Opposition to vaccination is idiotic

The only reason people are throwing fits over this shit is it's all so glob damn politically charged before the vaccines were even in the picture. Groupthink. Herd mentality. Whatever you want to call it.

I generally don't care what people do so long as they leave me alone for my decisions, but we do need to reach herd immunity, and it's a lot safer to do that through vaccination than other means. Not in favor of government mandates to that effect though...
No, all of the mRNA injection are very risky.
Since they do not contain any virus, but much small molecules, they easily migrate. And if they end up in heart or brain before the immune system starts to attack them, you die.
Since they either contain or create spike proteins, they also easily initiate the deadly cytokine storm that kills people who actually contract the virus.
Because your own body uses spike proteins, such as for exosomes, it is very risky to teach the immune system to attack spike proteins.

Your own quote said:
"... the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has so far identified 2,900 people who were vaccinated among the 100,000 who died of Covid since mid-June...."
That means 2,900 people who were vaccinated, later contracted covid and died.

But it is very possible everyone inoculated with the mRNA injections will die.
They are reprogramming the immune system with unknown results.
It could be a slight reduction in covid deaths at first due to increase natural antibodies to the injection.
But it could then be that a month later, after the initial antibodies die, that antibody reaction will be greatly reduced.
Rigby5, if 75% of the general population were vaccinated with an ineffective serum, we'd expect those inoculated to be approximately 75,000 of each hundred thousand deaths due to the virus. Since June only 2,900 per 100,00 those deaths due to the virus had been previously vaccinated.

If this (75% of the general population had been vaccinated) were the case, the serums were approximately 96% effective preventatives of deaths due to the virus.

If the case was 50% of the general population had been vaccinated, the serums were approximately 94% effective preventatives of deaths due to the virus.

Our concerns are deaths due to the virus, the effectiveness of the serums, and the possible short to long-term side effects due to the serums.
Continuing deaths due to the virus have impelled our governments in the USA to accept the serum for general use sooner rather than await results of more thorough testing.
Respectfully, Supposn
It doesn’t matter what drugs the FDA approves. The FDA is a terribly corrupt agency, like most government agencies only worse. It gets 45% of it’s budget from big pharma. Surely we all can agree this is a recipe for correction.
Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates?
Gipper, is the author of your provided link, Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates? , questioning the complexity of the discussed user fees, or the concept of user fees to more directly tax enterprises for benefits their industry in particular derives from those government agencies' regulatory services to our nation?
I generally support the concept of user fees unless they in some manner undermine what should be the government's services to our nation.
Respectfully, Supposn
Gipper, is the author of your provided link, Why is the FDA funded in part by the companies it regulates? , questioning the complexity of the discussed user fees, or the concept of user fees to more directly tax enterprises for benefits their industry in particular derives from those government agencies' regulatory services to our nation?
I generally support the concept of user fees unless they in some manner undermine what should be the government's services to our nation.
Respectfully, Supposn
It’s corruption. When 45% of your budget comes from the industry you regulate, it’s corruption.

The FDA has a revolving door with big pharma. Senior executives move from industry to government and back. Sadly this occurs in nearly all government agencies. For example the current head of the War Department came from Raytheon.
Opposition to vaccination is idiotic:
Has anyone in the USA, between the ages of 1 and 65 and having been previously vaccinated, died due to the Corona virus?
Respectfully, Supposn

Excerpted from U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 700,000 Despite Wide Availability of Vaccines
"... the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has so far identified 2,900 people who were vaccinated among the 100,000 who died of Covid since mid-June.
... Vaccines have been proven highly effective in preventing severe illness and death, and a study from the C.D.C. that was published in September found that after Delta became the dominant variant, unvaccinated people were more than 10 times as likely to die of the virus as the vaccinated were. ... ".
Covid is a big nothing burger
most people don't even get it
of those, most don't die
of those, most are elderly and/or fatasses
That aside like 1% of infected people die from covid…

According to most widely-accepted statistics, more like 0.3% or less. And I'm convinced that it is much, much, much less than that. I don't think we have any idea how much of the population has been infected with this virus, never developed any symptoms, never suspect that they were infected, and have thus never been tested for it, but I'm sure it's a very large portion of those assumed not to have ever been infected. This, of course, would mean that the rate of those infected with the virus dying would be much lower than assumed from statistics calculated on the basis of those known or suspected to have been infected.

…and the vast majority of those that do are elderly, have pre existing conditions, or are obese. And since I am in none of those categories I won't get one.

I have to wonder if these same conditions which make one vulnerable to harm from this virus might also make one more vulnerable to harm from the mRNA-based pseudo-vaccines? For example, agglutination of the red blood cells, a known harmful side-effect of these pseudo-vaccines, is also a common effect of diabetes. I have to think that it would be an especially bad idea for someone who is diabetic, and thus already susceptible to this issue, to accept a drug that is known to cause or aggravate this issue.
Opposition to vaccination is idiotic:
Has anyone in the USA, between the ages of 1 and 65 and having been previously vaccinated, died due to the Corona virus?
Respectfully, Supposn

Excerpted from U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 700,000 Despite Wide Availability of Vaccines
"... the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has so far identified 2,900 people who were vaccinated among the 100,000 who died of Covid since mid-June.
... Vaccines have been proven highly effective in preventing severe illness and death, and a study from the C.D.C. that was published in September found that after Delta became the dominant variant, unvaccinated people were more than 10 times as likely to die of the virus as the vaccinated were. ... ".
Thank God I'm 68 1/2
It's a money maker
>700 billion masks sold in 1 year !
I made 3
Those last me a month, when I interact with humans.Then I wash them, by hand.
Can somebody start a go-fuck-me for....$ 50.000 ?
My washer is broken
Opposition to vaccination is idiotic:
Has anyone in the USA, between the ages of 1 and 65 and having been previously vaccinated, died due to the Corona virus?
Respectfully, Supposn

Excerpted from U.S. Coronavirus Death Toll Surpasses 700,000 Despite Wide Availability of Vaccines
"... the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has so far identified 2,900 people who were vaccinated among the 100,000 who died of Covid since mid-June.
... Vaccines have been proven highly effective in preventing severe illness and death, and a study from the C.D.C. that was published in September found that after Delta became the dominant variant, unvaccinated people were more than 10 times as likely to die of the virus as the vaccinated were. ... ".
You are confused about this.

There are good reasons why some people don't want to get vaccinated.

They are young and healthy and know that mortality for their demographics is extremely rare.

They already had the Chicom virus and their natural immunity is better protection than a vaccine.

They simply don't want somebody else forcing them to put something in their bodies.

They are willing to take their chances.

I got the vaccine because it was the right health care choice for me. However, I could care less if you make a different decision.

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