Our broken education system.

I agree, unless you must deal with it on a daily basis.

I do.

Do you?

I used to. You know who deals with it on a daily basis? Millions and millions of kids in many of those countries that are always held up as doing so much better than us educationally.

And the ones that don't, you forgot to mention:

Millions and millions of kids in those countries that were culled out and sent on a vocational track where their supposedly low test scores are not figured into the the world rankings...

What is a "supposedly low test score?"

In the real world, there is the wheat and the chaff, not "supposedly chaff."

But you are correct in that comparing average test scores of US public school students and those in other countries is ridiculous: Not only might other countries eliminate students from contention (normally true after grade 8), but most other countries have nationalized standard teaching methods that simply do not exist throughout the USA, or even within any State, with the exception of Hawaii, where the state runs the school system.
"Supposedly" means each country determains the cut mark and I'm sure it varies from place to place. There is no absolute standard throughout the world.

Here, all students are considered to be Einsteins. Teachers are the ones blamed for the students' stupidity and ignorance...
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If you don't like your job get another one. Don't waste time bitching about it.

Is the reason we do not have enough educated Americans to fill jobs in science, engineering and math, etc. If we fix the education system by making college more affordable instead of cutting services and classes and raising tuitions and three year instead of four years degrees, we will have more than enough college graduates to fill those jobs. And cut high school to 10th grade instead or 12th. The extra two years is a waste of time and money. My son got his high school diploma in two years and went on to college and got his degree in business management and went to work of AT&T and make over $130,000 a year and can retire when he is 55. Instead we think we can fill those jobs by educating children of Illegal Aliens or importing workers. Results in holding American children back.

If we spent the money we spend on providing education, healthcare, social services and incarcerations, etc for Illegal Aliens and their children we could use it to educate our own at no cost to them and invest in their future and the future of this country. What do the bible say about “taking care of your own?” 1Tim. 5;8. Obama do not believe American children are bright and smart enough or worthy of spending money on their education. Our children deserve the best because they are our future.

When our economy went bad, how many Americans packed up their families and left the country? How many Illegal Aliens packed up their families and went back to Mexico? The same Mexico they ran away from? For a better life?

Obama should run for president of Mexico. He have the right mind set.

The first thing to do to fix our broken education is to pull out all non citizens or make the pay like Catholic and private schools pay. Or better yet sent the billl to President Calderone.

Funny thing, many illegal students are beating the pants off of American students. They come from Asia. It's not the illegals that are the problem in public schools, look at the parents and teachers. Look at the costs of providing care for severely physically and mentally damaged children. All those costs are coming from your local taxes, with few dollars provided by state or fed.
"Supposedly" means each country determains the cut mark and I'm sure it varies from place to place. There is no absolute standard throughout the world.

Here, all students are considered to be Einsteins. Teachers are the ones blamed for the students' stupidity and ignorance...

Teachers being held accountable for education?

"Supposedly" means each country determains the cut mark and I'm sure it varies from place to place. There is no absolute standard throughout the world.

Here, all students are considered to be Einsteins. Teachers are the ones blamed for the students' stupidity and ignorance...

Teachers being held accountable for education?


Students with no accountability for their own education. Can teachers pour it in them?
If you don't like your job get another one. Don't waste time bitching about it.

Retired....I have all day every day.

I still have many friends in the trenches. I worry for them.

If you're retired (so I guess you weren't being honest when you said you "deal with it everyday" huh?) then it's time to stop bitching about your former job. Go have a drink and chase some tail around the senior center.
If you don't like your job get another one. Don't waste time bitching about it.

Retired....I have all day every day.

I still have many friends in the trenches. I worry for them.

If you're retired (so I guess you weren't being honest when you said you "deal with it everyday" huh?) then it's time to stop bitching about your former job. Go have a drink and chase some tail around the senior center.

I guess the past 25 years don't count.

When I read lost comments from people that haven't been in a classroom since Nixon was president, yeah I'm going to comment. There is too much ignorance floating around out here about education for me to rest.

Your comment about the "senior center" is a real classy remark. I'm impressed...
So just to be clear, when you said you deal with high stakes tests on a daily basis, you were lying. Is that correct?
So just to be clear, when you said you deal with high stakes tests on a daily basis, you were lying. Is that correct?

No. I retired at the end of the school year (a month ago).

So far I have missed zero days of school if you want to get technical (for whatever reason, I don't know).

Let me be to the point so we can move on: (as far as test scores and discipline go)

I've breathed the shit
I've eaten the shit
I've dreamed the shit
I've cussed the shit
I've suffered because of the shit

But as of this upcoming opening day in August-
I won't have to deal with the shit
Just to be clear: You lied in your previous post because you thought it would legitimize your position.
Just to be clear: You lied in your previous post because you thought it would legitimize your position.

You're funny.

You're not on here to debate anything. You must have a bone to pick.

Until school starts in August I am a paid employee.

I deal with the stuff daily, until school is out (ah, that's when students leave for the summer) and NO ONE deals with the shit until August. Until school starts I'm just like any other teacher during June and July.

Stop deflecting from the real source of discussion....
"Supposedly" means each country determains the cut mark and I'm sure it varies from place to place. There is no absolute standard throughout the world.

Here, all students are considered to be Einsteins. Teachers are the ones blamed for the students' stupidity and ignorance...

Teachers being held accountable for education?


Students with no accountability for their own education. Can teachers pour it in them?

I'm not sure what you're saying: Teachers can only teach good students?


Sorry, but the public, much less their offspirng, is not accountable. Period.

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