Organ Dough-ner


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
Should it be legal for people to sell their own organs? Upon their demise? While they are still alive?
Should it be legal for people to sell their own organs? Upon their demise? While they are still alive?

To sell while they are still alive I would say no, because there are too many moral arguments. For example, if someone is poor and needs to pay off a loan, they might sell a kidney to pay off that debt. Depending on the price a kidney costs, only rich people are likely to afford these organs, meaning the poor would be more likely to feel the need to donate them. So its no to organ donation while the person is alive.

Upon death though...that is different. We already have the right to donate our organs upon our death, although this is seen as a gift, not as something you have to pay for. However, the same argument could apply - if organs cannot be donated voluntarily, rich people would still be the only people who could afford them.

If you made it optional, and the person could decide whether their organs cost money, a couple of things could happen - the rich would be the first to offer money because again, they would be more likely to afford it. You could possibly have those people refuse your organs because they preferred to wait for someone else to die, whose organs they didn't have to pay for.

I am sure that was a long enough answer to your question and I hope you can understand what I am trying to say here. :)
I know a woman who donated a kidney to a friend to save his life. It should be the person's choice. I thought liberals believed that people had rights when it came to their own bodies. It's not a decision people would make lightly. I doubt an offer of money would change their minds if they didn't wish to go through that. If they do accept money to save a person's life who would otherwise die, why should others stop them?
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Should it be legal for people to sell their own organs? Upon their demise? While they are still alive?

To sell while they are still alive I would say no, because there are too many moral arguments.

So you want to tell people what they can and cannot do with their bodies?

Of course not. But I don't like the idea of the rich benefiting from something the poor cannot afford. Rich people shouldn't have more right to life just because they have money.

I am sure there are other arguments to be made, but my laptop is about to run out of battery so I have to charge it up again. I may be back to check this thread later.
To sell while they are still alive I would say no, because there are too many moral arguments.

So you want to tell people what they can and cannot do with their bodies?

Of course not. But I don't like the idea of the rich benefiting from something the poor cannot afford. Rich people shouldn't have more right to life just because they have money.

So, should such transactions be legal or not?
Yes, I do. Which is why I am very uncomfortable with the idea. I prefer organ donation to be voluntary, with no monetary attachment.

"Uncomfortable" is a little vague. What do you mean? Should it be legal?

I am thinking of what you said - about controlling someone else's body. I am opposed to it, not because it would affect the donor, but because it would affect society as a whole.

Sorry I can't post anymore, I have 7% power left!
"Uncomfortable" is a little vague. What do you mean? Should it be legal?

I am thinking of what you said - about controlling someone else's body. I am opposed to it, not because it would affect the donor, but because it would affect society as a whole.!

Good point. It sure would. By "opposed to it" do you mean you, as a member of society, want it to be illegal?
Of course not. But I don't like the idea of the rich benefiting from something the poor cannot afford. Rich people shouldn't have more right to life just because they have money.

So, should such transactions be legal or not?

I am 99% opposed and 1% on the fence.

As a responsible member of society, you've got to take a position. If it came down to a referendum in your state, how would you vote?
Just a bit of trivia since we're on the topic:

A kidney (for example) is not a distinct human life and will not develop into a fully grown human being under the normal (or any other) circumstances. Your kidney really is just your body.

Just thought I'd make note of that.

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