Other people's money: Should people who don't pay taxes be allowed to vote?

If you don't pay taxes should you be allowed to vote

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 61.1%
  • No

    Votes: 6 33.3%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
Hate to tell you this but everyone pays taxes in one form or another.
I think anybody who hates the concept of government should not be allowed to vote.
I think anybody who hates the concept of government should not be allowed to vote.

And again... the left winger taking the sentiment of the opponent 40 steps further for the sake of their agenda

It's not hating the concept of government.. rather hating the extreme expansion of government power and government confiscation and redistribution of personal earnings
Lazy a*s welfare leaches have absolutely no right to b*tch about "Evil" tax cuts. Get a job and pay some taxes first before you start whining about "Evil" tax cuts. I'm sure there are many Socialists/Progressives on this very message board who don't pay taxes and are collecting Government hand-outs. These are the ones who screech the loudest about "Evil" tax cuts. So next time you see someone on this board whining about tax cuts,just assume it's another lazy Socialist/Progressive who isn't even paying taxes and is on some form of welfare. Bet on that.
Lazy a*s welfare leaches have absolutely no right to b*tch about "Evil" tax cuts. Get a job and pay some taxes first before you start whining about "Evil" tax cuts. I'm sure there are many Socialists/Progressives on this very message board who don't pay taxes and are collecting Government hand-outs. These are the ones who screech the loudest about "Evil" tax cuts. So next time you see someone on this board whining about tax cuts,just assume it's another lazy Socialist/Progressive who isn't even paying taxes and is on some form of welfare. Bet on that.
A perfect example of the first quote in my sig. :lol:

Get a job you lazy slacking CON$ervoFascist America-hating "leach." :rofl:
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Those who don't pay taxes and are receiving Government hand-outs should just shut their pie holes. These people have no right to whine about "Evil" tax cuts. Just enjoy spending other peoples' money and shut it. Nuff said.

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