Our Civilization Peaked Around 1970

1. Kids could play outside.
2. Single income supported a family of 4, insurance was free to workers and you got retirement.
3. Less distractions. TV was it. If you got home in time to watch your show.
4. Education was better.
5. People were healthier. Look at any crowd pic of the period, few were overweight.
6. Sports was an escape from politics and real life.
7. People dressed well.
8. People had better work ethic and working for one company in your life was common.

Yes, you can point to the negatives of that time, but they are all worse today.

Today is not that bad.
we have better cars
the internet changed everything
we have better medicine
we have less pollution
the berlin wall came down
but today's music stinks
We had some nice cars back then too, and they didn’t cost as much as a house either. Agree with the rest. Today’s music sucks.
Good point. Not many cars today will be considered classics 25 years from now. It’s cookie cutter designs in 4 color choices now.

Music millennials listen to today is the worst ever.
Yep the popular cars today are the modern day versions of the muscle and pony cars of 50 years ago - the Mustang, Camaro, Challenger, and Charger. They even have the retro look. All the rest are just cookie cutter designs, as you say, or SUV's which also all look the same. Pickups have gotten huge, and everything, even the cheapest cars cost a fortune.
How long have you worked at NASA?
Would have loved to wofk for NASA but it was not in the cards for me.
However NASA is funded by taxpayers and since I pay taxes I can enjoy their successes.

So YOU never went to the moon at all?
Where the fuck did you think in your feabconversationle mind I said that?

So, just to be clear, you never went to the moon, right?
Fuck Off Im in no mood for word games, Only reply if you want to conduct a serious conversation

You started the game, not me.
A t.v. show came out in the 60's with Archie Bunker. The theme song was 'Those were the days', singing about the old days being better. He was referring to the '40's and '50's. For some, the old days always seem better.
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hmmm I'm going to go with 1965 as the "beginning of the end"

1965 EMTALA - began the destruction of our medical industry (or at least the option of affordable medical care)
1965 Medicare was added into SSI - damning the entire program to failure, mostly due to EMTALA
1965 Welfare/start of the War on Poverty - set the stage for enabling the destruction of family values and personal responsiblity

Just to name a few as I've gotta get moving on stuff.
A t.v. show came out in the 60's with Archie Bunker. The theme song was 'Those were the days', singing about the old days being better. He was referring to the '40's and '50's. For some, the old days always seem better.

All In The Family, and the song refers to the 20s and 30s.
In all this thread no one has been able to show the OP is wrong.

Well, it is a subjective judgement to say which era was better and if we peaked.

Most people that engage in that kind of thinking have some aspect of society that they think is the dominant signal of cultural health and national strength.

For some it is independence and they think the closing of the frontier signaled the beginning of the end, for others it was ending Breton Woods system for internatioonal currency.

I would say we have not yet hit our peak and our best days are still to come.

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