Other people's money: Should people who don't pay taxes be allowed to vote?

If you don't pay taxes should you be allowed to vote

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 61.1%
  • No

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters


Gone and forgotten
Nov 27, 2008
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.

This trade off of votes for entitlements is highlighted by Barry's latest call to arms to minorities and woman to come out and support him in the mid terms. Obama has been pandering to Latinos while states like Arizona are litterally drowning in illeagals, and instead of addressing the problem his big reaction is to go after the state government that was forced to do his job.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to take money from people who earn it and give it to those who do not.

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.
Everyone pays atleast pays a minimal amount of taxes. If I give up my right to vote does that mean theyll stop charging me sales tax, gas tax, tax on alcohol and cigs, stop taking social security and medicare out of my pay check, and stop withholding some of my money?

I have a problem with how entitlements are administered in the United States today but I have no problem with governmenmt assistance on a temporary basis to those who need help. People living on unemployment, disabilty, and other welfare programs arent usually living a life of luxury.

I believe in the notion of "one person, one vote" and that everyone who has reached the age of majority and has registered for selective service should have the right to vote.

Would it be fair that I have to register for the draft but have no say in electing someone who would send me oversees to fight in a war?
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cool, another retarded fringe thread.


"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
In in favor of a half vote for the leetches...............and how is that not fair? Or, those of us who dont feed off the system get 2 votes and they get one!!!

Also........a basic test in civics should be mandatory. Think about it...........Democrats would NEVER win an election except for the rolls of the stupids. For example, if you indicate that the president controls the gas prices, no vote for you. If you think that Sarah Palin is Obama's vice president, no vote for you.
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Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.

This trade off of votes for entitlements is highlighted by Barry's latest call to arms to minorities and woman to come out and support him in the mid terms. Obama has been pandering to Latinos while states like Arizona are litterally drowning in illeagals, and instead of addressing the problem his big reaction is to go after the state government that was forced to do his job.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to take money from people who earn it and give it to those who do not.

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.

How many people, do you suppose, served, was wounded or even died for this nation who never paid a dime in taxes?

Your childish notion of fairness demands a very narrow view of reality, Xen.
In in favor of a half vote for the leetches...............and how is that not fair? Or, those of us who dont feed off the system get 2 votes and they get one!!!

or create a caste system. the upper class gets a vote which equals 1000 votes of the class below, and so on.

wouldn't that be great?

as long as you are in the upper class.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.
I pay NO federal income tax since 2003, because I retired and never make more than 11K a year doing a little piddly consulting work here and there. In fact, Uncle Sam pays ME come April 15.

However, during my working life I paid my fair share of income tax. The money and wealth I have accumulated has already been taxed.

Should I get to vote?
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.

This trade off of votes for entitlements is highlighted by Barry's latest call to arms to minorities and woman to come out and support him in the mid terms. Obama has been pandering to Latinos while states like Arizona are litterally drowning in illeagals, and instead of addressing the problem his big reaction is to go after the state government that was forced to do his job.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to take money from people who earn it and give it to those who do not.

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.

How many people, do you suppose, served, was wounded or even died for this nation who never paid a dime in taxes?

Your childish notion of fairness demands a very narrow view of reality, Xen.
I expect better from you, I didn't give an opinion, nor is it a 'childish notion' to note that a large number of voters are supporting politicians based not on whether they are upholding the public trust, but on whther they are getting a big enough piece of someone else's money.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.
I pay NO federal income tax since 2003, because I retired and never make more than 11K a year doing a little piddly consulting work here and there. In fact, Uncle Sam pays ME come April 15.

However, during my working life I paid my fair share of income tax. The money and wealth I have accumulated has already been taxed.

Should I get to vote?
Why don't you make a poll of it and find out.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.
I pay NO federal income tax since 2003, because I retired and never make more than 11K a year doing a little piddly consulting work here and there. In fact, Uncle Sam pays ME come April 15.

However, during my working life I paid my fair share of income tax. The money and wealth I have accumulated has already been taxed.

Should I get to vote?
Why don't you make a poll of it and find out.
I'm asking you. I qualify as one of the "leeches" technically, no?
What a fucking moron Xenophon is. EVERYONE pays taxes.
Negged for getting personal.

Learn how to talk to people dickwad.

Thanks for the neg rep Xeno. If you weren't so childish and partisan, perhaps you could actually start a thread that could engage people as opposed to furthering their understanding of just how childish and partisan you are?
I pay NO federal income tax since 2003, because I retired and never make more than 11K a year doing a little piddly consulting work here and there. In fact, Uncle Sam pays ME come April 15.

However, during my working life I paid my fair share of income tax. The money and wealth I have accumulated has already been taxed.

Should I get to vote?
Why don't you make a poll of it and find out.
I'm asking you. I qualify as one of the "leeches" technically, no?
I must be using invisble type, where exactly does it say 'leeches.'
What a fucking moron Xenophon is. EVERYONE pays taxes.
Negged for getting personal.

Learn how to talk to people dickwad.

Thanks for the neg rep Xeno. If you weren't so childish and partisan, perhaps you could actually start a thread that could engage people as opposed to furthering their understanding of just how childish and partisan you are?
Your welcome, and you certaincy deserved it.

BTW, since I loathe both parties its impossible for me to be 'partisan' but of course you are far to simple to understand that.

I 'engage' people just fine, just as I handle shitheads like you just fine.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.

This trade off of votes for entitlements is highlighted by Barry's latest call to arms to minorities and woman to come out and support him in the mid terms. Obama has been pandering to Latinos while states like Arizona are litterally drowning in illeagals, and instead of addressing the problem his big reaction is to go after the state government that was forced to do his job.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to take money from people who earn it and give it to those who do not.

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.
Of course, you didn't bother to think while Bush"s tax cuts jacked up the number of non income tax payers in an attempt to buy their votes. :cuckoo:

I love how CON$ blame everything they do on the Dems. GOP tax cut policy is responsible for the non payers, while CON$ habitually whine that the Dems want to raise EVERYONE'S taxes. That makes the non payers Obama's fault. :cuckoo:
Why don't you make a poll of it and find out.
I'm asking you. I qualify as one of the "leeches" technically, no?
I must be using invisble type, where exactly does it say 'leeches.'
You didn't say "leeches" it's just a general term for those who don't pay in. But I see I shouldn't be asking you your opinion, since clearly you stand by the Constitution on this matter. My apologies.

And this is what invisible type looks like.
Negged for getting personal.

Learn how to talk to people dickwad.

Thanks for the neg rep Xeno. If you weren't so childish and partisan, perhaps you could actually start a thread that could engage people as opposed to furthering their understanding of just how childish and partisan you are?
Your welcome, and you certaincy deserved it.

BTW, since I loathe both parties its impossible for me to be 'partisan' but of course you are far to simple to understand that.

I 'engage' people just fine, just as I handle shitheads like you just fine.

You are so full of shit, I bet your eyes are brown. If it is not the party you despise, then thank you for admitting it is just Obama. The reasons for this, we will leave up for debate. But, I have my hunches.
Thanks for the neg rep Xeno. If you weren't so childish and partisan, perhaps you could actually start a thread that could engage people as opposed to furthering their understanding of just how childish and partisan you are?
Your welcome, and you certaincy deserved it.

BTW, since I loathe both parties its impossible for me to be 'partisan' but of course you are far to simple to understand that.

I 'engage' people just fine, just as I handle shitheads like you just fine.

You are so full of shit, I bet your eyes are brown. If it is not the party you despise, then thank you for admitting it is just Obama. The reasons for this, we will leave up for debate. But, I have my hunches.
Race card alert! Tell me, is Xeno white? Black? or what? Idiot.
Been thinking about this ever since barry became POTUS, how fair is it that people that don't pay a dime to support the country can vote in politicians who will buy them off with entitlements using other people's money.

This trade off of votes for entitlements is highlighted by Barry's latest call to arms to minorities and woman to come out and support him in the mid terms. Obama has been pandering to Latinos while states like Arizona are litterally drowning in illeagals, and instead of addressing the problem his big reaction is to go after the state government that was forced to do his job.

So back to the theme of this, do you believe its ethical to use the voting process to take money from people who earn it and give it to those who do not.

I am not talking Constitution here, as it clearly is, although the founders would do flip flops in their graves if they saw how their ideas are now perverted.
Of course, you didn't bother to think while Bush"s tax cuts jacked up the number of non income tax payers in an attempt to buy their votes. :cuckoo:

I love how CON$ blame everything they do on the Dems. GOP tax cut policy is responsible for the non payers, while CON$ habitually whine that the Dems want to raise EVERYONE'S taxes. That makes the non payers Obama's fault. :cuckoo:
It seems we have spawned an amazing amounts of Kreskins today.

Perhaps you can point out where I 'didn't bother to think while Bush"s tax cuts jacked up the number of non income tax payers in an attempt to buy their votes'.

I also said nothing about Dems, nor am I a 'Con.'

It seems you busy creating your own scenario and adding rhetoric you create out of whole cloth instead of answering a rather staright forward query.

Smells of 'guilty conscience'.

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