How were Trump's rights violated at the trial? Let us count the ways

1) he wasn't given a change of venue when one was OBVIOUSLY indicated. You couldn't find a better case for Change of V than this one!

2) the judge allowed "witnesses" who had no relevant testimony (Daniels), who only made Trump look like a sleaze, even though both parties deny an affair

3) Trump did not know what crime he was supposed to have committed until the trial ended, if then

4) the gag order is apparently un-Constitutional AND even if not, it was applied unfairly. Cohen and EVERYONE else were allowed to say whatever they wanted

5) the FEC passed on prosecuting the case

6) Bragg has no jurisdiction to try a federal case in a state court

7) Trump was not allowed to have a different, non-conflicted judge

and I am sure I'm forgetting a few things..

And one of the Experts from the FEC was not allowed to testify because the Judge said only his own influence on FEC rules was what was important, and it would be confusing to the Jury.
(Brad Smith)
Yeah right! cant confuse them with evidence on proceedures that might be exculpatory to the defendant.
I checked the Constitution.
I see no amendment saying Trump gets to pick his venue and judge.
Perhaps you could point that out to us?

Only if Democrats Valued the United States of America and its citizens not being divided.
IF they did, they would have gone out of their way to make this the most unbiased trial ever, considering the
gravity of it all, and if they had confidence in pure facts they would have, but they did the opposite. They wanted a guilty verdict because they hate Trump and give a shit about his rights.

Problem with this, is what you see in thrird world countries... this type of political hardball brings out the hotheads and crazies on both sides eventuially... with tit for tat. no one wasnts to see that happen. so guess what?? Democrats are being fucking reckless with peoples lives while they just enjoy the power trip.

Yes the FEC turned this case down.... but then magically, the number three prosecutor from the DOJ ends up in the one place where the population was 95- 5 against Trump... and he even ran on prosecuting Trump.
The connection itself to Biden's DOJ is a major conflict
1) he wasn't given a change of venue when one was OBVIOUSLY indicated. You couldn't find a better case for Change of V than this one!

2) the judge allowed "witnesses" who had no relevant testimony (Daniels), who only made Trump look like a sleaze, even though both parties deny an affair

3) Trump did not know what crime he was supposed to have committed until the trial ended, if then

4) the gag order is apparently un-Constitutional AND even if not, it was applied unfairly. Cohen and EVERYONE else were allowed to say whatever they wanted

5) the FEC passed on prosecuting the case

6) Bragg has no jurisdiction to try a federal case in a state court

7) Trump was not allowed to have a different, non-conflicted judge

and I am sure I'm forgetting a few things..+
1. A change of venue would be granted only if the court believed it was not possible to select a non-biased jury in current location. No matter where in the state the trial was held, the issues would be exactly the same because bias in the this case is national not local.

2. Daniels testimony was certainly relevant because the prosecution had to establish why the hush money was being paid.

3. If Trump didn't know what crime he was being charged, then he never read the indictment.

4. The purpose of the gag order was to protect the witnesses and court officials. Unlike Cohen, Trump has the ability to rally his supporters to violence as we saw in the attack on Capital.

5. Whether the FEC charged Trump with election law violations is irrelevant. Because the feds did not charge Trump. the burden of convincing the jury that there was violations of election law, both state and federal fell on the prosecution. This issue was settled in pre-trial motions by the Defense.

6. Bragg was not trying a federal case. For the falsifying of business records to be felony, Bragg had to convince the jury that the falsification of business records was done to cover up the violation of state and federal elections laws.

7. The Defense could not show adequate reason for a change in judges.

It became clear that the motions of the Defense to remove the judge, change venues, show cause for the prosecution calling certain witnesses, and multiple requests for more time was to delay the trial.
Only if Democrats Valued the United States of America and its citizens not being divided.
IF they did, they would have gone out of their way to make this the most unbiased trial ever, considering the
gravity of it all, and if they had confidence in pure facts they would have, but they did the opposite. They wanted a guilty verdict because they hate Trump and give a shit about his rights.

Problem with this, is what you see in thrird world countries... this type of political hardball brings out the hotheads and crazies on both sides eventuially... with tit for tat. no one wasnts to see that happen. so guess what?? Democrats are being fucking reckless with peoples lives while they just enjoy the power trip.

Yes the FEC turned this case down.... but then magically, the number three prosecutor from the DOJ ends up in the one place where the population was 95- 5 against Trump... and he even ran on prosecuting Trump.
The connection itself to Biden's DOJ is a major conflict
Nice political argument but there was no legal basis.

Trump is doing exactly the same thing here as did with his bogus claims of a rigged election. Now it is his trial that was been rigged. I expect within a week we will have claims of evidence that Biden was behind the guilty verdict, the jury was being bribed, etc, etc.
Trump needs this and his and supporters will provide it. Trump could not accept the loss of the election and he can't except the loss in his trial.

If Trump isn't careful he's going talk himself into jail. Lack of remorse, attacks on the court, and demeanor during the trial are factors that will effect the sentence.
Only if Democrats Valued the United States of America and its citizens not being divided.
IF they did, they would have gone out of their way to make this the most unbiased trial ever, considering the
gravity of it all, and if they had confidence in pure facts they would have, but they did the opposite. They wanted a guilty verdict because they hate Trump and give a shit about his rights.

Problem with this, is what you see in thrird world countries... this type of political hardball brings out the hotheads and crazies on both sides eventuially... with tit for tat. no one wasnts to see that happen. so guess what?? Democrats are being fucking reckless with peoples lives while they just enjoy the power trip.

Yes the FEC turned this case down.... but then magically, the number three prosecutor from the DOJ ends up in the one place where the population was 95- 5 against Trump... and he even ran on prosecuting Trump.
The connection itself to Biden's DOJ is a major conflict
I saw nothing indicating the trial was unbalanced.
The defense picked the jury
The defense was given the opportunity to examine witnesses
The defense was given the opportunity to put on a vigorous defense

But what you mean by "unbiased" is
Trump picks ButtFuck, WV for the trial.
Trump jury pool consists of people having attended at least 10 Trump rallies and have spent at least $10K on Trump merchandise
Trump gets Cannon as a judge
The prosecution is only allowed to ask 1 question of each witness
Trump has revocation rights for all witnesses
The jury verdict slip has NOT GUILTY as the only choice.

Not the way the legal system works.
for sure. There is the guy over at cnn, which I happened to watch while watching Fox (was bored during commercial break)

who said there are many problems w/ the verdict and spoke on the various possibilities of options for appeal

can't recall his name
1) he wasn't given a change of venue when one was OBVIOUSLY indicated. You couldn't find a better case for Change of V than this one!

2) the judge allowed "witnesses" who had no relevant testimony (Daniels), who only made Trump look like a sleaze, even though both parties deny an affair

3) Trump did not know what crime he was supposed to have committed until the trial ended, if then

4) the gag order is apparently un-Constitutional AND even if not, it was applied unfairly. Cohen and EVERYONE else were allowed to say whatever they wanted

5) the FEC passed on prosecuting the case

6) Bragg has no jurisdiction to try a federal case in a state court

7) Trump was not allowed to have a different, non-conflicted judge

and I am sure I'm forgetting a few things..
The guilty verdict was already chosen just before he was charged.
And one of the Experts from the FEC was not allowed to testify because the Judge said only his own influence on FEC rules was what was important, and it would be confusing to the Jury.
(Brad Smith)
Yeah right! cant confuse them with evidence on proceedures that might be exculpatory to the defendant.
truth be told, I have heard 2 different things on this one

heard that .. what you say above

but also heard that the Defense didn't want to use him after all... :banghead:
Only if Democrats Valued the United States of America and its citizens not being divided.
IF they did, they would have gone out of their way to make this the most unbiased trial ever, considering the
gravity of it all, and if they had confidence in pure facts they would have, but they did the opposite. They wanted a guilty verdict because they hate Trump and give a shit about his rights.

Problem with this, is what you see in thrird world countries... this type of political hardball brings out the hotheads and crazies on both sides eventuially... with tit for tat. no one wasnts to see that happen. so guess what?? Democrats are being fucking reckless with peoples lives while they just enjoy the power trip.

Yes the FEC turned this case down.... but then magically, the number three prosecutor from the DOJ ends up in the one place where the population was 95- 5 against Trump... and he even ran on prosecuting Trump.
The connection itself to Biden's DOJ is a major conflict
the case should be reversed on that reason alone, that Bragg said he was going after Trump and then it happened

There should be a law passed that if you campaign on a promise like that, you can't go within 1000 ft of the targeted person, much less bring legal charges against him--maybe an automatic restraining order?

It is a THREAT
the case should be reversed on that reason alone, that Bragg said he was going after Trump and then it happened

There should be a law passed that if you campaign on a promise like that, you can't go within 1000 ft of the targeted person, much less bring legal charges against him--maybe an automatic restraining order?

It is a THREAT

You kinda have it backwards
Trump had already done the crime.

Saying you are going to prosecute someone who broke the law is not the same as saying you are going to prosecute someone and then looking for a crime
1. A change of venue would be granted only if the court believed it was not possible to select a non-biased jury in current location. No matter where in the state the trial was held, the issues would be exactly the same because bias in the this case is national not local.
that is total BS
You kinda have it backwards
Trump had already done the crime.
another candidate for Ignore

this time it is for the fact that you argue with EVERY post I make

What are the chances a person disagrees with another ALL the freaking time!

So yeh, I think you just want to harass me so I am thinking of Ignore..
because you are blinded by hate and hackery
Put on your red hat when you mumble that.

another candidate for Ignore

this time it is for the fact that you argue with EVERY post I make

What are the chances a person disagrees with another ALL the freaking time!

So yeh, I think you just want to harass me so I am thinking of Ignore..
Ummm…..that is kinda the purpose of a Message Board Skippy
Who wants to post where everyone agrees with him?

In this case you were categorically wrong
1) he wasn't given a change of venue when one was OBVIOUSLY indicated. You couldn't find a better case for Change of V than this one!

2) the judge allowed "witnesses" who had no relevant testimony (Daniels), who only made Trump look like a sleaze, even though both parties deny an affair

3) Trump did not know what crime he was supposed to have committed until the trial ended, if then

4) the gag order is apparently un-Constitutional AND even if not, it was applied unfairly. Cohen and EVERYONE else were allowed to say whatever they wanted

5) the FEC passed on prosecuting the case

6) Bragg has no jurisdiction to try a federal case in a state court

7) Trump was not allowed to have a different, non-conflicted judge

and I am sure I'm forgetting a few things..

Do you know what rights are? Clearly not.
1) he wasn't given a change of venue when one was OBVIOUSLY indicated. You couldn't find a better case for Change of V than this one!

2) the judge allowed "witnesses" who had no relevant testimony (Daniels), who only made Trump look like a sleaze, even though both parties deny an affair

3) Trump did not know what crime he was supposed to have committed until the trial ended, if then

4) the gag order is apparently un-Constitutional AND even if not, it was applied unfairly. Cohen and EVERYONE else were allowed to say whatever they wanted

5) the FEC passed on prosecuting the case

6) Bragg has no jurisdiction to try a federal case in a state court

7) Trump was not allowed to have a different, non-conflicted judge

and I am sure I'm forgetting a few things..

1) A change of venue isn't something that the judge has to agree to. It's up to the judge and nothing more.

2) Stormy Daniels probably had some things to say that were relevant at the trial, but I'm sure some of it wasn't relevant at all. It wasn't a trial on having sex with Trump. However the defense objected and Daniels was forced to give shorter answers.

3) If Trump didn't know what crime he was up for until near the end, then he wasn't paying attention.

4) No, you're not allowed to say whatever you want outside of a trial. That's not how it works. There are limitations to freedom of speech.
5) What?

6) It wasn't a federal trial. It was a state trial based New York Penal Law §175.10.

7) It wouldn't have matter who the judge was. Trump would have hated the judge and told all his supporters the judge was bad. And he'd have been found guilty no matter what.

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