Our Biden Problem

Well at least be honest. Biden's mental competence is not only something you (or I) have no clue to, but his past history of neoliberalism is your real gripe. Anyone can look up the increase in gnp since 1980, and it's simply not refutable that avg incomes rose dramatically. But the benefits were not evenly distributed, and the data for that is at the same site.
Would you say Biden has consistently supported the winning side in that income distribution over the last 40 years?

Joe Biden’s politics can be explained by Delaware’s shadowy past

"But Biden’s more liberal Democratic critics are using the planks in his long Senate record to whack him.

"What use is it electing D’s, they ask, if you end up with old guys such as Biden, who was friendly with segregationists in his long Senate career, questioned the wisdom of court-ordered school integration, and worked with Wall Street bankers to squeeze consumers?"
Aside from dementia, the question progressives are struggling with is how to oust Trump while combatting Biden's decades-long support for neoliberal economics (If you don't like NAFTA, vote Republican)

"Touchdown Joe's" history of drafting and resisting the 1994 crime bill, his demeaning of Anita Hill, and his decades of loyalty to corporate America (the Senator from DuPont) aside, exceptional times demand exceptional choices:

Our Biden Problem

"That said, if Biden is nobody’s dream, Trump is a nightmare.

"We know a second term of Trump will inflict enormous repression, suffering and death.

"So we face a dilemma: We cannot be cheerleaders and apologists for neoliberal politicians like Biden, but we cannot endure four more years of Trump.

"Do we hold our noses yet again and support a candidate so grossly out of sync with our values, or do we sit on the sidelines and let an aspiring fascist hold power?

"Four more years, I fear, would be a no-holds-barred grasp for the throne. GOP leaders are such spineless and opportunist sycophants that they will tolerate anything to maintain proximity to the tyrant’s power, or at least avoid his ire."

good luck deplorables!!!!

he catastrophe was a disease originating in a criminally communist country the spread of which Trump tried to slow, in spite of lies by China, by stopping flights from China---for which Senile Joe scolded him as being a Racist.
With four percent of the world's population, the US leads the planet in Covid-19 infections and deaths, AND that is entirely due to Donald Trump's ignorance, incompetence, and vanity. No other POTUS in US History would have failed as miserably as Trump.

Aside from being a rich, elitist, old, white, racist, dementia-suffering, confessed extorting, Obamagate Conspiring, pu$$y-grabbing pedophile...

...Biden is the best candidate the Democrats could have rigged their Primaries for again....


Aside from dementia, the question progressives are struggling with is how to oust Trump while combatting Biden's decades-long support for neoliberal economics (If you don't like NAFTA, vote Republican)

"Touchdown Joe's" history of drafting and resisting the 1994 crime bill, his demeaning of Anita Hill, and his decades of loyalty to corporate America (the Senator from DuPont) aside, exceptional times demand exceptional choices:

Our Biden Problem

"That said, if Biden is nobody’s dream, Trump is a nightmare.

"We know a second term of Trump will inflict enormous repression, suffering and death.

"So we face a dilemma: We cannot be cheerleaders and apologists for neoliberal politicians like Biden, but we cannot endure four more years of Trump.

"Do we hold our noses yet again and support a candidate so grossly out of sync with our values, or do we sit on the sidelines and let an aspiring fascist hold power?

"Four more years, I fear, would be a no-holds-barred grasp for the throne. GOP leaders are such spineless and opportunist sycophants that they will tolerate anything to maintain proximity to the tyrant’s power, or at least avoid his ire."
/——/ “We know a second term of Trump will inflict enormous repression, suffering and death.”
Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth over In LiberalPropagandaville.
Aside from being a rich, elitist, old, white, racist, dementia-suffering, confessed extorting, Obamagate Conspiring, pu$$y-grabbing pedophile...

...Biden is the best candidate the Democrats could have rigged their Primaries for again....


Without Democrats like Biden, Obama, and Clinton, Trump would never have had his four years in office

Will you contribute to his legal defense fund?
All bullshit.
What is worse... 4 more years of Trump, like the past 4 years have been bad... they haven't. Or vote in a Washingtonite corporatist who is HIGHLY likely to not finish his term - or worse be a front for those really in charge.
ANNNNNNNND - you will see a whole new level of capitulation and homage paid to the extreme left that will absolutely result in America moving towards the totalitarian far-left who have zero tolerance for your freedoms if they think it goes against whatever narratives they hold on to.
A vote for Biden is a vote for the far left gaining mainstream control.
A vote for Trump is stopping the far left from gaining mainstream control.
“We know a second term of Trump will inflict enormous repression, suffering and death.”
Oh the wailing and gnashing of teeth over In LiberalPropagandaville
Only Trump could make Biden look good.

Our Biden Problem

"To say Joe Biden is not an ideal presidential candidate—for the Left or for Black people—is an understatement.

"Of the myriad hopefuls crowding the debate stage at the beginning of the Democratic primaries, Biden is close to the worst.

"Recall Biden’s role in drafting and passing the heinous 1994 crime bill, which contributed mightily to the scourge of mass incarceration.

"Consider his disrespectful and demeaning treatment of Anita Hill at Clarence Thomas’ Supreme Court confirmation.

"Consider his leadership in plunging the U.S. into the bloody and unnecessary war in Iraq.

"Consider the inappropriate hugging and hair sniffing and Tara Reade’s credible and disturbing allegations."
A vote for Biden is a vote for the far left gaining mainstream control.
A vote for Trump is stopping the far left from gaining mainstream control.
Biden and Trump are both handmaidens for corporate capitalism; they serve the richest ten percent of voters just as every other Democrat or Republican politician has for at least the last 40 years.

Biden was never far left.
He is neoliberal to his core.
His wing of the Democratic Party is largely responsible for putting Trump in the White House, yet even a triangulating corporate hack like Biden is better than the idiot currently occupying the White House.

Joe Biden, Neoliberal

"In other words, at a time when both the Democratic party and the country are moving left — particularly on economic issues — Biden is a lingering fragment of the triangulating liberalism that was shattered by the 2016 election, and which helped bring us Trump in the first place.
A vote for Biden is a vote for the far left gaining mainstream control.
A vote for Trump is stopping the far left from gaining mainstream control.
Biden and Trump are both handmaidens for corporate capitalism; they serve the richest ten percent of voters just as every other Democrat or Republican politician has for at least the last 40 years.

Biden was never far left.
He is neoliberal to his core.
His wing of the Democratic Party is largely responsible for putting Trump in the White House, yet even a triangulating corporate hack like Biden is better than the idiot currently occupying the White House.

Joe Biden, Neoliberal

"In other words, at a time when both the Democratic party and the country are moving left — particularly on economic issues — Biden is a lingering fragment of the triangulating liberalism that was shattered by the 2016 election, and which helped bring us Trump in the first place.
Haha.... absolutely true up until 2014.
When Biden started his campaign he swiftly changed his tune to paying homage to the far left, once outspoken against the far left ideology - as they began to continue to gain ground within the party - Biden joined hands and began to repeat their message. PERIOD.
Biden will go wherever the winds of the times tells him to go. And currently the wind is blowing far left.

he catastrophe was a disease originating in a criminally communist country the spread of which Trump tried to slow, in spite of lies by China, by stopping flights from China---for which Senile Joe scolded him as being a Racist.
With four percent of the world's population, the US leads the planet in Covid-19 infections and deaths, AND that is entirely due to Donald Trump's ignorance, incompetence, and vanity. No other POTUS in US History would have failed as miserably as Trump.


Hey Dumb-Ass Partisan blinded by Hate: 25% of the Covid Deaths in this country are from New York where that Asshole Democratic Governor and Bolshevik Mayor were running things and killing Nursing Home Patients.

New York has had 1673 deaths per million people and New Jersey has had 1713 whereas the average for the country is 397 per million.

That 397, even inflated by the malfeasance of New York, is way lower than the European countries. And of course the country your Bolshevik Ass likely admires most---China---is lying its ass off about its numbers which further blows up the figures you are stupidly presenting.

Your last two sentences do nothing except SCREAM: Trump Derangement Syndrome.

Hey Dumb-Ass Partisan blinded by Hate: 25% of the Covid Deaths in this country are from New York where that Asshole Democratic Governor and Bolshevik Mayor were running things and killing Nursing Home Patients.
Because Trump refused to act when the NSC advised him to impose a European travel ban last January 31st. National pandemics require a national solution, and Trump proved yet again he is too stupid to understand such matters. As a result, the US with four percent of global population has 25% of Covid-19 cases.

MAGA or too much winning?

What the 1918 flu pandemic tells us about whether social distancing works | Nancy K Bristow
Hey Dumb-Ass Partisan blinded by Hate: 25% of the Covid Deaths in this country are from New York where that Asshole Democratic Governor and Bolshevik Mayor were running things and killing Nursing Home Patients.
Because Trump refused to act when the NSC advised him to impose a European travel ban last January 31st. National pandemics require a national solution, and Trump proved yet again he is too stupid to understand such matters. As a result, the US with four percent of global population has 25% of Covid-19 cases.

MAGA or too much winning?

What the 1918 flu pandemic tells us about whether social distancing works | Nancy K Bristow

A typical symptom of Trump Derangement Syndrome is that the afflicted person, in this case---yourself, cannot see how bad a Fool they are making of themselves.

Europe has an average death rate of about 600 per million. New York has over 1600 deaths per million---due to the mismanagement of that Ass Cuomo, while the country has only 397 deaths per million, EVEN with the ridiculous numbers from New York (and New Jersey) included---and you persist in trying to blame Trump and throw in a chart from 1918 to help support your Lunacy.

I hate to tell you but there is no cure for Trump Derangement Syndrome and there probably won't be one until January 2025.


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