Our deficit, once the principle issue under Reagan according to the "news," now is a "non issue."


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
Our total debt as a nation has gone from $5 trillion at the start of W's term to almost $22 trillion today. Yet we almost never hear about it from the "news." During Ronald Reagan's Presidency, we heard about the "terrible" $100 billion dollar deficits almost every day. During QUEER-O, we never heard about how "terrible" trillion dollar deficits were.

Why the double standard?

Doesn't the debt/deficit matter?

A: only to those who CARE about AMERICA, which excludes

1. the media
2. the Democrats
3. the post 1998 sold out GOP

and THAT is our REAL problem today, we don't even have anyone we can vote for to fix it.... thanks to just how sold out both parties are....
Obama ran up more debt than any other U.S. President COMBINED, yet we did not hear about it from the MEDIA. Now that Trump is President, they talk about it all the time. The Double Standard exists because the Media is largely Far Left Progressive, and solely pushes the Democrat agenda.
Our total debt as a nation has gone from $5 trillion at the start of W's term to almost $22 trillion today. Yet we almost never hear about it from the "news." During Ronald Reagan's Presidency, we heard about the "terrible" $100 billion dollar deficits almost every day. During QUEER-O, we never heard about how "terrible" trillion dollar deficits were.

Why the double standard?

Doesn't the debt/deficit matter?

A: only to those who CARE about AMERICA, which excludes

1. the media
2. the Democrats
3. the post 1998 sold out GOP

and THAT is our REAL problem today, we don't even have anyone we can vote for to fix it.... thanks to just how sold out both parties are....
Trump is increasing the deficit at a time of solid economic conditions. That is what makes him an idiot compared to Obama, whose stimulus got us out of W's recession.
Quick which President tripled the national debt

the dynamic Duo of cocksucker Obama and the man who kisses his man "wife" more than he does = W

Amazing how two sold out piece of shit liars could do so much harm to the US and still get all kissy kissy....





Obama ran up more debt than any other U.S. President COMBINED, yet we did not hear about it from the MEDIA. Now that Trump is President, they talk about it all the time. The Double Standard exists because the Media is largely Far Left Progressive, and solely pushes the Democrat agenda.
He had to. He had to fix the mess left behind by your party
Obama ran up more debt than any other U.S. President COMBINED, yet we did not hear about it from the MEDIA. Now that Trump is President, they talk about it all the time. The Double Standard exists because the Media is largely Far Left Progressive, and solely pushes the Democrat agenda.
Why are you complaining about Obama’s debt now that you support Trump ballooning the debt? Your media used to talk about it all the time. Double standard, hmm?
Trump is increasing the deficit at a time of solid economic conditions

Trump at least tried to cut spending.

Sold out treasonous pieces of shit Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell blocked that.

QUEER O and W did nothing at all but make sure the money vanished...
Our total debt as a nation has gone from $5 trillion at the start of W's term to almost $22 trillion today. Yet we almost never hear about it from the "news." During Ronald Reagan's Presidency, we heard about the "terrible" $100 billion dollar deficits almost every day. During QUEER-O, we never heard about how "terrible" trillion dollar deficits were.

Why the double standard?

Doesn't the debt/deficit matter?

A: only to those who CARE about AMERICA, which excludes

1. the media
2. the Democrats
3. the post 1998 sold out GOP

and THAT is our REAL problem today, we don't even have anyone we can vote for to fix it.... thanks to just how sold out both parties are....
"I am not worried about the deficit. It is big enough to take care of itself."
- Ronald Reagan

“Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter,”
- Vice President Dick Cheney
He had to. He had to fix the mess left behind by your party


QUEER-O will stand at the top of those who wrecked the US financially. Simply enabling kleptocrats to steal is not "stimulating" to anything except transexual trash....
“Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter,”
- Vice President Dick Cheney

Reagan did not prove that, and Dick Cheney is a top 10 all time traitor.

Dick Cheney only cares about ISRAEL, and didn't care how much he stole to help the cause of Zionism....

George H.W. Bush's Criticisms of Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney Go Back 40 Years - The Atlantic

" he served the president badly,” Bush said."

THAT is the UNDERSTATEMENT of the millennium...
I wonder how many liberals you called soldier hating traitors for opposing Cheney
The deficit went up during Obama and we got nothing for it but double digit unemployment and a stagnant economy and a GDP that never reached 3% in a single year for the only time in history. Where did the money go besides a couple of billion dollars in cash to Iran?
CHENEY is a fucking LIBERAL.

He has a GAY DAUGHTER, and participates in GAY RIGHTS events.


He totally rejects FISCAL CONSERVATISM.

The only thing DICK CHENEY ever cared about is ISRAEL.
Our total debt as a nation has gone from $5 trillion at the start of W's term to almost $22 trillion today. Yet we almost never hear about it from the "news." During Ronald Reagan's Presidency, we heard about the "terrible" $100 billion dollar deficits almost every day.

When you control 90% of the media like the left does you can flip flop. They don't even care if you shove this in their face they just laugh. Something else that suddenly stopped the moment Obama was elected, the weekly body count of troops killed and wounded.
When you control 90% of the media like the left does you can flip flop.

The media is 90% liberal, 10% psuedo-con, and 100% ZIONIST.

That was the real truth of the HW Presidency, when the "media" loved Desert Storm, then turned on HW because HW didn't ditch the UN and 124 allies and invade Iraq alone as ISRAEL wanted...

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