Oregon bill would give homeless $1,000 a month to spend with no restrictions

some are decent people who got messed up somehow without any family to bail them out. Loss of job....home....car. It has to be freakin' terrible! Try to spend one night wandering SJ CA, sleeping on cement with a coat for a cover. bugs, cold, vagrants, dogs, animals, killers roaming around. Could you ever get to sleep? it builds up day to day.
some are decent people who got messed up somehow without any family to bail them out. Loss of job....home....car. It has to be freakin' terrible! Try to spend one night wandering SJ CA, sleeping on cement with a coat for a cover. bugs, cold, vagrants, dogs, animals, killers roaming around. Could you ever get to sleep? it builds up day to day.

Some means a small minority.
If their families don't want them, what the hell do bleeding heart politicians believe the taxpayer's do??
1) I think the homeless are about to make their way to Oregon.

2) Let’s help them get out of homelessness by requiring some work for the state (janitorial, whatever).

3) Instead of giving them that money directly, they should allocate $1200 for a cheap two-bedroom apartment for each two homeless people, and put them together. They can get the remaining $800 for food, utilities, and some clothes.
All of your proposals are bad

Between you and the libs drug dealers are going to be billionaires
Fine. All the governors should put their homeless on buses bound for Oregon, if Oregon is willing to pay for them, by the head.
I think a basic income should be required and is an issue of human rights. Homelessness and hunger should be outlawed.

Our society could use robots and A.i to make things and to provide for the population. We all know that this tech will likely to exactly this and we will be forced to develop such a system. Lets make it humane.
Let’s make it real and then find a way to humane.
Besides, alot of the homeless are now using 'tranq', a combination of fentanyl and animal tranquilizer that eats the flesh on their limbs.

Who in their right mind would give a blanket 1k a month to propagate a zombie apocalypse??

This is where we're at under Joetard's America.
I'm sure that they would, but Murders would also decline. A high percentage of those who are whacked get their asses capped because they refuse to pay their drug debts. Make it free from the government would eliminate that major motive.

Interesting possibility.

A free supply of drugs would also accelerate the rate at which the junkie increases their use exponentially until they simply self implode.

OK….you’re right. It would be a lot cheaper to just put up the tents and maintain soup kitchens.
For the most part these are drug addicts that do not belong on the streets

If they camp on the street arrest them snd perform drug tests

If they are clean then try to locate housing and a job

But if they are on drugs send them to a rehab camp far away in the wilderness for at least 6 months
About $250 tax free dollars per week should put heavy drinkers in the nut house and ramp up heroin deaths. A blessing in disguise?
As per what forkup and I discussed earlier, I thought this would be a good subject for discussion...

This is a good one to start with. Thanks.

I will first parse what is in the article. Because it provides a context and a cautionary tale.

The headline is a bit click baity. Something that probably drew you to it. "Oregon Bill would give homeless people 1000 dollars a month to spend without restrictions." That sounds like a terrible idea to anyone with a lick of common sense. This would include me. Since the first thing that pops in my head is homeless drug addicts using taxpayers' money to buy booze or drugs.

The thing is though when you actually read the article some context emerges that puts it in a different light.

People’s Housing Assistance Fund Demonstration Program to give 12 monthly thousand-dollar payments to those suffering from homelessness or who are on the brink of becoming homeless.

This says. It's a demonstration program. Meaning the government is studying if this works for getting people of the streets or prevent them from having to go on the streets. It also limits the assistance in time, meaning it's not a blank check.

The legislation would also require the Portland State University Homelessness Research and Action Collaborative to study how effective the long-term cash assistance program would be across different demographics and household populations, as well as consider other circumstantial elements, such as domestic violence.

This establishes a research institute tasked with finding out if the program has any success.

It is perfectly legit to question if this is a good way to spend public funds. We probably will never achieve a consensus on this considering both our ideologies.

I personally think that letting the government assist homeless people or people about to become homeless for a short time, so they can get back on their feet is an idea that is worth trying. Providing it is coupled with a way to carefully monitor it. So they can determine if it has success in certain demographics. This is important because it might be successful in some areas but be terrible in others. It might for instance have a marked effect in preventing people sliding into homelessness but have absolutely no effect in getting people out of homelessness.
(I'm giving this opinion specifically, so you can address it if you want, and we can continue this premise if you think we can form a consensus on this point?)

What we might be able to agree on is that homelessness is a problem and that we need to figure out if there's anything we can do about it as a society. Is this something we can both agree on?
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I think a basic income should be required and is an issue of human rights.


Work or starve.

Homelessness and hunger should be outlawed.

No one in America is hungry. NO ONE.

You can walk into any DPSS office anywhere in America, and walk out with $300 in food stamps.

You can eat out of a fucking garbage can in America, and dine better than 2/3 of the rest of the world.

Libtards have shit for brains.

And they lie a lot too.

Our society could use robots and A.i to make things and to provide for the population. We all know that this tech will likely to exactly this and we will be forced to develop such a system. Lets make it humane.
Let's not.

If you give 1000 a month to homeless druggies, you'll get more homeless druggies. Double fuckin duh.
Small wonder the western part wants to join Idaho.....Clown World state.
Eastern Oregon counties, twelve of them, want to merge with Idaho. Conservative people with rural lifestyles and much in common with Idahoans and it may just work. Western Oregon policies have created the nightmare that has brought down this beautiful state. Voters are uber-liberal.


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