Organic Materials Essential for Life on Earth are Found for the First time on the Surface of an Asteroid

"What would evidence of abiogeness look like, to you?"

"Something that suggests abiogenesis!"

download (3).jpeg
Alright Abu. You win.

Your arguments are so juvenile and fatuous that they aren't even worth replying to anymore, so why bother reading them or even seeing them clog up the threads?

Goodbye and take that other one with you.
We agree I win and the fact is you are a pathological liar/sociopath who I see right through.

And here we are again with an even less convincing "Goodbye."
(last time it also had "and good luck," and that you weren't going to answer because you didn't want to be responsible for my state)
So you words are meaningless because you lie hourly.
Seymour Flops last "Goodbye" AND "Good Luck."
No question he was not responding any more.
But he lied about it an hour later!
I called him on it

Seymour Flops said:
Clearly I should not have started responding to you again, abu.
I see Now that you are not stable enough to be debating on a forum such as this.

A complete mental collapse seems imminent, and I don't want to be accused of contributing to it.

Goodbye, and good luck!
Seymour Flops said:
You liar!
I did not say that I am NOT responding to you anymore.

I just don't want to be accused of contributing to your imminent mental collapse.
Do you plan on accusing me of that? Yes, or no?

So now he says "Goodbye" again?
This time even less definitively.

Nothing he says means anything.
He says whatever gratifies him at the moment.
A sociopath.
Seymour Flops last "Goodbye" AND "Good Luck."
No question he was not responding any more.
But he lied about it an hour later!
I called him on it

So now he says "Goodbye" again?
This time even less definitively.

Nothing he says means anything.
He says whatever gratifies him at the moment.
A sociopath.
Nothing he says means anything.
He says whatever gratifies him at the moment.
A sociopath.

The Irony!

You are so insecure that you have more than enough insults for anyone who disagrees with you.
Nothing he says means anything.
He says whatever gratifies him at the moment.
A sociopath.

The Irony!

You are so insecure that you have more than enough insults for anyone who disagrees with you.
I have facts.
Should you have anything on topic to discuss I have many highly relevant and interesting threads near the top of this section.
Put up or Shut up

As a matter of fact I'd be glad to discuss ANY science (or other) topic with you.
(aka destroy your idiot Fundie views)

Your turn to Reply ON topic, start a thread IN SCIENCE, or GTFO clown.

I have facts.
Should you have anything on topic to discuss I have many highly relevant and interesting threads near the top of this section.
Put up or Shut up

As a matter of fact I'd be glad to discuss ANY science Or other) topic with you.
(aka destroy your idiot Fundie views)

Your turn to Reply on topic, start a thread in SCIENCE, or GTFO clown.


You have facts, but not cause and effect.
You also have a temper.
Your facts will be matched by most of my non-Self-Hating Jewish community with advanced hard science degrees.
It's amazing how you think you're something special when all you are is an arrogant ass.
I have facts.
Should you have anything on topic to discuss I have many highly relevant and interesting threads near the top of this section.
Put up or Shut up

As a matter of fact I'd be glad to discuss ANY science (or other) topic with you.
(aka destroy your idiot Fundie views)

Your turn to Reply ON topic, start a thread IN SCIENCE, or GTFO clown.

By the way, I bet 90% of the LibBots here who agree with you have no science background but I don't see you telling them to butt out.
You have facts, but not cause and effect.
You also have a temper.
Your facts will be matched by most of my non-Self-Hating Jewish community with advanced hard science degrees.
It's amazing how you think you're something special when all you are is an arrogant ass.
OK. you're up.
What do you mean 'cause and effect'?
You mean I don't know how life/the universe started.
That's correct I don't!

What I do not do (because I have a brain), is fabricate a god for what I/we don't know/know Yet.
That FALLACY was/is called 'God of The Gaps' and I have a thread on it. (too) Read it.

IOW, if this was long ago you would have felt perfectly justified in worshipping the Fire, Lightning or fertility gods but you would have been wrong in making that lazy assumption because not knowing YET is no reason for making up a god.
And you realize of course there are people/cultures who made up gods different than yours, right?
Ergo, the only thing we DO know is man created gods.

OK son, your turn, but you've been preempted/pre-refuted. (and you're down 50 IQ points)
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"What would evidence of abiogeness look like, to you?"

"Something that suggests abiogenesis!"
Yup. A compulsive liar as the post history firmly proves.

Let me dumb it down even more for you, given your severe and tragic retardation.

None of us know when life got going. Nor do we know precisely how. There are several theories. Because we don’t know, we can only interpret evidence that suggests why the very earliest life we can find may show us.

If you don’t grasp this much, Farty, then there is no hope of you ever being sufficiently educated. Given your obviously tragic mental retardation, it looks quite bleak for you, Farty.

Even the microfossils which have been identified as being about 3.6 Billion years old do not conclusively establish abiogenesis. What the “thing” is that would be solid “evidence” of the bridge between non-life and life is not known yet. Accordingly, it isn’t clear what the fuck it would ”look” like.

Your question remains stupid and serves as evidence that you’re a fraud. No surprise at all.
OK. you're up.
What do you mean 'cause and effect'?
You mean I don't know how life/the universe started.
That's correct I don't!

What I do not do (because I have a brain), is fabricate a god for what I/we don't know/know Yet.
That FALLACY was/is called 'God of The Gaps' and I have a thread on it. (too)

IOW, if this was long ago you would have felt perfectly justified in worshipping the Fire, Lightning or fertility gods but you would have been wrong in making that lazy assumption because not knowing YET is no reason for making up a god.
And you realize of course there are people/cultures who made up gods different than yours, right?
Ergo, the only thing we DO know is man created gods.

OK son, you turn, but you've been preempted/pre-refuted. (and you're down 50 IQ points)
A reality consisting of what you call facts does not necessitate an inevitable result.
Animals and man in so many ways defy accidental development, not to mention developments; evolution is physically and mathematically impossible.
In fact, a simple Google search will deliver the that fact that even the Big Bang, which did occur, would never become the ordered universe we inhabit.

To be honest, for all I know you are simply copying and pasting web sites that agree with you.
You also didn't like the fact that my daughter is a doctor and probably knows more about humans than you.
Yup. A compulsive liar as the post history firmly proves.

Let me dumb it down even more for you, given your severe and tragic retardation.

None of us know when life got going. Nor do we know precisely how. There are several theories. Because we don’t know, we can only interpret evidence that suggests why the very earliest life we can find may show us.

If you don’t grasp this much, Farty, then there is no hope of you ever being sufficiently educated. Given your obviously tragic mental retardation, it looks quite bleak for you, Farty.

Even the microfossils which have been identified as being about 3.6 Billion years old do not conclusively establish abiogenesis. What the “thing” is that would be solid “evidence” of the bridge between non-life and life is not known yet. Accordingly, it isn’t clear what the fuck it would ”look” like.

Your question remains stupid and serves as evidence that you’re a fraud. No surprise at all.
And that's why FFI is on Ignore.
The retard is so predictable, it gets boring insulting the retard.
And that's why FFI is on Ignore.
The retard is so predictable, it gets boring insulting the retard.
Sad. He has been on the verge of coherence once or twice. I have a few special short-bus types on ignore. I don’t mind debating and discussing and even disagreeing. But it does become pointless to argue with a dishonest lummox with no chance of getting anything logical, reasonable or honest in return.
A reality consisting of what you call facts does not necessitate an inevitable result.
You didn't answer my last (would you not have believed in the Sun god too using your 'cause and effect' 'reasoning?), But I will continue answering your every point.

And what "inevitable result" is that?
if I get two boxes of pick-up sticks and throw them down on the ground, what are the odds of them them landing in some arrangement? 100%. It's only unlikely someone will throw that exact arrangement again. Nothing divine about my throw though.
Is that perfect?
No: only unlikely After the fact.
It could have come out infinite ways and there may be odd or more advanced beings somewhere else in the universe (or another) marveling about their 'unique' 'luck.'

Animals and man in so many ways defy accidental development, not to mention developments; evolution is physically and mathematically impossible.
In fact, a simple Google search will deliver the that fact that even the Big Bang, which did occur, would never become the ordered universe we inhabit.
Nonsense. There are many more failed creatures than extant ones. So many down the Trial and error drain. Extinct or their variant didn't even last more than one mutation/generation. Viewing where life is now as somehow the end game of ongoing perfect creation is idiotic and demonstrably false looking at the fossil record alone. Incredibly myopic. (and as arrogant as thinking your god is Thee god, or any for that matter)
And the universe is not "well ordered" it's a mess:. Stars going Nova/super-Nova and taking life with them for 50 light years.
Galaxies colliding to incredible damage if there is life anywhere else.
100-200 Billion stars (solar systems) passing through and into same in an unfathomable disaster... as will happen to our Milky Way as it is on course to collide with Andromeda in a few Billion years.
99.999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the universe is uninhabitable.
Not very thoughtful.

Did someone design all the life before us only to have it mostly wiped out many times?
What kind of 'order' is that?
Did the dinosaurs 'sin'?
Who's responsible for such a waste of time and life?
Can't a 'designer' get it right the first time?
Unless you're a YEC who believes the earth is 6-10K yrs old. Oh no!

To be honest, for all I know you are simply copying and pasting web sites that agree with you.
You also didn't like the fact that my daughter is a doctor and probably knows more about humans than you.
Obviously these are my own words, but thanks for the compliment that pointed out your faulty 'cause and effect'/'God of the Gaps logic' with my Unanswered last.
I told you why.

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You didn't answer my last (would you not have believed in the Sun god too using your 'cause and effect' 'reasoning?), But I will continue answering your every point.

And what "inevitable result" is that?
if I get two boxes of pick-up sticks and throw them down on the ground, what are the odds of them them landing in some arrangement? 100%. It's only unlikely someone will throw that exact arrangement again. Nothing divine about my throw though.
Is that perfect?
No: only unlikely After the fact.
It could have come out infinite ways and there may be odd or more advanced beings somewhere else in the universe (or another) marveling about their 'unique' 'luck.'

Nonsense. There are many more failed creatures than extant ones. So many down the Trial and error drain. Extinct or their variant didn't even last more than one mutation/generation. Viewing where life is now as somehow the end game of ongoing perfect creation is idiotic and demonstrably false looking at the fossil record alone. Incredibly myopic. (and as arrogant as thinking your god is Thee god, or any for that matter)
And the universe is not "well ordered" it's a mess:. Stars going Nova/super-Nova and taking life with them for 50 light years.
Galaxies colliding to incredible damage if there is life anywhere else.
100-200 Billion stars (solar systems) passing through and into same in an unfathomable disaster... as will happen to our Milky Way as it is on course to collide with Andromeda in a few Billion years.
99.999999999999999999999999999999999999% of the universe is uninhabitable.
Not very thoughtful.

Did someone design all the life before us only to have it mostly wiped out many times?
What kind of 'order' is that?
Did the dinosaurs 'sin'?
Who's responsible for such a waste of time and life?
Can't a 'designer' get it right the first time?
Unless you're a YEC who believes the earth is 6-10K yrs old. Oh no!

Obviously these are my own words, but thanks for the compliment that pointed out your faulty 'cause and effect'/'God of the Gaps logic' with my Unanswered last.
I told you why.

I notice you did not address the issue of genetic accidents of unlimited complexity that would make it impossible for a male and female of the animal or human to continuously propagate those accidents.
AKA you are full of crap.
I notice you did not address the issue of genetic accidents of unlimited complexity that would make it impossible for a male and female of the animal or human to continuously propagate those accidents.
AKA you are full of crap.
That's it?
you write One sentence after my Extensive answer?
You're a Fraud .
Men in Black FRAUD.
So proof that other planets have the basics needed for life---asteroriods/meteorites are also known to carry basic life bacteria around---ergo life would certainly exist on other planets since only these basic elements, time, and energy are needed to create life and with "seeding" needing less to start life on a planet.

Life then would certainly BE OUT THERE. Hopefully it isn't as dumb and destructive as humans.
Basic life bacteria?!
Ancient news....Amino acids were found on meteorites decades ago.
Precisely! There's nothing particularly earth-shattering about this. We have known for almost 40 years via the examination of meteorites that astroids convey organic material, including certain amines and amino acids. Certain organic materials are ubiquitous. These abiotic chemical precursors are light-years from life.

Abiogenesis is a pipedream.
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A reality consisting of what you call facts does not necessitate an inevitable result.
Animals and man in so many ways defy accidental development, not to mention developments; evolution is physically and mathematically impossible.
In fact, a simple Google search will deliver the that fact that even the Big Bang, which did occur, would never become the ordered universe we inhabit.

To be honest, for all I know you are simply copying and pasting web sites that agree with you.
You also didn't like the fact that my daughter is a doctor and probably knows more about humans than you.
""Animals and man in so many ways defy accidental development, not to mention developments; evolution is physically and mathematically impossible.""

LOL. we have overwhelming evidence Evolution DID happen you Religious extremist Moron.
Declaring it impossible' is not sane nor debate.
You remain an Idiot.

Evidence of common descent - Wikipedia


And now we await Evidence for Creationism, ID, the designER/god .. any evidence at all.

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