Our Current Position on North Korea?


Dim Bulb

Did we still win a great victory through our judicious use of harsh language? Or is more harsh language needed in order to win another great victory?. Haven't heard much this week so I'm wondering if we are back to the "nuke 'em til they glow" rhetoric. Thanks for letting me know the current party line.
If you are the infamous former poster known as Jake, you should blame the alt-right.
If you are the infamous former poster known as Jake, you should blame the alt-right.
I'm sorry to say this but more than a few people have mentioned this Jake character as potentially being me. He isn't and I'm not. If someone could give me a couple of sentences about this guy I'm curious now. Thanks.
If you are the infamous former poster known as Jake, you should blame the alt-right.
I'm sorry to say this but more than a few people have mentioned this Jake character as potentially being me. He isn't and I'm not. If someone could give me a couple of sentences about this guy I'm curious now. Thanks.
If you start condemning the alt-right for causing everything bad including the weather, we will know you are Jake.
Your current position on NK should be questioning Ukrainian officials about their dirty deal with N.K.

North Korea’s success in testing an intercontinental ballistic missile that appears able to reach the United States was made possible by black-market purchases of powerful rocket engines probably from a Ukrainian factory.Government investigators and experts have focused their inquiries on a missile factory in Dnipro, Ukraine.

Experts believe it is the most likely source of the engines that in July powered the two ICBM tests, which were the first to suggest that North Korea has the range, if not necessarily the accuracy or warhead technology, to threaten American cities.

North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say

Official Kiev already called NYT a Kremlin agent.
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Thanks to the criminal negligence of the Truman administration, N.K. has remained unstable for the 2nd half of the 20th century. Thanks to the criminal actions of the Clinton administration that sold nuclear bomb technology N.K. is a nuclear power. The Trump administration has gone further than any administration in the last sixty years to craft a deal with China and Russia and other nations to isolate the little paranoid dictatorship. N.K. will probably implode in the next couple of years without the need to bomb civilians or put American lives in jeopardy.
The world should never have allowed a rogue military dictatorship to get the bomb.

Odd that Progs don't cry about the conditions that North Korean citizens live under.
Thanks to the criminal negligence of the Truman administration, N.K. has remained unstable for the 2nd half of the 20th century. Thanks to the criminal actions of the Clinton administration that sold nuclear bomb technology N.K. is a nuclear power. The Trump administration has gone further than any administration in the last sixty years to craft a deal with China and Russia and other nations to isolate the little paranoid dictatorship. N.K. will probably implode in the next couple of years without the need to bomb civilians or put American lives in jeopardy.

My man nailed it.
Our position on North Korea is just the same as it has been for 3 decades. The only difference is there is not as much of a difference between our two leaders as their used to be.
Thanks to the criminal negligence of the Truman administration, N.K. has remained unstable for the 2nd half of the 20th century. Thanks to the criminal actions of the Clinton administration that sold nuclear bomb technology N.K. is a nuclear power. The Trump administration has gone further than any administration in the last sixty years to craft a deal with China and Russia and other nations to isolate the little paranoid dictatorship. N.K. will probably implode in the next couple of years without the need to bomb civilians or put American lives in jeopardy.

My man nailed it.
I thought we won last week. My mistake.

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