Oregon decides ILLEGAL ALIENS can get get liver transplants

I understand. I understood last time. If Americans believe their organs may go to illegal aliens, they simply will stop donating them.

Imagine how many more organs would be available if people could specify who can or cannot get them.

It would not really make that much difference because most people don't care much either way, they just don't make it clear they really want to donate or their families stop the process. Think also how unlikely it is for you to become an ideal donor. You have to be brain dead but have healthy ,still functioning organs. Then your family has to agree to donate, because they can hold up the works even if you register as a donor.

Actually, it's the recipient who can specify they won't take an organ from a white or black person, for example. They're stupid to do it, but can.

If you donate a kidney while you're still alive, you can direct where it goes.
If you donate a kidney while you're still alive, you can direct where it goes.

We all know people can donate a kidney to a near relative. You should be allowed to donate to anyone and be paid for it.

The only reason we don't allow that is because the crooks who sit on these panels and decide who gets the kidney are a bunch of gangsters who give the kidney to whoever pays them the biggest bribe.
If you donate a kidney while you're still alive, you can direct where it goes.

We all know people can donate a kidney to a near relative. You should be allowed to donate to anyone and be paid for it.

The only reason we don't allow that is because the crooks who sit on these panels and decide who gets the kidney are a bunch of gangsters who give the kidney to whoever pays them the biggest bribe.

As I've explained before, you don't know what you're talking about. The match is automated and no person decides who gets what, especially not "panels". You have only a few hours to transplant a heart before it's useless. Do you really think you're going to get a "panel" together in that amount of time?

You're believing lies.
As I've explained before, you don't know what you're talking about. The match is automated and no person decides who gets what, especially not "panels". You have only a few hours to transplant a heart before it's useless. Do you really think you're going to get a "panel" together in that amount of time?

I never said that you liar. But the panel has met beforehand and drawn up a list of preferred recipients based on how much they paid. You are a fool if you think a poor person has the same chance as a rich one.
As I've explained before, you don't know what you're talking about. The match is automated and no person decides who gets what, especially not "panels". You have only a few hours to transplant a heart before it's useless. Do you really think you're going to get a "panel" together in that amount of time?

I never said that you liar. But the panel has met beforehand and drawn up a list of preferred recipients based on how much they paid. You are a fool if you think a poor person has the same chance as a rich one.

The only way a wealthy person has an advantage is that they can increase their odds of being at the top of the list by registering in multiple regions, because they have more travel flexibility. But when that match runs, it's hands off.

Listen, I know you're firmly wedded to your lie and can't admit you're full of crap, but I KNOW how this works. Tell you what, give me your source that is lying to you. If you do that, I'll even give you the whole transplant process, start to finish. I have run the match personally to test new configurations and verify results. I do not recall anyone of your ilk bring present when I did so.
Listen, I know you're firmly wedded to your lie and can't admit you're full of crap, but I KNOW how this works. Tell you what, give me your source that is lying to you. If you do that, I'll even give you the whole transplant process, start to finish. I have run the match personally to test new configurations and verify results. I do not recall anyone of your ilk bring present when I did so.

This is my thread and you are hereby banned from making further comment.
Wonder how long it will take the leftist idiots to figure our they're paying for it. Then when it comes time for their loved ones to need something like this and they can't get it maybe reality will slap these dumb asses in the face. Sad they don't believe a damn thing until it's to late.
Listen, I know you're firmly wedded to your lie and can't admit you're full of crap, but I KNOW how this works. Tell you what, give me your source that is lying to you. If you do that, I'll even give you the whole transplant process, start to finish. I have run the match personally to test new configurations and verify results. I do not recall anyone of your ilk bring present when I did so.

This is my thread and you are hereby banned from making further comment.

Remain in your ignorance.

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