Oregon bill cracks down on racially motivated 911 calls


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I would normally applaud legislation that attempts to provide a victim of abuse some avenue to recourse, however I just don't think this is it. Unfortunately this law has the ability to cause more harm than it cures:

June 4, 2019, 1:05 PM PDT
By The Associated Press

Oregon moved to crack down on racially motivated 911 calls on Monday, responding to a series of publicized incidents across the country where predominantly white civilians called the police on black people going about everyday activities like napping or barbecuing.

Victims of those police calls would be able to sue the caller for up to $250, under a measure overwhelmingly approved by the state Senate.

The move is a joint effort by the Oregon Legislature's only three black lawmakers and is meant to "shine a spotlight on an issue African Americans have known for far too long," according to sponsoring Rep. Janelle Bynum.

"When someone gets the police called on them for just existing in public, it sends a message that you don't belong here," said Bynum, the only black member of the House.

A black family in Oakland had the cops called on them for barbecuing in the park. A Yale graduate student was questioned for sleeping in her dorm's common room. And a pair of black men were arrested in a Philadelphia Starbucks after one of them tried to use the restroom, sparking public outcry and the closure of 8,000 stores across the country for "racial bias" training.

Bynum proposed the legislation after being on the receiving ends of such a call. She was canvassing door-to-door for her re-election campaign last year when a woman called 911 because Bynum looked "suspicious."

She said although she was able to get an apology from the woman, she realized that most people have no way to hold these callers accountable.

"This creates a legal pathway to justice for those of us who have to worry about getting the cops called on us for existing in public," she said.​

Oregon bill cracks down on racially motivated 911 calls
That's an excellent idea. You wouldn't believe the number of times a MOTP calls police because there are 'kids' hanging around his home or business.

They always start the call with, "I don't want to sound racist ... but ..."

I like to ask how they would feel if there were a dozen Justin Beiber fans hanging around their corner.
That's an excellent idea. You wouldn't believe the number of times a MOTP calls police because there are 'kids' hanging around his home or business.

They always start the call with, "I don't want to sound racist ... but ..."

I like to ask how they would feel if there were a dozen Justin Beiber fans hanging around their corner.
It here ARE a dozen Beeper fans and they were around my corner, I'd call in our # 1 swat unit.Me. A mini 14 , my Rott and my Dogo.We dont have a swat team. Or a police office.Or a post office. We got a cool little clinic-hospital that's free tho
That's an excellent idea. You wouldn't believe the number of times a MOTP calls police because there are 'kids' hanging around his home or business.

They always start the call with, "I don't want to sound racist ... but ..."

I like to ask how they would feel if there were a dozen Justin Beiber fans hanging around their corner.
To play devil's advocate, what if the store owner felt the kids were influencing customers away from his store? By the way, any color will do, and don't we have laws about loitering or unlawful assembly? What if it was one drunk or one bum?
That's an excellent idea. You wouldn't believe the number of times a MOTP calls police because there are 'kids' hanging around his home or business.

They always start the call with, "I don't want to sound racist ... but ..."

I like to ask how they would feel if there were a dozen Justin Beiber fans hanging around their corner.
To play devil's advocate, what if the store owner felt the kids were influencing customers away from his store? By the way, any color will do, and don't we have laws about loitering or unlawful assembly? What if it was one drunk or one bum?

Police respond to emergencies and criminal activities. If the kids are not on private property and not breaking any laws, the police have no reason to be involved. If the store owner feels they are impacting his business, that is a civil matter. The most he could do would be to sue them.

Loitering laws are hard to enforce. When does waiting around become loitering? In the past, such laws were very often not enforced uniformly. Causing a public disturbance is more specific, but it doesn't apply to kids hanging around.

Being intoxicated in public isn't an offense, being drunk in public is. But, that is for your own safety. If you have friends who will get you home safely, you're not getting locked up.

It all comes down to this. A police officer is on camera at all times. If not your own body cam, then CCTV, or some kid with an iPhone. If you exceed your authority in a situation and the person knows it, they will, rightfully, tell you to buzz off. Then where do you go from there? You make a choice. You walk away or you escalate. Escalation increases the risk of things going wrong. A good officer won't put himself in that situation. He won't try to control a situation where he no one's safety is at risk or no laws are being broken.
All fits in to the progressive plan.
Make it a crime to call law enforcement when savages are threatening.

The progressive future sounds wonderful.
Yet another example of too much legislature. At some point you don't need any more laws, but when "we" keep electing people to legislatures - some of them "full time" - we are asking for bullshit like this. If the government entity is more than fifty years old, the legislature should not meet any more often than once every other year. Then they would not have time to fuck with nonsense like this.
At least they are not cracking down on 911 calls for a fast food place not putting enough catsup on a hamburger.

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