Organic Materials Essential for Life on Earth are Found for the First time on the Surface of an Asteroid

Everyone (even a dolt like you) knew that Earths atmosphere changed.
Except for you, apparently, as your comment shows quite clearly.

But now you do know, because I taught it to you. You're welcome.

Backto reading the posts of people who actually know things about this topic...
Except for you, apparently, as your comment shows quite clearly.

But now you do know, because I taught it to you. You're welcome.

Backto reading the posts of people who actually know things about this topic...
No. My commentary neither said nor implied any such thing. As you know. And you didn’t teach anything. You presumed to lecture on something without realizing that nobody asked for your input or needed it.You remain a totally dishonest and worthless hack.

BTW: you don’t know anything. You thought life formed in Earth’s early atmosphere. :cuckoo:

Some form of life may have started before the atmosphere was as oxygenated as it is now. But you didn’t know that either. I can probably forward some primer for your benefit if you ask nicely. Your level is not yet at 2d grade level, it seems.
My commentary neither said nor implied any such thing.
A lie, as early shown by your comments.

What is happening now is that you realize, after your errors have been corrected, that you actually agree with me.

But you, being a career sock troll, don't remember how to stop throwing hissy fits anymore .

So now that we both agree that demanding an earth-like atmosphere as a condition for
life is stupid, we can move on to the next point:

So, what would the evidence of abiogenesis on Earth look like to you?

Be specific.
A lie, as early shown by your comments.

What is happening now is that you realize, after your errors have been corrected, that you actually agree with me.

But you, being a career sock troll, don't remember how to stop throwing hissy fits anymore .

So now that we both agree that demanding an earth-like atmosphere as a condition for
life is stupid, we can move on to the next point:

So, what would the evidence of abiogenesis on Earth look like to you?

Be specific.
You lied as shown by the entirety of your posts.

And what’s happening here (aside from your self aggrandizing lies and pathetic obvious efforts to rewrite history) is that you are proving you have no clue about this topic.

Go ahead retard. Prove any or your claims. You can’t. And it’s plain for all to see. And we all know why. It’s because you are completely hostile to the barest notion of ever being honest.

Forget about the first life on earth. Try to get your first touch of integrity on your own life. Be honest for once. 👍
You lied as shown by the entirety of your posts.

And what’s happening here (aside from your self aggrandizing lies and pathetic obvious efforts to rewrite history) is that you are proving you have no clue about this topic.

Go ahead retard. Prove any or your claims. You can’t. And it’s plain for all to see. And we all know why. It’s because you are completely hostile to the barest notion of ever being honest.

Forget about the first life on earth. Try to get your first touch of integrity on your own life. Be honest for once. 👍
Cute whining. But that crybabying does not impress, in the science section.

So, if you can't describe examples of what this evidence would look like, how do you or will you know if you have seen it or not?

This question ("What would the evidence look like?") exposes you frauds immediately. Your prattling about the proven to be a dog and pony show. It's just too easy.
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Cute whining. But that crybabying does not impress, in the science section.

So, if you can't describe examples of what this evidence would look like, how do you or will you know if you have seen it or not?

This question ("What would the evidence look like?) exposes you frauds immediately. Your prattling about the proven to be a dog and pony show. It's just too easy.
Your dishonest babbling doesn’t impress anywhere.

You asked a stupid question. You’re far too retarded to recognize why your faux question IS stupid. All we can do (of course) is to speculate about what evidence MIGHT look like. Do you suppose that there are many non-scientists who could identify things like microfossils?

Your ignorance and arrogance are as boundless as your dishonesty and stupidity.
Your dishonest babbling doesn’t impress anywhere.

You asked a stupid question. You’re far too retarded to recognize why your faux question IS stupid. All we can do (of course) is to speculate about what evidence MIGHT look like. Do you suppose that there are many non-scientists who could identify things like microfossils?

Your ignorance and arrogance are as boundless as your dishonesty and stupidity.
Funny, any scientist could give several answers. As could most people who know things about this topic.

But you can't, because you are a fraud who is only pretending to care about the evidence.

So, instead, we get treated to an embarrassing hissy fit.

Works every time.
Funny, any scientist could give several answers. As could most people who know things about this topic.

But you can't, because you are a fraud who is only pretending to care about the evidence.

So, instead, we get treated to an embarrassing hissy fit.

Works every time.
Wrong as usual. I never claimed to be a scientist in the first place, you pompous twit. And like many people who (unlike you) do know a bit about this topic, I recognize that the evidence could be revealed in more than one form. See? As I correctly noted earlier, your question is quite stupid. As are you.

Plus, I’m not the one having a fit here. That would be you. You really don’t like being exposed for the twit you clearly are. But the good news? I don’t mind exposing your dimwittedness anyway.
But your problem is you can't "prove" there IS Design, and it's a widely Discredited-by-science blooper.
Always Dishonestly and stupidly trying the burden shift.
You know I own you and your crap.
That is not my problem. I don't have any need to prove design because I'm not trying to convince anyone that there is design in life on Earth.

Which is good because anyone who claims not to see the design is like the villagers pretending not to see the King's tidy whities. Even your evolutionist hero, the Captain Kangaroo of Darwinism, acknowledges that a) life had apparent design and b) DNA is so unlikely to have been formed through random unguided processes that he has to theorize about space aliens "seeding" the Earth.

If that happened, that is design, is it not?
Wrong as usual. I never claimed to be a scientist in the first place, you pompous twit. And like many people who (unlike you) do know a bit about this topic, I recognize that the evidence could be revealed in more than one form. See? As I correctly noted earlier, your question is quite stupid. As are you.

Plus, I’m not the one having a fit here. That would be you. You really don’t like being exposed for the twit you clearly are. But the good news? I don’t mind exposing your dimwittedness anyway.
And I clearly just said one does not have to be a scientist to come up with several answers to the question. One only has to have a working knowledge of the topic. Which you do not. So, basically, you shouldn't even be opening your mouth about it. But you choose just be a Shameless liar and pretend you care about the evidence. But I have now exposed you. It's all over but the crying.
And I clearly just said one does not have to be a scientist to come up with several answers to the question. One only has to have a working knowledge of the topic. Which you do not. So, basically, you shouldn't even be opening your mouth about it. But you choose just be a Shameless liar and pretend you care about the evidence. But I have now exposed you. It's all over but the crying.
Yeah dipshit. We know. In fact, I’m convinced you often run to Google or wiki before posting shit you don’t quite understand.

And by “don’t quite,” I mean that you don’t understand at all.

I reiterate. Yes. I have exposed you. I also don’t care if you’re crying. 😎
That is not my problem. I don't have any need to prove design because I'm not trying to convince anyone that there is design in life on Earth.

Which is good because anyone who claims not to see the design is like the villagers pretending not to see the King's tidy whities. Even your evolutionist hero, the Captain Kangaroo of Darwinism, acknowledges that a) life had apparent design and b) DNA is so unlikely to have been formed through random unguided processes that he has to theorize about space aliens "seeding" the Earth.

If that happened, that is design, is it not?
That's a LIE or Stupid
With you it's usually Both.

You've done NOTHING BUT Try and convince people there was design.

and you always try to shift the burden of proof for YOUR idea to 'someone Else has to DISprove it.'
A Transparently STUPID and devious POS.

an out and out Bald Faced lie/liar and Fraud.


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Yeah dipshit. We know. In fact, I’m convinced you often run to Google or wiki before posting shit you don’t quite understand.

And by “don’t quite,” I mean that you don’t understand at all.

I reiterate. Yes. I have exposed you. I also don’t care if you’re crying. 😎
Oh look, more crybabying.

Wipe that tear away, use your vaginal sand remover, and try to tackle a question:

What are some examples of what evidence of abiogenesis would look like, to you?

I know you are having a very hard time with this. But I expect some effort on your part.
Poor Farty. Can’t take all of his self-inflicted perpetual failure. 😎
Ends the same way every time.

A simple, straightforward question.

The frauds are immediately exposed.

I'll do it again. Watch.
The truth is, Farty wouldn’t recognize a microfossil suggestive of abiogenesis from an igneous rock if he didn’t have Google pictures (clearly labeled) of both in front of him. And he absolutely wouldn’t grasp why it might imply abiogenesis, even then.

That's a LIE or Stupid
With you it's usually Both.

You've done NOTHING BUT Try and convince people there was design.

and you always try to shift the burden of proof for YOUR idea to 'someone Else has to DISprove it.'
A Transparently STUPID and devious POS.

an out and out Bald Faced lie/liar and Fraud.


Alright Abu. You win.

Your arguments are so juvenile and fatuous that they aren't even worth replying to anymore, so why bother reading them or even seeing them clog up the threads?

Goodbye and take that other one with you.
Ends the same way every time.

A simple, straightforward question.

The frauds are immediately exposed.

I'll do it again. Watch.
Your question remains stupid — as do you. Your fraudulence remains on full display, Farts.

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