Orphanages Are Safer Than Adoption Into Same-sex "families".

I believe that children are at risk from adults, and the studies are quite clear that there is no significant statistical difference in sexuality when it comes to harming children

Yes, the study would be nice. To see what the study compares, who.

Either way, my OP is the testimony of a man that lived in Orphanage who knows an Orphanage is safer, it makes no sense to take a child from the care of an Orphanage and force that child into a "homosexual family".

It is not what children want. It is what the homosexuals want, what you want is not a right when it comes to children that are not biologically yours.

Fag-bashers lost.
And your an ass, that is not my quote, nice hatchet job on the quote.

I guess when the opposition attributes other people's quotes to the OP it shows those who read but do not post, it shows those people that the pro same-sex supporters only have lies and deceit.

Despicable, gay supporters resort to lies and deceit.

I did absolutely nothing to change your post when I hit reply. In fact, I just went back and re-read it and it says exactly what was quoted.

And fag-bashers lost.
Well, that quote is not mine, so now you know, it's a quote within a quote.

I have yet to "bash a fag", you have though, pretty weak of you.
Damn. You are stupid.
I believe that children are at risk from adults, and the studies are quite clear that there is no significant statistical difference in sexuality when it comes to harming children

Yes, the study would be nice. To see what the study compares, who.

Either way, my OP is the testimony of a man that lived in Orphanage who knows an Orphanage is safer, it makes no sense to take a child from the care of an Orphanage and force that child into a "homosexual family".

It is not what children want. It is what the homosexuals want, what you want is not a right when it comes to children that are not biologically yours.

Fag-bashers lost.
And your an ass, that is not my quote, nice hatchet job on the quote.

I guess when the opposition attributes other people's quotes to the OP it shows those who read but do not post, it shows those people that the pro same-sex supporters only have lies and deceit.

Despicable, gay supporters resort to lies and deceit.

I did absolutely nothing to change your post when I hit reply. In fact, I just went back and re-read it and it says exactly what was quoted.

And fag-bashers lost.
Well, that quote is not mine, so now you know, it's a quote within a quote.

I have yet to "bash a fag", you have though, pretty weak of you.

Y'know, I used to think the dumbest wingnuts on here are The Rabbi, RandallFlag and S.J., but you have them all beat.

First you say something is a "fact" in your own thread title when the source you link to to support it clearly doesn't, then you try to play it off by saying it's only anecdotal when called out for it. Now you seem to believe that if someone includes a quote-within-a-quote which already has no attribution to it, it's a "hatchet-job".

And yeah, you're fag-bashing, which appears to be all you're about. And you lost.
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I believe that children are at risk from adults, and the studies are quite clear that there is no significant statistical difference in sexuality when it comes to harming children.
show me one study, please

No, not "just once more." You all have been competently rebuked with the competent studies and evidence, so that grade is final for you: F.
Post a link to the study you referenced in this thread.

Everyone states irs science but where is that study, where is the link, Jake knows I have been hounding he/she, so where is your study.

Or is it as I say, the homosexual argument for marriage is built on lies and deceit.

Your entire thread and it's premise is built on lies and deceit.

There is no evidence whatsoever that children in homes with same-sex parents are 'at risk,' the notion is nothing more than demagoguery and fear-mongering.
Yes, the study would be nice. To see what the study compares, who.

Either way, my OP is the testimony of a man that lived in Orphanage who knows an Orphanage is safer, it makes no sense to take a child from the care of an Orphanage and force that child into a "homosexual family".

It is not what children want. It is what the homosexuals want, what you want is not a right when it comes to children that are not biologically yours.

Fag-bashers lost.
And your an ass, that is not my quote, nice hatchet job on the quote.

I guess when the opposition attributes other people's quotes to the OP it shows those who read but do not post, it shows those people that the pro same-sex supporters only have lies and deceit.

Despicable, gay supporters resort to lies and deceit.

I did absolutely nothing to change your post when I hit reply. In fact, I just went back and re-read it and it says exactly what was quoted.

And fag-bashers lost.
Well, that quote is not mine, so now you know, it's a quote within a quote.

I have yet to "bash a fag", you have though, pretty weak of you.
Damn. You are stupid.

It occurs to me he may be doing this on purpose, if so, it's some pretty good trolling.

Look how much we've fed him so far, after all.
No, not "just once more." You all have been competently rebuked with the competent studies and evidence, so that grade is final for you: F.
Post a link to the study you referenced in this thread.

Everyone states irs science but where is that study, where is the link, Jake knows I have been hounding he/she, so where is your study.

Or is it as I say, the homosexual argument for marriage is built on lies and deceit.

Your entire thread and it's premise is built on lies and deceit.


You quote an article that doesn't even mention same sex adoptive parents for your premise and then twist it's intent so you can rail against gays. You can't even support your original post. Too funny.
My OP is simply a post confirming the safety of orphanages, thus far all the posts in return are personal attacks.

As long as the op is impeccable, as long as nobody has not found anything not factual in the OP, why should I give a damn about petty flames and trolls?

The premise of your OP is entirely deceitful, whether that was intentionally or not...I do not know. You use the article in your OP as evidence that being in an orphanage is better then being adopted by same sex parents despite the fact article doesn't even address gay parents, adoptive or otherwise.

(You'll notice that I have not personally attacked you in my posts. I try terribly hard to attack the content of the post and not the poster. I can make my points fine without resorting to such tactics.)
Post a link to the study you referenced in this thread.

Everyone states irs science but where is that study, where is the link, Jake knows I have been hounding he/she, so where is your study.

Or is it as I say, the homosexual argument for marriage is built on lies and deceit.

Your entire thread and it's premise is built on lies and deceit.


You quote an article that doesn't even mention same sex adoptive parents for your premise and then twist it's intent so you can rail against gays. You can't even support your original post. Too funny.
My OP is simply a post confirming the safety of orphanages, thus far all the posts in return are personal attacks.

As long as the op is impeccable, as long as nobody has not found anything not factual in the OP, why should I give a damn about petty flames and trolls?

The premise of your OP is entirely deceitful, whether that was intentionally or not...I do not know. You use the article in your OP as evidence that being in an orphanage is better then being adopted by same sex parents despite the fact article doesn't even address gay parents, adoptive or otherwise.

(You'll notice that I have not personally attacked you in my posts. I try terribly hard to attack the content of the post and not the poster. I can make my points fine without resorting to such tactics.)
That is your opinion in which you are free to express.

You can not attack the OP, its Huffington Post, clever of me, difficult for you, too bad.
Your entire thread and it's premise is built on lies and deceit.


You quote an article that doesn't even mention same sex adoptive parents for your premise and then twist it's intent so you can rail against gays. You can't even support your original post. Too funny.
My OP is simply a post confirming the safety of orphanages, thus far all the posts in return are personal attacks.

As long as the op is impeccable, as long as nobody has not found anything not factual in the OP, why should I give a damn about petty flames and trolls?

The premise of your OP is entirely deceitful, whether that was intentionally or not...I do not know. You use the article in your OP as evidence that being in an orphanage is better then being adopted by same sex parents despite the fact article doesn't even address gay parents, adoptive or otherwise.

(You'll notice that I have not personally attacked you in my posts. I try terribly hard to attack the content of the post and not the poster. I can make my points fine without resorting to such tactics.)
That is your opinion in which you are free to express.

You can not attack the OP, its Huffington Post, clever of me, difficult for you, too bad.

The Huffington Post article you posted mentioned being in an orphanage is safer as supposed to being bounced from foster home to foster home. A debate that I think we should be having. That should be real the debate, not this poppycock you fabricated. Your premise wasn't clever it was intellectually dishonest and misleading.
Btw, Elektra, what's with capitalizing the word Orphanage?
Where? The OP is has zero CAPITALIZED words, not even quoted.

And that is the argument? At least this is the best question yet, most relevant.

I'm talking about this, stupid:

I believe that children are at risk from adults, and the studies are quite clear that there is no significant statistical difference in sexuality when it comes to harming children

Yes, the study would be nice. To see what the study compares, who.

Either way, my OP is the testimony of a man that lived in Orphanage who knows an Orphanage is safer, it makes no sense to take a child from the care of an Orphanage and force that child into a "homosexual family".

It is not what children want. It is what the homosexuals want, what you want is not a right when it comes to children that are not biologically yours.
Fag-bashers lost.
And your an ass, that is not my quote, nice hatchet job on the quote.

I guess when the opposition attributes other people's quotes to the OP it shows those who read but do not post, it shows those people that the pro same-sex supporters only have lies and deceit.

Despicable, gay supporters resort to lies and deceit.

I did absolutely nothing to change your post when I hit reply. In fact, I just went back and re-read it and it says exactly what was quoted.

And fag-bashers lost.
Well, that quote is not mine, so now you know, it's a quote within a quote.

I have yet to "bash a fag", you have though, pretty weak of you.
Damn. You are stupid.

It occurs to me he may be doing this on purpose, if so, it's some pretty good trolling.

Look how much we've fed him so far, after all.

And he thanked me for the above, which further suggests he knows what he's doing.
Your entire thread and it's premise is built on lies and deceit.


You quote an article that doesn't even mention same sex adoptive parents for your premise and then twist it's intent so you can rail against gays. You can't even support your original post. Too funny.
My OP is simply a post confirming the safety of orphanages, thus far all the posts in return are personal attacks.

As long as the op is impeccable, as long as nobody has not found anything not factual in the OP, why should I give a damn about petty flames and trolls?

The premise of your OP is entirely deceitful, whether that was intentionally or not...I do not know. You use the article in your OP as evidence that being in an orphanage is better then being adopted by same sex parents despite the fact article doesn't even address gay parents, adoptive or otherwise.

(You'll notice that I have not personally attacked you in my posts. I try terribly hard to attack the content of the post and not the poster. I can make my points fine without resorting to such tactics.)
That is your opinion in which you are free to express.

You can not attack the OP, its Huffington Post, clever of me, difficult for you, too bad.

The post does not support your OP is your problem.
The OP is impeccable only in that heterosexual and homosexual predators adopt from orphanages. So do mostly good people, homosexual and heterosexual.
Your ideas are based on, "studies", that do not exist. You claimed a study, now where is it?

No, you do not get "just once more." That's over.
You stated studies support your position where are they, all you are doing is stammering, "blah, blah, blah,".

Orphanages are safer, safer than Same-Sex Foster parents, safer than Same-Sex Homosexual parents. Pick up any paper and see, even Lesbians kill their own children in the privacy of their home.

Orphanages are safer.

The OP explains this, and from the Huffington post at that. Split hairs if you like. That don't change the fact that you lied when you stated you had a study that makes you right.
No, you do not get "just once more." That's over forever.

You have already been given them in this thread and many others, so, no.
I believe that children are at risk from adults, and the studies are quite clear that there is no significant statistical difference in sexuality when it comes to harming children.
No, you do not get "just once more." That's over forever.

You have already been given them in this thread and many others, so, no.

Jakestarkey, you never linked to a study in this thread, never in any other thread, nothing, each post has a "permalink". Jakestarkey could prove Jakestarkey posted a study but just like seawytch, jakestarkey reads an article and now is a, "believer", there is "studies". Talk about faith, seawytch and jakestarkey expect us simply to believe. Religion anybody?
Yep, that is right, another fact from the most loved, me.

Orphanages are safer for children than homosexual same-sex families.

How can that be, Orphanages are Communities, its impossible to hide secrets.

In a same-sex marriage we are already told, "what happens in the bedroom is a secret". Abuse happens all the time to children outside of Orphanages, pick up your local paper, there is the proof. In the privacy of any home, the story is over and over, that the children get abused in secret.

I am sure we will get the typical fools in this thread, obfuscating the truth, but these are facts.

Another fact is that the politicians, despite what is best for the children, are doing what is cheapest. Giving away Orphaned Children to anybody that will take them.

When the Government is involved, its all about money, after all, lawyers are the politicians and the judges

Anyhow, here is the article and the story I have chosen, sorry that it comes from the Huffington Post, but I wanted to start with something credible.

Are There Any Traditional Orphanages in the US Quora

In ten years, I never knew a child at Thornwell to die or be hospitalized for physical abuse or neglect or to simply "disappear" from supervision.

Unfortunately, these things do happen in foster care. Just read your newspaper.

Now, some foster parents are motivated by altruism or religion to foster children and do a great job at fostering. But it is a well-known and little-discussed "secret" that there are many foster parents who foster children for money rather than altruism and religious belief. Newspapers do report from time to time of children in those homes dying, requiring hospitalization for physical abuse or neglect, or simply disappearing. People tell themselves that such incidents are rare, that there are bureaucratic safeguards in place to prevent this, or that such events are inevitable.

In a well-run orphanage - such as Thornwell today - these events are not rare or inevitable. They simply do not happen or, if they do, the severity is much less and the duration is much shorter. Why? Because orphanages are, first and foremost,communities. It is impossible to keep secrets in communities. It is often simple to hide abuse and neglect in a small family unit - even in the biologically-related single-family unit which is the typical family unit. It is even simpler to hide abuse in a foster family unit. In a well-run orphanage, with screening of adult supervisors, institutional precautions and protocols, and a variety of unrelated and overlapping adults interacting with the children, it is nearly impossible.

But set that aside.

Here is the simple truth: Some children do not thrive in foster care.

Think about that.

Foster care is a "one-size-fits-all" approach to child care.

What if a child comes from a large family? Then, there might not be a foster family that can accommodate four or more children. The sibling group is split among foster families and may never develop normal, affectionate sibling bonds, which help build coping skills and teach responsibility. I have known families like this and lived with them in the orphanage.

With all the trouble children have, being orphaned, with all the problems we have documented of orphaned children put into foster care. The Liberals dare to preach and dictate to us, that homosexual same sex relationships will be better than the average Human Nature?

This should be the Democrats slogan, "Be a better person, be a Liberal/Democrat".
Foster care isn't adoption. What a stupid premise your title is, and surprisingly not backed up by your link.
My link is anecdotal, take its for what its worth, but it is a very valid point, children adopted from orphanages are never as safe as they were, and now you claim trying something that society has never done before, giving children to homosexuals, you claim that is safer than an orphanage? Where is your proof?

Why would a boy adopted by a lesbian couple be more susceptible to abuse than if he were in an 'orphanage'?
read the OP, you come into the end of an thread and ask a question that is in the OP.

Its easy, where do you think you could abuse a child easier, in your living room or in an Orphanage where there is 24/7 Supervision and other kids around 24/7?

It is explained in the article, which is about Orphanages and adoption

I'm asking you. Why would a lesbian couple be more likely to sexually abuse an adopted boy than someone at an orphanage?

How often do lesbians sexually abuse male children?

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