O'Reilly: The LA riots heroic reporter


Gold Member
Jul 28, 2011
Another news cycle, another O'Reilly lie.

Six Former Colleagues Say Bill O Reilly Also Lied About Being Attacked By Protesters During LA Riots

Several former colleagues now claimthat Bill O'Reilly also lied about his experience covering the Los Angeles riots in 1992.

O'Reilly has on occasion referenced an incident when he and his crew had to take cover during his time as a host for "Inside Edition." "They were throwing bricks and stones at us," O'Reilly claimed in a 2006 interview. “Concrete was raining down on us. ... The cops saved our butts that time."

“It didn’t happen,” said Rick Kirkham, the lead reporter on the riots for "Inside Edition." “If it did, how come none of the rest of us remember it?”

In addition to Kirkham, crew members Bonnie Strauss, Tony Cox, Theresa McKeown, Bob McCall and Neil Antin also told the Guardian that O'Reilly had exaggerated an altercation that took place with a single person. From the Guardian:

Several members of the team suggested that O’Reilly may instead be overstating a fracas involving one disgruntled Los Angeles resident, who smashed one of their cameras with a piece of rubble.

Two members of the team said the man was angered specifically by O’Reilly behaving disrespectfully after arriving at the smoking remains of his neighborhood in a limousine, whose driver at one point began polishing the vehicle. O’Reilly is said to have shouted at the man and asked him: “Don’t you know who I am?”
Brian Williams sends his regards. He would like to be here in your thread but he is attending Christ's crucifixion at the moment.
The Looney leftist are freaking out still. Has Bill ever been a news commentator? A news reporter? I remember he was on extra and then got his own show. Talking about what he chooses, not reporting the news. He is an entertainer nothing more. I really don't care cause I don't watch him, but knock yourself out. Continually looking like an idiot.
Danny boy Rather who presented FAKE papers against a sitting President up for Re-election (Bush) sends his regards too

you losers
Shun this crap folks. nothing BUT A WITCH hunt and a liberals idea of a LYNCHING
So let me get this straight, the evidence that Bill O lied is that the people he worked with recall an incident where he was attacked and had his camera smashed by rubble, essentially verifying his account.
Liberals will have as much success ending Bill O'Reilly's career as they have in ending Rush Limbaugh's.

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