O's Backers Looke At 134 Billion Green Energy As Hooker Dropped Into Prison Courtyard


Silver Member
Aug 4, 2011
[The rape of the American taxpayer was well underway as early as January 20th, 2009, even as Obama was lying his way through taking the oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. Obama's financial backers saw his 134 billion green energy boondoggle as the equivalent of dropping a hooker into a prison courtyard. Another of one of his many 'goombah's' multimillion dollar green energy boondoggles went belly up today, just adding another exclamation point to the stupidity, and O thinks we the people are going to go for four more of this?]

"Venture Capitalists Who Backed Obama Talk About Reaping Rewards Of His Presidency’s $134 Billion “Green” Energy Investments: “About To Get Treated Like a Hooker Dropped Into a Prison Exercise Yard”…

Via BuzzFeed:

The Republican National Committee is continuing its counterattack on President Barack Obama, releasing emails and videos to bolster Romney’s recent claims that the White House’s efforts to invest in “green energy” amounted to a form of “crony capitalism.”

In one email, Steve Westly, an Obama fundraiser whose company received close to a half billion dollars in green energy funds in 2009, cites his ties to senior Obama advisor Valerie Jarrett, campaign manager Jim Messina, and secretary of energy Steven Chu.

“Please forgive the delay on this, but the Administration has asked me to co-host events for Valeria[sic] Jarrett (last Thursday) and Jim Messina and Steven Chu (both of which are tomorrow) so things have been a bit busy on this end,” he wrote to an Obama energy official in an email on March 8, 2010.

Westly sent the email during his vetting process to sit on the Secretary of Energy Advisory Board, a position he still holds, according to his online bio at the Westly Group."

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Venture Capitalists Who Backed Obama Talk About Reaping Rewards Of His Presidency’s $134 Billion “Green” Energy Investments: “About To Get Treated Like a Hooker Dropped Into a Prison Exercise Ya
One of the lighter moments in Norman Mailers prize winning novel "The Naked And The Dead" described something called the "Polish Intelligence Test" when you took a soldier of Polish descent on the night of a raging blizzard to a bar, got him severely intoxicated, then took him outside and saw if he could pee a hole in the snow.
That same sort of thing seems to have been going on in the Federal Government for the past 41 months.

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