Orin Hatch says Trump is the greatest President ever.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Orin Hatch says Trump is the greatest President ever. Trump asked him; even better than Washington and Lincoln. Orin Hatch said yes, according to Trump.

THE ABOVE WAS ALL MADE UP BY TRUMP. Trump lies when there is no reason. He is delusional. Even though Orin Hatch supports Trump he had to say he never said Trump is the best President ever; even better than Lincoln and Washington.
Hey, didn't you parents ever teach you it's not okay to make fun of an old man wracked by dementia?
But he is the greatest President ever. Even better than Washington and Lincoln. :bye1:
The previous President said the following there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America. I highly doubt very many took that comment any more serious than the Trump comment of course as the previous poster pointed out not everyone understands what hyperbole is.
Orin Hatch says Trump is the greatest President ever. Trump asked him; even better than Washington and Lincoln. Orin Hatch said yes, according to Trump.

THE ABOVE WAS ALL MADE UP BY TRUMP. Trump lies when there is no reason. He is delusional. Even though Orin Hatch supports Trump he had to say he never said Trump is the best President ever; even better than Lincoln and Washington.
Lincoln should have found a way to avoid the civil war. 600,000 died.
Donald Trump, the Joe Isuzu of U.S. Presidents.

The previous President said the following there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America. I highly doubt very many took that comment any more serious than the Trump comment of course as the previous poster pointed out not everyone understands what hyperbole is.
Nice try. Trying to say an absolute dilusional lie is only exaggeration is dilusional.
The previous President said the following there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America. I highly doubt very many took that comment any more serious than the Trump comment of course as the previous poster pointed out not everyone understands what hyperbole is.
Nice try. Trying to say an absolute dilusional lie is only exaggeration is dilusional.
You far left loons are the experts on being dilusional you guys have spent the last year perfecting it.

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