O'Reilly Just Had Meltdown

Better than "we'll do it live?"

Couldn't have been as funny as the Colbert shows.
It will be on YouTube soon enough. He made an ass of himself.

And yes...."We'll do it live" is an all-time favorite of mine.
Better than "we'll do it live?"

Couldn't have been as funny as the Colbert shows.

I actually saw some of the same facial contortions I remember from "Do it Live!".

Dance Remix:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j2YDq6FkVE]Bill O'Reilly Flips Out ? DANCE REMIX - YouTube[/ame]

Bill's producer:
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEszZBS7Oig]Bill O'Reilly's Producer (Unseen Footage) - YouTube[/ame]
It was brilliant, true, real and honest.

Colmes IS a liar and so is Barack Obama.

The emperor has NO clothes!

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Just what has Barack Obama proposed for cuts? Anyone out there want to help out Alan Colmes? And folks..."cuts" to spending increases are not really cuts at all...so please don't try and play that game.
I hate stupid people, and O'Reilly is a pretty stupid person.

The rate of spending has slowed the last 4 years beyond any time in recent modern history. The upcoming deficit this year will clock in at less than half of where it was 4 years ago.

The yearly deficit keeps falling. The War in Iraq was cut, Afghanistan cut, subsidies to insurance companies were cut, saved and redistributed directly to students.

But there goes Billy boy, arguing for European austerity-only measures that have given them a double-dip recession and in a couple of cases, depressions.
Colmes is making money where he can find it, Fox has used that guy as their personal Democratic whipping post for years.

We all do what we have to do I suppose but Alan must get at least a little pleasure out of watching them lose it. Funny he's still working for Fox long after Sarah Palin and Glen Beck are gone.

Interesting factoid, he was on with Monica Crowley that night:

Colmes is married to Dr. Jocelyn Elise Crowley, a professor of public policy at Rutgers University, whose sister is Monica Crowley, the conservative radio commentator, pundit and television personality.
Any body actually listen to what they were saying?

O'Reilly starts off with Hyperbole and Crowley starts lying.

"Wants the American people to live in pain"?

"Socialized Medicine"?

This counts as political discourse on FOX?

B.O.- You can't name ONE program that Obama has said he would cut

Colmes- He said he would cut Social Security and Medicare

BO- See? You can't name ONE program

You can't make this shit up. Fox is great isn't it?
B.O.- You can't name ONE program that Obama has said he would cut

Colmes- He said he would cut Social Security and Medicare

BO- See? You can't name ONE program

You can't make this shit up. Fox is great isn't it?

Technically O'Liarly's right -- that's two programs so he couldn't confine himself to one.
Bull has always believed volume trumps veracity.

And then the FoxFollowers question, with a straight face, all those polls that show them as less informed. SMH...
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