Opposition to Gay Marriage - Any Basis Other Than Intolerance and Bigotry?

Coupla things..

WOMEN are gonna wake up a few years after "gay marraige" carries the day and recognize that all of their advantages in divorce --- child custody, alimony preference, and all of their preference in domestic disputes and restraining order --- HAVE DISAPPEARED.. Why?

Because by redefining genders in "marraige", the law will have to start making these decisions truly blind to Sex. Those "benefit protections" for women will no longer exist.

AFA my opposition to gay marraige --- it exist only in the terminology. Get those creative gay communities to come up "domestic partnerships" or preferably something more romantic -- and I'm on board. All the legal protections and equal under the law.. It's just not "marraige".

Keep the CONGRESS and the FEDS out of it. Create a name for the bond. Create the local govt paperwork to realize it. Sign the bill at the state level. It'll have MUCH more popular support..

BTW --- I suggest "Pairaige" .

Then you support removing the term "marriage" from all legal documentation, laws, statutes, etc., right?

Nope.. Marraige has a definition of the parties to the marriage contract. And "pairage" has a separate definition of the parties entering into that contract. Different partnership, same rights..
Here's 5...

1. Religious freedom

Religious freedom does NOT mean you get the freedom to dictate to others based on your religion.
you might want to take a look in the mirror....
Gay marriage does not affect children in that children are still not allowed to get married (except in those backward states, mostly red, where the age of consent is 14)
How about a child's right to have both his parents...?
Gay marriage does not affect traditional marriage...but it is sad to hear that your marriage is so weak that you are afraid that others being allowed to legally marry will ruin your tenuous grasp on married bliss.
Gay marriage makes marriage more like a contractual merger....and less of a family unit....

Gay marriage isn't about education anymore than straight marriage is.
He's talking about the gay re-education camps.....er....schools....

because of the new attitudes about marriage....husbands will become more absent/gone.....leaving more kids without their fathers....

Apparently you are unable to think for yourself in this issue. Well, you've already admitted that your marriage cannot withstand the wedded bliss of those you don't like.

Sad, really.

You're really the sad one......destroying your society and nation in order to promulgate your abnormality....

Not the brightest bulb in the socket are you SE - then again, you 'patriotic' types never are...
It was started when the gov't went deeper into taxpayer pockets to 'appease' those they were 'taxing'. If you let us tax you, your spouse will be cared for even if you don't make it. It is now a 'handout', and will be almost impossible to take away. Why would you want to add to that taxpayer burden? Since homosexuals that are true to their 'nature' cannot reproduce without assistance of others, their should be no need to support a 'partner' that stayed at home to raise children and never aquired outside work skills.
Married couples were encouraged to have children to increase the population (workers) to build a nation. The gov't was social engineering.

If civil marriage has financial benefits, then homosexuals are entitled to them, whether or not you think the benefits are 'fair'.

If they are in a faux marriage, they should get faux benefits.
If homosexuals want to have tax supported 'unions', the people or their representatives will have a say. If they want to keep us out of their bedroom, please tell them to quit bringing their bedroom into the public square. This behavior should not be encouraged, tolerated, okay, but not encouraged.

It's not a faux marriage, it's a real marriage.

And how are we bringing our bedrooms into the public square any more than any straight couple talking about getting married?
If you think it's OK for 2 brothers to marry....how about a brother and his sister....?

A brother marrying a sister would be a heterosexual, or at least a one man one woman marriage.
That is legal now, but brother/sister marriages are excluded.

How is that possible? Why didn't legalizing hetero marriage lead to brother/sister marriage being legal?

...so much for the slippery slope baloney.

are you kidding....abnormal aka "gay" marriage is already a BIG SLIP down the slope....especially when you look at all the ramnifications...
Which are??????
If civil marriage has financial benefits, then homosexuals are entitled to them, whether or not you think the benefits are 'fair'.

So if the government gives benefits to people who have children, then people who don't have children are entitled to those benefits as well?

Your argument is idiotic.

Ask all the married childless couples today if that isn't already the case.
Coupla things..

WOMEN are gonna wake up a few years after "gay marraige" carries the day and recognize that all of their advantages in divorce --- child custody, alimony preference, and all of their preference in domestic disputes and restraining order --- HAVE DISAPPEARED.. Why?

Because by redefining genders in "marraige", the law will have to start making these decisions truly blind to Sex. Those "benefit protections" for women will no longer exist.

AFA my opposition to gay marraige --- it exist only in the terminology. Get those creative gay communities to come up "domestic partnerships" or preferably something more romantic -- and I'm on board. All the legal protections and equal under the law.. It's just not "marraige".

Keep the CONGRESS and the FEDS out of it. Create a name for the bond. Create the local govt paperwork to realize it. Sign the bill at the state level. It'll have MUCH more popular support..

BTW --- I suggest "Pairaige" .

Where do people like you come from....?

Until you figure out where "people come from" ScreamingOne -- perhaps you shouldn't be pontificating about anything sexual. :lol:
Voting is a right yet one is required to register.

Gun ownership is a right yet many are required to register their firearms or have a firearms license. All are required to complete the background check.

Marriage as a right is no different.

So you agree that registration has its purposes....

Same thing goes for marriage.....opposite sex is one of the parameters....

And what is the compelling legal reason for that parameter?

historical law, societal structure, social mores...not to mention citizen votes....
So you agree that registration has its purposes....

Same thing goes for marriage.....opposite sex is one of the parameters....

Not everywhere. In 7 legal entities the "paramenter" is consenting, non-family, adult.


a sad state of affairs in those 7....
the far Left has conned the gullible gays and their blind liberal friends....they can't see the next steps...
How so? Are they falling apart?
A brother marrying a sister would be a heterosexual, or at least a one man one woman marriage.
That is legal now, but brother/sister marriages are excluded.

How is that possible? Why didn't legalizing hetero marriage lead to brother/sister marriage being legal?

...so much for the slippery slope baloney.

are you kidding....abnormal aka "gay" marriage is already a BIG SLIP down the slope....especially when you look at all the ramnifications...
Which are??????

for starters.....the kids are becoming pawns lost in the myriad of people around them....family structure is becoming fragmented....
Here's 5...

1. Religious freedom

Religious freedom does NOT mean you get the freedom to dictate to others based on your religion.
you might want to take a look in the mirror....
Gay marriage does not affect children in that children are still not allowed to get married (except in those backward states, mostly red, where the age of consent is 14)
How about a child's right to have both his parents...?
Gay marriage does not affect traditional marriage...but it is sad to hear that your marriage is so weak that you are afraid that others being allowed to legally marry will ruin your tenuous grasp on married bliss.
Gay marriage makes marriage more like a contractual merger....and less of a family unit....

Gay marriage isn't about education anymore than straight marriage is.
He's talking about the gay re-education camps.....er....schools....

because of the new attitudes about marriage....husbands will become more absent/gone.....leaving more kids without their fathers....

Apparently you are unable to think for yourself in this issue. Well, you've already admitted that your marriage cannot withstand the wedded bliss of those you don't like.

Sad, really.

You're really the sad one......destroying your society and nation in order to promulgate your abnormality....

I am honored that you believe I have that much power over our country.


However, historically...hatred like yours has done more damage to our country than any expansion of civil rights and common decency has.

So...you might want to take the time to look in a mirror....
Coupla things..

WOMEN are gonna wake up a few years after "gay marraige" carries the day and recognize that all of their advantages in divorce --- child custody, alimony preference, and all of their preference in domestic disputes and restraining order --- HAVE DISAPPEARED.. Why?

Because by redefining genders in "marraige", the law will have to start making these decisions truly blind to Sex. Those "benefit protections" for women will no longer exist.

AFA my opposition to gay marraige --- it exist only in the terminology. Get those creative gay communities to come up "domestic partnerships" or preferably something more romantic -- and I'm on board. All the legal protections and equal under the law.. It's just not "marraige".

Keep the CONGRESS and the FEDS out of it. Create a name for the bond. Create the local govt paperwork to realize it. Sign the bill at the state level. It'll have MUCH more popular support..

BTW --- I suggest "Pairaige" .

Then you support removing the term "marriage" from all legal documentation, laws, statutes, etc., right?

Nope.. Marraige has a definition of the parties to the marriage contract. And "pairage" has a separate definition of the parties entering into that contract. Different partnership, same rights..

Sorry, that is not equal protection under the law...either all civil marriages and supporting documentation gets changed to "civil union"...and that includes all laws, statutes, etc. Or else the term "marriage" continues to be used for all.

Separate but equal is a failed paradigm.
Coupla things..

WOMEN are gonna wake up a few years after "gay marraige" carries the day and recognize that all of their advantages in divorce --- child custody, alimony preference, and all of their preference in domestic disputes and restraining order --- HAVE DISAPPEARED.. Why?

Because by redefining genders in "marraige", the law will have to start making these decisions truly blind to Sex. Those "benefit protections" for women will no longer exist.

AFA my opposition to gay marraige --- it exist only in the terminology. Get those creative gay communities to come up "domestic partnerships" or preferably something more romantic -- and I'm on board. All the legal protections and equal under the law.. It's just not "marraige".

Keep the CONGRESS and the FEDS out of it. Create a name for the bond. Create the local govt paperwork to realize it. Sign the bill at the state level. It'll have MUCH more popular support..

BTW --- I suggest "Pairaige" .

Where do people like you come from....?

Until you figure out where "people come from" ScreamingOne -- perhaps you shouldn't be pontificating about anything sexual. :lol:

then the same thing goes for gays....they can't have babies.....no real reason to get married....
Religious freedom does NOT mean you get the freedom to dictate to others based on your religion.
you might want to take a look in the mirror....
Gay marriage does not affect children in that children are still not allowed to get married (except in those backward states, mostly red, where the age of consent is 14)
How about a child's right to have both his parents...?
Gay marriage does not affect traditional marriage...but it is sad to hear that your marriage is so weak that you are afraid that others being allowed to legally marry will ruin your tenuous grasp on married bliss.
Gay marriage makes marriage more like a contractual merger....and less of a family unit....

Gay marriage isn't about education anymore than straight marriage is.
He's talking about the gay re-education camps.....er....schools....

because of the new attitudes about marriage....husbands will become more absent/gone.....leaving more kids without their fathers....

Apparently you are unable to think for yourself in this issue. Well, you've already admitted that your marriage cannot withstand the wedded bliss of those you don't like.

Sad, really.

You're really the sad one......destroying your society and nation in order to promulgate your abnormality....

I am honored that you believe I have that much power over our country.


However, historically...hatred like yours has done more damage to our country than any expansion of civil rights and common decency has.

So...you might want to take the time to look in a mirror....

Is that all you have to argue with?.....the tired old "hatred" accusation?.....
So you agree that registration has its purposes....

Same thing goes for marriage.....opposite sex is one of the parameters....

And what is the compelling legal reason for that parameter?

historical law, societal structure, social mores...not to mention citizen votes....

historical law has been changed all the time....let us remember that slavery was law...women not being allowed to vote was law...child labor was law...throwing Japanese Americans into internment camps was law...separate drinking fountains was law....forcing Indians onto reservations was law...

Societal structure includes gay couples now.

Social mores include support of gay couples and gay people in general now. I know you hate this, but we are not pariahs of society anymore. We are not going back into the closet for you.

Citizen votes are progressing. But let us remember that citizens vote for the stupidest things some time (as is frequently pointed out by those who can't believe that Obama won the Presidency in 2008)
You're really the sad one......destroying your society and nation in order to promulgate your abnormality....

I am honored that you believe I have that much power over our country.


However, historically...hatred like yours has done more damage to our country than any expansion of civil rights and common decency has.

So...you might want to take the time to look in a mirror....

Is that all you have to argue with?.....the tired old "hatred" accusation?.....

I know hatred when I see it. You can play coy all you want. I'm not stupid....don't insult my intelligence...and that of others reading your posts.
You don't agree with me. Good, that's the American way. We do accomplish much through dialogue. What accomplished here is that those who don't like marriages in the same sex are flailing aimlessly. Universal marriage is inevitable, just as was the results of the civil rights campaigns.
To equate gay marriage to the plight of the inhumane treatment blacks recieved is not only obsurd but an insult to those that died fighting that fight and those that died for no good reason. You sir are an idiot....

Civil rights are civil rights whether we are talking about race, age, gender, religion, or sexual preference. Sorry, your thought patterns are unable to grasp that.

Marriage under any definition is not a civil right. And you are definately an idiot
Sorry, that is not equal protection under the law...either all civil marriages and supporting documentation gets changed to "civil union"...and that includes all laws, statutes, etc. Or else the term "marriage" continues to be used for all.

Separate but equal is a failed paradigm.

When you compare (black skin color) = (human being) to (boyboy or girlgirl) = (marraige) you are stretching the analogy a bit too far. It IS different. And the law will have to TREAT it differently. As I said in my post -- you are glossing over HUGE legal ramifications about preferences for child custody going to the FEMALE in a hetero divorce. Hetero women are gonna LOSE those advantages if you insist on stealing the terminology.

The blow-back that you're getting is LARGELY because you don't want the legal equality. You are DEMANDING the social equity that the mere change in law won't give you..
I'm gonna go out on a limb here...

MOST OF YOU A FRAUDS. You sit here and claim the mantel of richesness and take up an issue that I bet VERY FEW IF ANY OF YOU have contacted your represenatives over. Your no better than the Friday night drinkers turned Sunday morning Christians.

Take your issue to the people that care what you think not to some feel good forum.

Do not judge others by your lack of action.

I have no action to take as ultimately I could care less. I just find it pathetically funny that everyone cries about shit on her when it comes to issues they "claim to champion" then they all go back to their daily routines without making any difference at all. They waste all their time on here trying to impress others rather than communicating to the people that actually have power to do something about it.
And what is the compelling legal reason for that parameter?

historical law, societal structure, social mores...not to mention citizen votes....

historical law has been changed all the time....let us remember that slavery was law...women not being allowed to vote was law...child labor was law...throwing Japanese Americans into internment camps was law...separate drinking fountains was law....forcing Indians onto reservations was law...

Societal structure includes gay couples now.

Social mores include support of gay couples and gay people in general now. I know you hate this, but we are not pariahs of society anymore. We are not going back into the closet for you.

Citizen votes are progressing. But let us remember that citizens vote for the stupidest things some time (as is frequently pointed out by those who can't believe that Obama won the Presidency in 2008)

yes....the commie Left's propaganda machine is quite unrelenting....and you're right....people vote for the stupidest things....

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