the government before it is allowed. You like being completely controlled by government, do you? :eusa_eh:
Really? What right do you not have that I have? Please be specific here.
You know the answer.
Why you are arguing is beyond me. You are so invested in the issue that there is no argument, none, no fact that would sway your opinion on the matter. So why do you bother?

Marriage to each other (well except in NY)...

I also cannot marry another man.
Now which right is being denied again?

You can if you want to in NY state....see? equal.
What would be the societal advantage in allowing two men to marry?

More women for hetros to hit on. That aside, what would be the disadvantage?

It would serve to breakdown the premier place that the marital state has in society, a state that produces the most stability in citizens and produces the best future citizens. This si the reason this relationship is favored.

Explain how that would happen precisely.

So you have no real answer to my question. Because the women would just become dykes. And many straight women go that way for a variety of reasons.


HERE'S THE REAL FEAR! You're afraid you can't hold a woman if she can marry other women.

They shouldn't need nor want society's acknowledgement. It is none of society's business. And if it is society's business, then why not add what race people can date, who they can date, how long they can date, whether they can have children or not. Where would it stop?

That's a slippery slope fallacy.
If they want the aknowledgement of society via benefits then they need to conform to society's interest. And societal interest is not having gay marriage.
You fail.

Actually, yours is the slippery slope fallacy. you think if you open up gay marriage, then you are opening up people marrying dogs, which is a total fail. All pro gay marriage proponents are talking about consenting adults - not dogs, not parrots, not whales. Consenting human adults.

Why is it not in society's interest to have gay marriage. It has been legal in NZ for some time. Unemployment has not gone up, crime rate has not gone up - in fact it has had zero impact on society. So what's the problem (other than the holy rollers and anti-gay bigots 'not liking' it?)

He just told us....he's afraid that all women would dump him for other women.
That's a slippery slope fallacy.
If they want the aknowledgement of society via benefits then they need to conform to society's interest. And societal interest is not having gay marriage.
You fail.

Actually, yours is the slippery slope fallacy. you think if you open up gay marriage, then you are opening up people marrying dogs, which is a total fail. All pro gay marriage proponents are talking about consenting adults - not dogs, not parrots, not whales. Consenting human adults.

Why is it not in society's interest to have gay marriage. It has been legal in NZ for some time. Unemployment has not gone up, crime rate has not gone up - in fact it has had zero impact on society. So what's the problem (other than the holy rollers and anti-gay bigots 'not liking' it?)

Because who the fuck wants this country to be like New Zealand??

I would...It's a beautiful place, the people are very nice and not hung up on stupid stuff like you are.
If marriage is a "right".....then why do you need to get a license for it.....?
One also has to apply for a license to drive....driving is not called a "right" but a privilege...

what do you mean by "universal marriage"...?

Voting is a right yet one is required to register.

Gun ownership is a right yet many are required to register their firearms or have a firearms license. All are required to complete the background check.

Marriage as a right is no different.

So you agree that registration has its purposes....

Same thing goes for marriage.....opposite sex is one of the parameters....

And what is the compelling legal reason for that parameter?
List them.

Here's 5...

1. Religious freedom

Religious freedom does NOT mean you get the freedom to dictate to others based on your religion.
you might want to take a look in the mirror....
Gay marriage does not affect children in that children are still not allowed to get married (except in those backward states, mostly red, where the age of consent is 14)
How about a child's right to have both his parents...?
Gay marriage does not affect traditional marriage...but it is sad to hear that your marriage is so weak that you are afraid that others being allowed to legally marry will ruin your tenuous grasp on married bliss.
Gay marriage makes marriage more like a contractual merger....and less of a family unit....

Gay marriage isn't about education anymore than straight marriage is.
He's talking about the gay re-education camps.....er....schools....
5. Husbands
because of the new attitudes about marriage....husbands will become more absent/gone.....leaving more kids without their fathers....

Apparently you are unable to think for yourself in this issue. Well, you've already admitted that your marriage cannot withstand the wedded bliss of those you don't like.

Sad, really.

You're really the sad one......destroying your society and nation in order to promulgate your abnormality....
imo..... i think you're one messed up individual....:cuckoo:

I know - and you're right wing, christian whackjob, but we all can't be perfect...:lol:

spoken like a true anti-religious Left commie Wing Wacko......why is it you guys always think opposition to gay marriage is due to religious reasons only....? there are plenty of non-religious reasons....

I can't think of any non-religious reasons that are not connected to redneck homophobia. So either you're a religious whackjob or a homophobe. Take your pick.
If you think it's OK for 2 brothers to marry....how about a brother and his sister....?

I do not think it is ok, but I do not think it is any of my business either. If you can show instances where incest has occurred that have caused societies to go to hell in a hand basket, then produce the evidence. As I said, there are many things I do and do not like.

When they affect society as a whole, then lets talk about. But when it doesn't, and people want ot interfere in other poeples' lives just because they 'don't like' something, and no other reason, then I'm sorry, it's a massive fail. If society worked in a way by which nobody could do anything if a person objected to it, then we'd all be standing in a corner doing nothing.

At the end of the day, I look at it like this. If two gay guys married and moved in next door, how would those two facts affect me (not whether they had parties every night, or whatever, just those two facts). It wouldn't. So why should it bother me, or why should I interfere in their lives? I shouldn't. Simple really.

Well at least you are consistent in your argument......however it is obivious you do not care about the CHILDREN.....some liberal you are....:lol:



(Is this about children getting married? Or is this you with another red herring?)

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